13 April 2012
ASIA/BANGLADESH - Around 700 000 children living on the streets
Dhaka (Agenzia Fides) - All over the world there are 250 million "street children": they are the poorest of the poor, completely marginalized, they live, work and sleep on the street. According to estimates by the Spanis ...
13 April 2012
AMERICA/BOLIVIA - 850 000 maltreated children who work in precarious conditions
La Paz (Agenzia Fides) – Half of the Bolivian population, over 5 million people, is 17 years or less old, and among these, approximately 850 000 children and adolescents working in dangerous and poorly paid activities ...
12 April 2012
ASIA/PAKISTAN - Forced conversions to Islam: Summit of the National Commission for Minorities
Islamabad (Agenzia Fides) - The National Commission for Minorities, Pakistan's governing body, will dedicate a specific meeting with regards to the old question of forced conversions to Islam. This is what the Minister o ...
12 April 2012
ASIA/PAKISTAN - Christians kidnapped in Karachi: a hostage has been released
Karachi (Agenzia Fides) - A Pakistani Christian, Symond Andre, kidnapped more than a month ago in Karachi, was found in past days and is free. The man had been kidnapped at the end of February, with a colleague during a ...
12 April 2012
EUROPE/POLAND - The Polish parliament is hosting an exhibition dedicated to Cardinal Kozlowiecki, a missionary in Zambia for 50 years
Warsaw (Agenzia Fides) - "In search of reconciliation - with open hands" is the title of the exhibition dedicated to the figure of Cardinal Adam Kozlowiecki (1911-2007), missionary in Africa for half a century, inaugurat ...
12 April 2012
ASIA/CHINA - Chinese Catholic Community in New York: at Easter 154 baptisms and 216 confirmations
New York City (Agenzia Fides) - During Easter there were 154 baptisms and 216 confirmations in the three churches attended by the Chinese Catholic community in New York, according to what was reported to Fides by Faith o ...
12 April 2012
AMERICA/COSTA RICA - Confirmation of the National Director of the Pontifical Mission Societies
Vatican City (Agenzia Fides) - The Prefect of the Congregation for the Evangelization of Peoples, on December 29, 2011 confirmed Rev. Edgar Orozco Alfaro, of the diocesan clergy of San Isidro de El General as National Di ...
12 April 2012
ASIA/INDIA - In 10 years 7,563 rapes in the state of Jharkhand, the tribal population is also severely affected
Ranchi (Agenzia Fides) - Since the establishment of the new state of Jharkhand, on November 15, 2000, 7,563 rapes have been recorded, 3,398 acts of violence, 576 assisted deaths and over 100 deaths caused by starvation. ...
12 April 2012
AMERICA/MEXICO - Birth of a phone line to assist Mexican children in difficulty
Toluca (Agenzia Fides) - Violence in all its forms is a daily problem for Mexican children, we are dealing with a silent plague, which very few tmes is reported and therefore there are no certain figures. To address this ...
12 April 2012
AFRICA/MALI - Christians in danger in northern Mali
Bamako (Agenzia Fides) - "Christians feel threatened, scared and hide. In Gao a church was destroyed (see Fides 03/4/2012) as well as other property belonging to the local Church community. Even bars and hotels privately ...
12 April 2012
AFRICA/SOUTH SUDAN - The tension between Sudan and South Sudan threatens to escalate into open war
Juba (Agenzia Fides) - South Sudan does not intend to withdraw its troops from the disputed oil-rich area of Heglig, subtracted from the hands of soldiers in Khartoum on April 10. This is what south Sudan President, Salv ...
11 April 2012
ASIA/PAKISTAN-"Family" and "Year of Faith" at the center of the Easter celebrations
Lahore (Agenzia Fides) – The attention towards family, the cradle of Christian life, and the beginning of the Year of Faith - expected next October –marked the Easter celebrations of the Church in Pakistan, says to F ...
11 April 2012
ASIA/PAKISTAN- A convent school destroyed by the Taliban reopens, "a sign of resurrection"
Islamabad (Agenzia Fides) - For the Sisters of the Presentation it is a special event, a congregation of Irish origin with three communities in Pakistan: women religious in recent days celebrated the reopening of a girls ...
11 April 2012
AMERICA/MEXICO - How to offer cultural attractions to the young and push them away from danger
Ciudad Juarez (Agenzia Fides) – To offer cultural attractions for the young and push them away from very common dangerous situations in Ciudad Juarez in the Mexican state of Chihuahua, is the goal of the project "Cultu ...
11 April 2012
ASIA/HONG KONG - Cardinal Tong encourages the newly baptized and their catechists to be witnesses of faith in the footsteps of the first Christian communities
Hong Kong (Agenzia Fides) - Cardinal John Tong Hon, Bishop of the Diocese of Hong Kong, encouraged about 3,500 catechumens who were baptized and the other two sacraments of Christian initiation (Confirmation and Eucharis ...
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