8 November 2011
AMERICA/GUATEMALA - A retired general president of Guatemala
Guatemala City (Agenzia Fides) - The retired general Otto Perez Molina, who had promised an implacable struggle against the violence generated by drug trafficking, was declared winner of presidential elections on Novembe ...
8 November 2011
AFRICA/NIGERIA - Appointment of the Auxiliary of Abuja
Vatican City (Agenzia Fides) - The Holy Father Benedict XVI on November 8, 2011 appointed Auxiliary of the Archdiocese of Abuja (Nigeria) Rev. Fr. Anselm Umoren, M.S.P, Superior General of the Society of Missionaries of ...
8 November 2011
AFRICA/ZIMBABWE - Thousands of girls forced to leave school
Harare (Agenzia Fides) - Poverty, abuses, cultural traditions prevent one third of girls to attend school in Zimbabwe, denying them a basic education. According to a recent study carried out by Plan International, an NGO ...
8 November 2011
ASIA/INDIA - Anti-Christian violence on the rise: it is urgent to approve a new law
Mangalore (Agenzia Fides) - The anti-Christian violence has increased in the last year and has registered over 1,000 cases. To stop this situation, the approval of the new "Law for the Prevention of inter-communal violen ...
7 November 2011
VATICAN - The Pope follows the "tragic events" that occurred in Nigeria and calls for "an end to all violence"
Vatican City (Agenzia Fides) - After reciting the midday Angelus with the pilgrims and the faithful gathered in St. Peter's Square, on Sunday, November 6, the Holy Father Benedict XVI invited "to put an end to all violen ...
7 November 2011
ASIA/HONG KONG - Responding with Catholic values to the challenges posed today with regards to marriage
Hong Kong (Agenzia Fides) – His Exc. Mgr. John Tong, Bishop of the Diocese of Hong Kong, encouraged the members of The Hong Kong Catholic Marriage Advisory Council, gathered for the annual meeting, to respond to the ch ...
7 November 2011
ASIA/PHILIPPINES - Appeals to the international community: "For Fr. Tentorio’s case, more pressure on the government"
Cotabato (Agenzia Fides) – To have justice and truth with regards to the murder of Father Fausto Tentorio, PIME, killed in Arakan (on the island of Mindanao, Southern Philippines) on October 17, "the international comm ...
7 November 2011
ASIA/INDIA - A Protestant Pastor "is judged by an Islamic court for fraudulent conversions"
Srinagar (Agenzia Fides) - A Protestant Pastor, accused of promoting "fraudulent conversions" in Kashmir, has been summoned to appear before an Islamic court and is in danger of life due to the threats of Islamic extremi ...
7 November 2011
AFRICA/NIGERIA - "Benedict XVIs words will encourage the authorities to act quickly", says the Archbishop of Jos
Abuja (Agenzia Fides) - "We are very happy that the Pope has Nigeria in mind and prays for the peaceful coexistence of the people in Nigeria. We are very reassured by his words, for which we thank him", says to Fides Arc ...
7 November 2011
ASIA/PAKISTAN - "Minorities discriminated, while extremism is growing", says the President of the Episcopal Conference, one year after Asia Bibi’s sentence
Islamabad (Agenzia Fides) - "Religious minorities in Pakistan suffer discrimination in the silence of the government and institutions", and "Islamic extremism has grown strongly in recent years and affects the social and ...
7 November 2011
ASIA/PAKISTAN - Two women in the front line to defend the rights of minorities
Islamabad (Agenzia Fides) - A year after Asia Bibi’s death sentence – a Christian woman unjustly condemned for blasphemy on November 8, 2010 - Today two women in Pakistan have taken the leadership in defending the ri ...
7 November 2011
AFRICA/IVORY COAST - After the post-election disorder children start going back to school, late and traumatized
Abidjan (Agenzia Fides) - In Côte d'Ivoire the school year generally begins in late October. Instead this year the opening has been delayed by the difficulties caused by post-election violence that disrupted classes for ...
7 November 2011
AMERICA/EL SALVADOR - The Archbishop of San Salvador calls on the government to improve initiatives against violence
San Salvador (Agenzia Fides) - The Catholic Church has called on the Salvadoran government to improve the security plan because so far it has failed to achieve the goal of reducing violence, indeed, this has become "a cr ...
7 November 2011
AMERICA/UNITED STATES - USCMA: a rich missionary history of study, dialogue and collaboration
Miami (Agenzia Fides) - "The USCMA Annual Mission Conference is probably the only national Conference that brings together missionaries (religious men and women, lay people, diocesan directors and clergy) together in the ...
5 November 2011
AFRICA/SOMALIA - After the drought, the rain hits the Somali refugees, "Kenyan military operations make the situation even more complex", says Caritas
Mogadishu (Agenzia Fides) - After the drought, torrential rains are aggravating the Somali refugees’ situation, at home and abroad. According to reports from the UN High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) at the refugee ...
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