24 February 2012
EUROPE/ITALY - Oblates of St. Joseph: to have the courage of evangelical poverty to evangelize the poor
Rome (Agenzia Fides) - Pastoral service in missions and parishes, youth education, spreading the devotion to St. Joseph: these are the objectives of the Oblates of St. Joseph, a congregation founded in 1878 by St. Joseph ...
24 February 2012
AMERICA/GUATEMALA - Huge disparities between boys and girls rights
Guatemala City (Agenzia Fides) – A report concerning the "State of the World’s Girls 2011" has just been published. According to the Organization for International Planning of Guatemala it is obvious that there is gr ...
24 February 2012
ASIA/TAIWAN - Episcopal Conference and Caritas offer indication to pastors and material for Lent
Tai Pei (Agenzia Fides) - "We hope that the material distributed helps to convey the message to the faithful, to mobilize the whole community" in order to live well during the Lent period, as indicated by the Holy Father ...
24 February 2012
AFRICA/SOMALIA - Conference in London: the Constituent Assembly for Somalia, renewed commitment to fight terrorism and piracy
Mogadishu (Agenzia Fides) - "The decisions on the future of Somalia remains in the hands of the Somali people. The Somali political leadership must be accountable to the people. " As a consequence the final communiqué o ...
24 February 2012
ASIA/IRAN - New restrictions on Christian worship in the Persian language: the faithful under pressure
Tehran (Agenzia Fides) - Christian worship in the Persian language, which is the national language in Iran - is not welcomed by the authorities: the last two Christian churches offering rituals and celebrations in Persia ...
24 February 2012
ASIA/KUWAIT - A new Islamic parliamentary group: "Stop to the new churches, yes to sharia"
Kuwait City (Agenzia Fides) - The new Islamic parliamentary group "Al-Adala Bloc" (Group of Justice) has announced a bill to prohibit the construction of churches and other non-Islamic places of worship in the small emir ...
24 February 2012
AFRICA/COTE D'IVOIRE - Appointment of the Rector of the Theological Seminary in Abidjan
Vatican City (Agenzia Fides) - The Prefect of the Congregation for the Evangelization of Peoples, on September 20, 2011 appointed rev. Basile Djro Djro, of the clergy of Abidjan as Rector of the inter-diocesan Theologica ...
24 February 2012
AFRICA/BURKINA FASO-Thousands of displaced Tuareg from conflict zones of Mali, the situation worsens
Ouagadougou (Agenzia Fides) - At least 8 000 Tuareg fleeing from fighting in neighboring Mali have found refuge in Burkina Faso, arriving in poor condition. The Government has organized to establish a coordination commit ...
24 February 2012
AFRICA/NIGERIA-"There is evidence of links between Boko Haram and Al Qaeda in Islamic Maghreb" said a Nigerian general
Abuja (Agenzia Fides) - "We were able to link the activities of Boko Haram to the training and logistical support that the sect receives by Al Qaeda in Islamic Maghreb (AQMI)." This is what the Nigerian Air Force Chief o ...
24 February 2012
AMERICA/BOLIVIA - In Latin America, the drug trade and the indigenous reality question the Church
Cochabamba (Agenzia Fides) - "In Latin America, the indigenous reality questions the Church" is the title of the interview to His Exc. Mgr. Marc Stenger, Bishop of Troyes, in France, a member of the Episcopal Commission ...
24 February 2012
ASIA/INDIA - Work and education: the Church's commitment to the families of fishermen killed in Kerala
Quilon (Agenzia Fides) - Legal assistance, job search and livelihood, education for children, psychological and material support: with these means the Indian Church expresses solidarity to the families of the two fisherm ...
23 February 2012
AFRICA/SOMALIA - "The military option alone is not enough: We need major political effort," says to Fides the Bishop of Djibouti
Mogadishu (Agenzia Fides) - "As was the case on previous occasions, the hopes of some are high. I myself hope that from the London conference something positive comes out. It is true that, after so many failed conference ...
23 February 2012
OCEANIA/NEW ZEALAND - Resignation of the Bishop of Palmerston and succession
Vatican City (Agenzia Fides) - The Holy Father Benedict XVI on February 22, 2012 accepted the resignation from the pastoral governance of the Diocese of Palmerston North (New Zealand), presented by His Exc. Mgr. Peter Ja ...
23 February 2012
AFRICA/BENIN - Appointment of the Rector of the inter-diocesan Seminary "Saint Gall" in Cotonou
Vatican City (Agenzia Fides) - The Prefect of the Congregation for the Evangelization of Peoples, on July 20, 2011 appointed rev. Didier Abiola Affolabi, of the diocese of Porto-Novo as Rector of the inter-diocesan Semin ...
23 February 2012
AFRICA/MADAGASCAR - Appointment of the Rector of the Theological Seminary "St. Jean Baptiste" in Fianarantsoa
Vatican City (Agenzia Fides) - The Prefect of the Congregation for the Evangelization of Peoples, on August 29, 2011 appointed rev. Delphin Kolo Ratsiadino, of the clergy of the diocese of Mananjari as Rector of the Majo ...
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