ASIA/CHINA - Art to transmit faith
Shi Jia Zhuang (Agenzia Fides) - "To communicate the message entrusted to her by Christ, the Church needs art": various Catholic communities of mainland China use art as a tool of evangelization, according to the teachin ...
AFRICA/SOMALIA - Emergency for women and children in refugee camps
Mogadishu (Agenzia Fides) - More than a million people still live scattered in Somalis refugee camps, among them women and children who live every day at great risk of violence of all kinds. Forced to flee and abandon th ...
31 August 2013
ASIA/SYRIA - Caritas: peace talks, only option for the Syrian crisis
Vatican City ( Agenzia Fides) - The ongoing civil war in Syria can only be resolved through peace talks, says a statement issued by Caritas Internationalis and sent to Fides Agency. The Secretary General of Caritas Inter ...
31 August 2013
AFRICA/CENTRAL AFRICA – More witnesses on the fury against Christians
Bangui ( Agenzia Fides) - A delegation from the diocese of Bouar went to Bohong (80 km from Bouar, in the west of the Central African Republic) where on Sunday, August 18 priests and nuns of the Sœurs de la Charité wer ...
AFRICA/ZAMBIA – Death of Cardinal Mazombwe, Archbishop Emeritus of Lusaka
Lusaka ( Agenzia Fides) - Strong emotion in Zambia for the death, on August 29, of Cardinal Medardo Joseph Mazombwe, Archbishop Emeritus of Lusaka.
In a statement sent to Fides Agency by the Episcopal Conference of Zamb ...