15 June 2011
AFRICA-File: the Regional and Interfaith Network of Religious Leaders for Peace (RINRLP)
Rome (Fides Service) - The Regional and Interfaith Network of Religious Leaders for Peace (RINRLP) was born at the end of the international Conference of religious leaders of the 4 countries affected by the LRA (Lord's R ...
15 June 2011
EUROPE/ITALY-Prayer vigil for victims of the trips to Europe: in 2011 more than 1820
Rome (Fides Service) - Since 1990 at least 17,597 people have died on the journey along the borders of Europe. The change that is affecting the geopolitical organization which is affecting Countries of North Africa and i ...
15 June 2011
ASIA/INDONESIA-The priest, author of "communion" in a pluralistic nation
Semarang (Agenzia Fides) - The priest is a man called to build "community" at all levels: in the community, in relationships with other religions, in civil society in a pluralistic nation like Indonesia. This is what was ...
15 June 2011
AFRICA/ETHIOPIA-Beggars in Addis Ababa and the Day of the African Child
Addis Ababa (Fides Service) - The African Union has promoted in the month of June, the Day of the African Child. The Salesian missionaries, have been present in the continent for over 100 years, have developed many proje ...
15 June 2011
AMERICA/HAITI - Mobile units to fight the cholera outbreak
Lodi (Fides Service) - An emergency operation for the creation of mobile units against cholera in Haiti has recently been approved. OCHA, the United Nations Organization for the Coordination of Humanitarian Aid, has ap ...
14 June 2011
ASIA/CHINA-The month of the Sacred Heart lived in the spirit of charity towards young children
Beijing (Agenzia Fides) - "Whatever you have done to even one of my younger brothers, you have done it to me": following the teachings of Jesus, the faithful of the Cathedral dedicated to S. Peter and Paul of the Dioces ...
14 June 2011
ASIA/TURKEY-A Christian lawyer elected to Parliament: new hope for the country
Istanbul (Agenzia Fides) - A Syriac Christian, lawyer Erol Dora, 47, was elected to Turkey’s Parliament during the elections on June 12 and, as sources of Fides say, he has said that he will "become the voice of the C ...
14 June 2011
AFRICA/NIGERIA-Violence in the northeast of Nigeria: the testimony of the Bishop of Maiduguri to Fides
Maiduguri (Agenzia Fides) - The Diocese of Maiduguri, whose territory covers two and a half states situated in the northeast of Nigeria, for years has experienced series of sectarian crises. His Exc. Mgr. Oliver Dashe Do ...
14 June 2011
ASIA/INDIA-The Christians and the future of India: priority to peace, justice, education, religious freedom
New Delhi (Agenzia Fides) - The priorities for the future of India are the issues that affect peace, justice, education, religious freedom, respect for minorities: this is what Christian Indians say, considering the nex ...
14 June 2011
AFRICA/LIBYA-"It seems to me that the war in Libya has been put in the background", says Bishop Martinelli
Tripoli (Fides Service) - "Speaking to some journalists one has the impression that Italy does not talk much of the war in Libya, an event that has become uninteresting. On many other occasions events are organized, for ...
14 June 2011
AFRICA/BENIN-Appointment of the Archbishop of Parakou
Vatican City (Agenzia Fides) - On June 14, 2011 the Holy Father Benedict XVI appointed the Archbishop of Parakou (Benin), His Exc. Mgr.Pascal N'Koué, who has been Bishop of Natitingou (Benin). (SL) (Agenzia Fides 06/14 ...
14 June 2011
AMERICA/ARGENTINA-"One builds on quicksand when we allow 'social cancer', corruption" to enter: the Bishop of San Juan on the anniversary of the founding of the city
San Juan de Cuyo (Fides Service) - "When social life is based on the ethical principle of good, society matures in peace, and so it is a pleasure to live in. But when we forget about justice and truth, there remains only ...
14 June 2011
AMERICA/PANAMA-Child labor is a "social distortion" denounces the Archbishop of Panama
Panama City (Fides Service) – In the context of the celebrations of the World Day Against Child Labour, on Sunday, June 12, the Archbishop of Panama, His Exc. Mgr. José Domingo Ulloa Mendieta, OSA, criticized the hig ...
14 June 2011
AFRICA/SUDAN-Stop violence that affects defenseless civilians: Appeal on behalf of the Sudan Ecumenical Forum
El Obeid (Agenzia Fides) – In less than a month Southern Sudan will be an independent state, and a new humanitarian crisis is likely to erupt in the territories. In a statement released by ANS says that the Sudan Ecume ...
14 June 2011
VATICAN-Benedict XVI: "The Church, each one of us, must bring in the world this Good News that Jesus is the Lord"
Vatican City (Agenzia Fides) - "Faith is not kept alive by itself in the world, it is not transmitted automatically to the human heart, but must always be proclaimed... The Church, each one of us, needs to bring in the w ...
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