8 September 2014
AMERICA/URUGUAY - “Passionate Communicators of the Good News”: meeting for Cono sur Pontifical Mission Societies
Canelones (Agenzia Fides) – “Missionary Disciples, passionate communicators of the Good News,” is the theme of reflection and discussion for national Directors and Secretaries of the Pontifical Mission Societies ( ...
8 September 2014
AMERICA/MEXICO – Appointment of National Director of the Pontifical Mission Societi
Vatican City (Agenzia Fides) – Cardinal Fernando Filoni, Prefect of the Congregation for the Evangelisation of Peoples on 30 July 2014 appointed National Director of the Pontifical Mission Societies (PMS) in Mex ...
8 September 2014
EUROPE/ITALY - Middle East education emergency: school year at risk for millions of students
Rome (Agenzia Fides) - In Gaza the re-opening of schools – initially set for 24 August and involving more than 240,000 students – was postponed to 14 September. In Iraq more than half a million among the Iraqis force ...
6 September 2014
AFRICA/MOZAMBIQUE – Peace agreement signed in view of October elections
Maputo (Agenzia Fides) – A peace agreement signed yesterday 5 September in Maputo, has put and end to almost two years of “low profile” conflict between government forces and former Renamo guerrillas (Resistenza Na ...
6 September 2014
ASIA/CHINA - Celebration of the sacraments and missionary mandate after Summer catechism courses
Pechino (Agenzia Fides) – A group of 108 catechumens, mostly aged between 5 and 16 years but also a few in their sixties, members of the Xi Kai Cathedral parish in the diocese of Tian Jin, recently received the thre ...
6 September 2014
AMERICA/ARGENTINA - The life of every migrant demands we build a new world; migrants’ pilgrimage to Luján
Buenos Aires (Agenzia Fides) – “The life of every migrant and every refugee demands and urges us to build a new world” we read in a statement issued jointly by the Argentine Bishops’ Commission for Migration and ...
6 September 2014
ASIA/IRAN - Converts to Christianity still risk capital charges
Teheran (Agenzia Fides) – Two Iranian Christians, members of the protestant Church of Iran community have been accused of “spreading corruption in the world”. Two other Christians, Iranian Pastor Matthias Haghnej ...
6 September 2014
ASIA/PHILIPPINES - Silsilah Dialogue Centre advocates harmony in the Year of the Laity
Zamboanga (Agenzia Fides) – Christians and Muslims must work together to promote a spirit of harmony especially in the difficult world of today faced with a new explosion of sectarian violence and radical Islamism in ...
6 September 2014
AFRICA/NIGERIA - “Christians, but also Muslims, flee from Boko Haram” say local Church sources
AFRICA/NIGERIA - “Christians but also Muslims flee from Boko Haram” say local Church sources
Abuja (Agenzia Fides) - “Several churches are in ruins and tens of thousands, mainly Christians, are running to escape ...
5 September 2014
AFRICA/KENYA – New Rector of St. Mary inter-diocesan Major Seminary in the diocese of Nakuru, appointed.
Vatican City(Agenzia Fides) – Cardinal Fernando Filoni, Prefect of the Congregation for the Evangelisation of Peoples, on 12 March 2014 appointed Rector of St Mary inter-diocesan Major Seminary in Molo, in the dioces ...
5 September 2014
AFRICA/KENYA – New Rector for St. Matthias Mulumba Major seminary in the diocese of Eldoret
Vatican City (Agenzia Fides) – Cardinal Fernando Filoni, Prefect of the Congregation for the Evangelisation of Peoples, on 12 March 2014 appointed Rector of St. Matthias Mulumba national major seminary, in the diocese ...
5 September 2014
ASIA/PAKISTAN - Two Christian women abducted, forced to convert to Islam and marry Muslim men
Lahore (Agenzia Fides) – Recently light was shed on yet another case of women abducted from their families, forced to convert to Islam and to marry Muslim men: Fides was informed of the case by lawyer Sardar Mushtaq G ...
5 September 2014
ASIA/LEBANON - Head of Caritas Lebanon: we welcome Iraqi Christian refugees, but they are determined to leave the Middle East
Beirut (Agenzia Fides) – Already some 350 families of Christians who fled Mosul and the villages in the Plain of Ninive have found shelter in Lebanon, “but the numbers continue to rise every day”. Fides learned fro ...
5 September 2014
ASIA/INDIA – Teachers Day: Mother Teresa, teacher ‘par excellence’
ASIA/INDIA – Teachers Day: Mother Teresa, teacher ‘par excellence’
New Delhi (Agenzia Fides) – “As India marks today, 5 September, Teachers Day, by happy coincidence the Church celebrates the feast day of Bles ...
5 September 2014
AFRICA/SOUTH SUDAN – Appeal for embargo on arms entering South Sudan, grave humanitarian crisis
Juba (Agenzia Fides) - “As long as arms are imported into South Sudan, they will most probably be used to commit more atrocities” say the signees of an appeal for an embargo on arms sales to South Sudan, a country d ...
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