3 April 2014
AFRICA/MALAWI - Montfort Media and Luntha TV: two important missionary voices
Lilongwe (Agenzia Fides) - "With nearly 70 people, Montfort Media is a simple and complex reality, capable of producing newspapers and magazines as well as books on catechism for the benefit of those parishes that need t ...
3 April 2014
AMERICA/COLOMBIA - Indigenous children continue to die of hunger and chronic malnutrition
Bogota (Agenzia Fides) - In Colombia, 12% of children suffer from hunger and chronic malnutrition across the Country, 70 % between 0 and 6 years of age that is to say 557 000. The indigenous population are deprived of dr ...
3 April 2014
AFRICA/CONGO DR - New incursions of Rwandan rebels denounced by civil society in North Kivu
Kinshasa (Agenzia Fides) - The rebels of the Democratic Forces for the Liberation of Rwanda (FDLR) have intensified their attacks against civilians in the area of Busanza (eastern Democratic Republic of Congo). According ...
3 April 2014
ASIA/HOLY LAND - The Catholic Bishops: the repetition of the word persecution of Christians plays into the hands of extremists
Jerusalem (Agenzia Fides) - The way and instrumental and misleading tones with which certain Western circles launch warnings concerning the persecution suffered by Christians in the Middle East responds to political calc ...
3 April 2014
ASIA/MYANMAR - Resignation of the Archbishop of Mandalay and successor
Vatican City (Agenzia Fides) - On April 3, 2014, the Holy Father accepted the resignation from the pastoral governance of the Archdiocese of Mandalay (Myanmar), by His Exc. Mgr. Paul Zinghtung Grawng, in accordance with ...
2 April 2014
AFRICA/ZIMBABWE - Thousands of people displaced due to the collapse of a dam; the Church’s appeal
Harare (Agenzia Fides) - The Diocese of Masvingo in the south-west of Zimbabwe has launched an appeal to help thousands of people who have lost homes, land and cattle after the partial collapse of the Tokwe - Mukosi dam, ...
2 April 2014
AMERICA/UNITED STATES - Six thousand migrants have died in 15 years, the U.S. Bishops celebrated a Mass at the border
Arizona (Agenzia Fides ) - "This Mass is for the 6,000 migrants who have died near a border wall in Nogales alone, 11 million people without documents, 30,000 children without parents who have fled. In the desert near he ...
2 April 2014
AMERICA/PERU - More than 600 former child workers have started school in the province of Chiclayo
Chiclayo (Agenzia Fides) - The phenomenon of child workers continues to spread, however, various humanitarian organizations are trying to protect the young victims. In the Peruvian province of Chiclayo there are over 3,3 ...
2 April 2014
AFRICA/CONGO DR – The Bishop of Kilwa-Kasenga launches an alarm on the resumption of the violence carried out by the Bakata Katanga
Kinshasa (Agenzia Fides) - Bishop Fulgence Muteba Mugalu, Bishop of Kilwa-Kasenga, launched the alarm on the resumption of the activities of the Bakata Katanga armed group, in the so-called "triangle of death", Pweto-Mit ...
2 April 2014
AMERICA/BRAZIL - "For a future in freedom and democracy": Bishops' message after 50 years since the military coup
Brasilia (Agenzia Fides) - The Bishops' Council for Pastoral Care (CONSEP) approved yesterday, April 1, a statement on the 50th anniversary of the civil-military coup, entitled "For a future in freedom and democracy". Th ...
2 April 2014
AFRICA/SUDAN - At least 15 villages have been looted in Kutum
Kutum (Agenzia Fides) - The Rapid Support Forces (RSF) continue to attack the town of Kutum, in North Darfur. At least 15 villages in the north east of Kutum have been set on fire. According to the testimonies of the inh ...
2 April 2014
ASIA/IRAN – Iranian Christian prisoner goes on hunger strike
Tehran (Agenzia Fides) - Vahid Hakkani, a Christian convert from Shiraz, went on a hunger strike, despite his poor health, to protest rejection of his conditional release appeal by jucidial authorities. Hakkani was arres ...
31 March 2014
AMERICA/COLOMBIA - Peace talks: conclusion of the 22nd session
Bogota (Agenzia Fides) - The 22nd session of peace talks between the Colombian government and FARC representatives (Colombian Revolutionary Armed Forces) ended yesterday in Havana. The chief negotiator on behalf of the g ...
31 March 2014
ASIA/PAKISTAN - Masih’s death sentence is the "death of justice": it is urgent to repeal the blasphemy law
Lahore (Agenzia Fides) - "We deplore Sawan Masih’s death sentence which has created further fear and insecurity among Christians in Pakistan. This verdict marks the death of justice in Pakistan". This is what was repor ...
31 March 2014
AFRICA/CONGO DR - The creation of an African Criminal Court is urgently needed" said a scholar at the Catholic University of Congo
Kinshasa (Agenzia Fides) – It is necessary to create an African Criminal Court to bring to justice those political and military leaders of the continent that are responsible for serious human right violations. This is ...
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