11 July 2012
ASIA/PAPUA NEW GUINEA - Maria Goretti, Patron of the youth in Papua
Rabaul (Agenzia Fides) - The young people of Papua New Guinea love St. Maria Goretti, they worship her as their special patron and consider her as a reference point for their lives. This is what priests, nuns and mission ...
11 July 2012
ASIA/SYRIA - The Syrian Forum of families adheres to the "Mussalaha"
Damascus (Agenzia Fides) - The " Syrian Forum of families" has joined the interfaith movement "Mussalaha" (Reconciliation), which is working to find a way of dialogue between the inter-syrian parties in the current civil ...
11 July 2012
ASIA/INDIA - Appointment of the Bishop of Amravati
Vatican City (Agenzia Fides) - The Holy Father Benedict XVI on July 11, 2012 appointed Rev. Elias Gonsalves, Director of the Social Work of the Archdiocese of Bombay (India) as Bishop of the Diocese of Amravati (India). ...
10 July 2012
VATICAN - Cardinal Filoni to Congolese priests: do not just limit yourselves to managing the ordinary, but arm yourselves with a profound missionary spirit, to bring the Gospel in the middle of the sea and in depth
Kinshasa (Agenzia Fides) - "Today, your ministry cannot be limited to the management of what has been acquired, but you must demonstrate creativity, and arm yourselves with a profound missionary spirit, to bring the Gosp ...
10 July 2012
ASIA/CHINA - A couple of 80-year-old catechists prepare 26 catechumens for baptism in a remote village on the outskirts of Beijing
Beijing (Agenzia Fides) - Thanks to the efforts of the missionary priest, Father Zhang Tian Lu, and the faithful of the parish of Yong Ning, dedicated to the Sacred Heart, in the outlying district of Chang Ping in Beijin ...
10 July 2012
AMERICA/BRAZIL - From July 12 to 15 the third Missionary Congress, a national event
Palmas (Agenzia Fides) - The Church in Brazil is preparing for its third National Missionary Congress (3 CMN) which will take place from July 12 to 15 in Palmas (TO) and will count on the participation of over 600 people ...
10 July 2012
AFRICA/DR CONGO - "The integrity of national territory is not negotiable," say the Bishops
Kinshasa (Agenzia Fides) - "No to the balkanization of Congo. No to the division of the Country," say the Bishops of the Democratic Republic of Congo, in a message made public at the end of their Plenary Assembly held in ...
10 July 2012
ASIA/SYRIA - Towards Reconciliation: more than 300 fighters ready to surrender in Homs
Homs (Agenzia Fides) - More than 300 fighters in the various armed factions of the Syrian opposition in Homs have agreed to surrender, to come under the protection of the interfaith People's Committee "Mussalaha" and con ...
10 July 2012
AMERICA/COLOMBIA - Appeal of Bishops to the government and the guerrillas: "the conflict must cease!"
Bogota (Agenzia Fides) - The President of the Colombian Episcopal Conference, His Exc. Mgr. Ruben Salazar Gomez, made an urgent appeal to the government and the guerrillas so that they open peace negotiations, according ...
10 July 2012
VATICAN - The Pope visits the Ad gentes Center of the Missionaries of the Divine Word: "missionary dynamism lives only if there is the joy of the Gospel"
Nemi (Agenzia Fides) - In the late morning of Monday, July 9, the Holy Father Benedict XVI visited the "Ad Gentes" Centre of the Missionaries of the Divine Word (Society of the Divine Word, SVD) in Nemi (Rome), from Cast ...
10 July 2012
VATICAN - Statement of the Holy See on the Episcopal Ordinations in Harbin and Shanghai (Mainland China)
Vatican City (Agenzia Fides) - With regard to the episcopal ordination of the Reverend Joseph Yue Fusheng, which took place in Harbin (Province of Heilongjiang) on Friday 6 July 2012, the following is stated:
1)The Reve ...
10 July 2012
AFRICA/NIGERIA - Boko Haram claims the massacre at the funeral of the victims of Barkin Ladi
Abuja (Agenzia Fides) - The Islamist group Boko Haram claimed the killing of Sunday, July 8th in Jos, capital of central-eastern Nigerian state of Plateau, during the funerals of some of the 63 victims of the massacre of ...
10 July 2012
ASIA/PAKISTAN - A Christian killed in Sindh, hard life for minorities
Hyderabad (Agenzia Fides) - A Christian worker, Shera Masih, 26, was killed by a Muslim businessman, in the city of Kot Ghulam Muhammad, near Hyderabad, in the province of Sindh. The man was killed in a brutal manner, fo ...
9 July 2012
AMERICA/GUATEMALA - Because of the ethnic tensions, about 200 people, mostly children, are struggling with hunger
San Pedro Carchá (Agenzia Fides) - In the area of the Parish "St. Joseph", entrusted to the Salesian missionaries of the municipality of San Pedro Carchá, there are about 120 villages of the ethnic Maya-Q'eqchi ', not ...
9 July 2012
ASIA/TAIWAN - Mgr.Hung hopes for a greater number of permanent deacons for the service of the Church
Tai Pei (Agenzia Fides) – His Exc. Mgr. John Hung SVD, Archbishop of Tai Pei and President of the Regional Episcopal Conference of Taiwan, encouraged and hopes that the Church of Taiwan may have a greater number of per ...
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