30 April 2013
AMERICA/MEXICO - Four priests lose their lives in a tragic accident
Aguascalientes (Agenzia Fides) - "The roads of the region are in poor condition, and this has resulted in a series of fatal accidents, as in the case of the four priests who died last Friday," is what the Bishop of the D ...
30 April 2013
ASIA/EAST TIMOR - The Jesuits: apostolate in prisons in Dili, encouraged by Pope Francis
Dili (Agenzia Fides) - The apostolate in prisons, especially with young prisoners, is one of the special ministries for the Jesuit community in Dili, capital of East Timor. As reported to Fides, the second Sunday of each ...
30 April 2013
AFRICA/ETHIOPIA - The Catholic Church in Ethiopia is a small reality appreciated by all
Addis Ababa (Agenzia Fides) - "We are a small reality but our contribution to the social and spiritual life of the Country is appreciated by all," says to Fides Agency Fr. Hagos Hayish, Secretary General of the Episcopal ...
30 April 2013
ASIA/SRI LANKA - The case of the Buddhist "Taliban" explodes: Church re-launches the work for religious harmony
Colombo (Agenzia Fides) - The group of Buddhist fundamentalist monks, extremist and violent seriously concern civil society and religious minorities. This is 'the alarm sent to Fides Agency by His Exc. Mgr. Raymond Wickr ...
30 April 2013
AFRICA/EGYPT - Coptic Catholic Bishop Fahim Hanna: the meeting between Pope Francis and Pope Tawadros - to walk towards full communion between our Churches
Minya (Agenzia Fides) - The next visit of the Coptic Orthodox Patriarch Tawadros II to Pope Francis, scheduled for Saturday, May 11, "could have important and positive results. I also hope that we can resume the thread o ...
30 April 2013
AFRICA/NIGERIA - Six Bishops of the Province of Jos on a solidarity visit to Maiduguri
Abuja (Agenzia Fides) - "They are leaving for a visit of solidarity to the people of Maiduguri, severely tested by the violence of the Boko Haram sect," says to Fides Agency His Exc. Mgr. Ignatius Ayau Kaigama Archbisho ...
29 April 2013
AMERICA/GUATEMALA - Indifference of the government before violence, the bishops raise their voices recalling the open wounds
Guatemala City (Agenzia Fides) - In a message sent to Fides Agency, the Bishops of Guatemala wanted to celebrate the 15 years of the murder of Mgr. Juan Gerardi (April 26) with an invitation to reflect on his testimony w ...
29 April 2013
AFRICA/CAMEROON - 3 out of 10 children are likely to die of malaria
Yaounde (Agenzia Fides) - In 2010, worldwide, there were about 219 million cases of malaria causing the deaths of 655,000 people. According to the latest estimates by the World Health Organization, Africa, where there ar ...
29 April 2013
ASIA/SOUTH KOREA - The industrial complex of Kaesong closes but the "North-South cooperation is not completely interrupted," notes the Church
Seoul (Agenzia Fides) - South Korea has begun to return home workers engaged in the industrial complex in Kaesong, an area of economic production on the border between the Koreas, the result of cooperation between the go ...
29 April 2013
AFRICA/MALI – The situation improves but the plight of displaced persons and refugees is not forgotten
Bamako (Agenzia Fides) - "The Commission for Dialogue and Reconciliation has already begun its work, the safety conditions have improved and the civil administration is resuming its duties in the northern cities liberate ...
29 April 2013
ASIA/SYRIA - Holy Week of the Eastern Churches begins in the sign of the bishops kidnapped
Aleppo (Agenzia Fides) - The Christian communities in Syria are working together to plead for the release of the two bishops of Aleppo kidnapped – the Syrian-Orthodox Metropolitan Mar Gregorios Yohanna Ibrahim and the ...
29 April 2013
AMERICA/BOLIVIA - Theft in the churches: Cardinal Terrazas responds to Morales
Santa Cruz (Agenzia Fides) - In a clear and direct manner the Bolivian Cardinal Julio Terrazas, confirmed the suitability, loyalty and dedication of his confrere bishops, in service to the Church of Bolivia and denounced ...
29 April 2013
AMERICA/HAITI - Vaccination campaign against deadly childhood diseases
Port au Prince (Agenzia Fides) - After one year since the launch of a campaign of vaccination against various childhood diseases, including measles and polio, Haiti is ready for a similar project against tetanus and rota ...
29 April 2013
ASIA/BANGLADESH - A missionary: "The collapse of the factory brings together the elements of discontent: explosive situation"
Dhaka (Agenzia Fides) - "The story of the collapse of the factory on the outskirts of Dhaka" has shocked the nation and has aggregated all the elements of discontent in society," says to Fides Agency Fr. Silvano Garello, ...
27 April 2013
AMERICA/ECUADOR - The Church defends the Amazon environment, threatened by the interests of market
Pastaza (Agenzia Fides) - "The voracity of huge unscrupulous multinational corporations and governments threaten the natural environment of the Amazon": is what the bishop of Riobamba and president of the Episcopal Commi ...
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