18 June 2012
AFRICA/NIGER - The inhabitants of Tibiri organize themselves to deal with the hunger that affects the region each year
Tibiri (Agenzia Fides) - In Niger, one of the poorest countries in the world, every year six million people out of 18 million inhabitants of the desert region of Sahel in West Africa, suffer from famine situations. Thank ...
18 June 2012
AFRICA/NIGERIA - Attacks in Kaduna: the testimony of the Bishop of Zaria to Fides Agency
Abuja (Agenzia Fides) - "I was preaching during the second morning Mass, when around 9, we heard a loud explosion. The car bomb created a crater 2 feet deep, all around there was broken glass, rubble and burning cars ": ...
18 June 2012
ASIA/SYRIA - Civilians trapped in Homs are likely to die of hunger
Damascus (Agenzia Fides) - "Save us, we are hungry": is the appeal launched by the families of Homs, seeking the intervention of humanitarian organizations. The situation for about 800 civilians (half Muslim Sunni, half ...
18 June 2012
AMERICA/PARAGUAY - Clashes between police and farmers: 17 victims, the Bishops call for an end to violence and to respect laws
Curuguaty (Agenzia Fides) - "The Bishops of Paraguay express their deep regret at the deaths of police officers and farmers which occured on 15 June, during a procedeure of eviction in Curuguaty, and express their solida ...
18 June 2012
ASIA/LEBANON - Conflict in Syria and appointment of the Bishop of Homs in the Synod of the Greek Melkite Church
Beirut (Agenzia Fides) - The conflict in Syria, the plight of the approximately 300 thousand greek-Melkite Catholic faithful in Syria, the appointment of the new Greek-Melkite Bishop of Homs: are among the topics on the ...
18 June 2012
AFRICA/SUDAN - Khartoum authorities have occupied 3 Catholic schools and tried to confiscate a church where the faithful staged a sit-in
Khartoum (Agenzia Fides) - Authorities in Khartoum have occupied three Catholic schools and tried to confiscate a church. This is what Catholic Radio Network (CRN) reported, which cites sources of the Sudanese Church. Ac ...
15 June 2012
ASIA/CHINA - The Sisters of St. Joseph open the doors of their convent, inviting to "open your heart to welcome God's Love"
Beijing (Agenzia Fides) - "Open your heart to welcome God's Love" was the theme of the second day "open doors" sponsored by the Congregation of the Sisters of St. Joseph of the Diocese of Beijing. Given last year’s gre ...
15 June 2012
ASIA/NEPAL - Early Marriages: Every year thousands of girls leave school to marry
Kathmandu (Agenzia Fides) - Every year in Nepal, thousands of girls drop out of school to marry. According to data of the Ministry of Education of Nepal, over 34% of new marriages in the Himalayan region are brides aged ...
15 June 2012
AMERICA/ECUADOR - "The Church before the mega mining projects" forum on an increasingly complex reality
Zamora (Agenzia Fides) -The forum "The Church before the mega mining projects", organized by the Social Pastoral in the south of the country, including the jurisdictions of Zamora Chinchipe Azuay, Azogues, Oro and Loja, ...
15 June 2012
ASIA/SYRIA - Church occupied by militias: the Christians are asking for the respect of Holy Places
Qusayr (Agenzia Fides) - The Greek-Catholic church of St. Elias in Qusayr, near the town of Homs, has been occupied by a group of gunmen of the Syrian opposition, that have established their base. As reported to Fides by ...
15 June 2012
AFRICA/EGYPT - The dissolution of Parliament marks the breaking point between the military and the Islamist forces
Cairo (Agenzia Fides) - On the eve of the June 16 presidential runoff, the Egyptian Constitutional Court ruling that declared unconstitutional all the articles of the electoral law with which the People's Assembly (the l ...
15 June 2012
ASIA/SYRIA - Appeal of the civilians in peril of their life in Homs: "Let us go!"
Homs (Agenzia Fides) - "Let us go, in God's name!" Is a desperate appeal by Christian families and Sunni Muslims trapped in the old town of Homs. We are talking about 800 civilians, including women, elderly, youth, child ...
15 June 2012
AMERICA/CHILE - A project of "Shared Houses" for people living on the streets
Santiago de Chile (Agenzia Fides) - In Chile, 12,255 people live on the streets, among them 2,003 are adults and 725 children. 77% of them work as street vendors and parking attendants or do the cleaning in factories. Th ...
15 June 2012
AFRICA/CONGO DR - The rebels sabotage a pipeline: for the UN this "is a criminal act of intolerable war"
Kinshasa (Agenzia Fides) - "A criminal act of intolerable war." Thus, the spokesman MONUSCO (United Nations Mission in Congo) has defined the sabotage of water pipes serving 5 villages in the Rutshuru area, in North Kivu ...
15 June 2012
AMERICA/BRAZIL - The Third Missionary Congress is approaching: The Missio ad Gentes is the primary mission of the Church
Brasilia (Agenzia Fides) – In less than a month the Third National Missionary Congress of Brazil will begin, the event is strongly felt in the community. The Congress will be held in Palmas (Brazil), from July 12 to 15 ...
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