7 May 2012
AMERICA/PERU - San Martin de Porres: 50 years after the canonization of the patron of social justice
Lima (Agenzia Fides) - On the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the canonization of St. Martin de Porres, the Dominicans (OP), Order to which he belonged, have prepared a special program to celebrate this event with in ...
7 May 2012
AFRICA/ETHIOPIA - No one should die any more when giving birth: new public health project to reduce maternal and infant mortality
Wolisso (Agenzia Fides) - A new public health project to reduce maternal and infant mortality in 4 African countries has just been inaugurated in Wolisso, in Ethiopia. Funded by the Italian Cooperation, and launched in J ...
7 May 2012
ASIA/TAIWAN - Permanent married deacons need to be promoted to meet present and future demands of evangelization
Tai Pei (Agenzia Fides) - Married permanent deacons should be promoted in Taiwan to meet current pastoral needs, to face the ageing of the clergy and the shortage of vocations to priesthood: this was decided during the S ...
7 May 2012
ASIA/INDONESIA - Serious concerns about respect for human rights and religious minorities
Jakarta (Agenzia Fides) - In Indonesia there are "serious concerns" for respect of human rights and religious minorities: this is what is said a note by the NGO "Human Rights Watch" (HRW), published today, sent to Fides. ...
7 May 2012
ASIA/PAKISTAN - Health facilities are weak and insufficient: 30 thousand women and thousands of children die each year
Islamabad (Agenzia Fides) - Mother and child health care in Pakistan is extremely precarious, health facilities are weak and insufficient. From 25 000 to 30 000 women die each year due to complications due to pregnancy a ...
7 May 2012
AMERICA/HONDURAS - "To live as disciples in a multicultural world": the Honduran Church toward the CAM 4
Tegucigalpa (Agenzia Fides) - "The Honduran Church is preparing to live intensely a year of preparation for the CAM 4 (Fourth American Missionary Congress). CAM's dream is to give life to a church where all can live as m ...
7 May 2012
AMERICA/EL SALVADOR - Everyone is involved to come out of violence, the Church encourages institutions to dialogue
San Salvador (Agenzia Fides) - The Archbishop of San Salvador, His Exc Mgr. José Luis Escobar Alas, approved the establishment of dialogue of the President, Mauricio Funes with different sectors of the country, in order ...
7 May 2012
AFRICA/KENYA - Emergency Refugee in the Mission of Camp Garba: more than 3 thousand people need everything
Camp Garba (Agenzia Fides) - "The situation in refugee camps is dramatic, government aid is rather insufficient, everyone is afraid to go to the area, the essential is lacking, especially water, increasing the risk of di ...
4 May 2012
ASIA/HONG KONG - "Gift of God’s Love": a diocesan meeting sponsored by the Commission for Vocations
Hong Kong (Agenzia Fides) - "Gift of God’s Love" was the theme of the prayer meeting sponsored by the Diocese of Hong Kong on the occasion of the International Day of Prayer for Vocations, which took place on April 28 ...
4 May 2012
AFRICA/MOZAMBIQUE - Young missionary killed during a robbery at the mission of Liqueleva
Liqueleva (Agenzia Fides) - Fr. Valentim Eduardo Camale, of the Consolata Missionaries (IMC), was brutally killed on May 3, 2012 during a robbery at the mission of Liqueleva (Mozambique), which occurred at 8 pm. Accordin ...
4 May 2012
AMERICA/COLOMBIA - Ten years ago, the FARC killed 78 faithful in Bojayá, including 48 children, who took refuge in church
Bojayá (Agenzia Fides) - Ten years ago the FARC (Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia) murdered 78 members of the parish of Bojayá, including 48 children, who had taken refuge in the church of St. Paul the Apostle in ...
4 May 2012
ASIA/SYRIA - The Assembly of Bishops (7 absent) re-launches reconciliation and calls on the vote
Aleppo (Agenzia Fides) - The conflict and ongoing violence in Syria have had a strong impact on the Assembly of Catholic bishops of Syria, which ended in recent days in Aleppo. As reported to Fides, out of 17 Prelates pr ...
4 May 2012
ASIA/SYRIA - The Church: hope for a "credible UN mission"
Aleppo (Agenzia Fides) - "Our hope is that the UN Mission of Observers is credible, fair, independent and restores peace with regards to the situation. We call on all warring parties to accept the UN Observers, who come ...
4 May 2012
ASIA/PHILIPPINES - A documentary and a march to protect the culture of life
Manila (Agenzia Fides) - The Church of the Philippines intends to pursue a "culture war" to protect the value of life: this is why it promoted the creation of a documentary entitled "Philippines: preserving a culture of ...
4 May 2012
AMERICA/PERU - Six months of heavy rain has caused 53 victims and 260 000 homeless
Lima (Agenzia Fides) - Since November last year, when the rains began to fall, until recent days, considering the 25 regions across the country, the total affected by natural disasters is very high: 53 deaths and more th ...
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