20 January 2011
ASIA/CHINA - The lonely elderly, the sick, orphans and young immigrant workers at the attention of the mainland Catholic community in view of the Chinese new year
Beijing (Agenzia Fides) – As every year, in view of the Chinese new year, the mainland Catholic community has intensified its charity work, especially towards the lonely elderly, the sick, orphans, the young and immigr ...
20 January 2011
OCEANIA/AUSTRALIA - The Church in Australia and the Archdiocese of Brisbane's commitment continues to helping the flood victims of Queensland
Brisbane (Agenzia Fides) – The Archbishop of Brisbane, Archbishop John Bathersby, expressed his solidarity and support to the flood victims and to their families, testifying that the Church is “determined to do every ...
20 January 2011
AFRICA/NIGERIA - Appointment of Rector of inter-diocesan St Jospeh's Major Seminary in Ikot Ekpene
Vatican City (Agenzia Fides) – Cardinal Ivan Dias, Prefect for the Congregation for the Evangelisation of Peoples, on 5 November 2010 appointed as Rector of the inter-diocesan St Jospeh's Major Seminary, in the diocese ...
20 January 2011
OCEANIA/AUSTRALIA - Bishop alarmed about the lengthy suffering of people seeking political asylum
Sydney (Agenzia Fides) - “The Federal Government must ease the suffering of asylum seekers in remote facilities waiting for their claims to be assessed,” reads the message from Bishop Christopher Saunders of Broome, ...
20 January 2011
AFRICA/TUNISIA - The echoes of a Tunisian revolt can even be heard in sub-Saharan Africa
Roma (Agenzia Fides) – The echo of the people's revolt which forced President Zine al-Abidine Ben Ali of Tunisia to flee, may be heard not only in the north African world and the Middle East but also in sub-Saharan Afr ...
20 January 2011
ASIA/SRI LANKA - Support urged for refugees and former Tamil refugees
Colombo (Agenzia Fides) – More than 320,000 citizens suffer from being displaced, while 190,000 former refugees, returned home after stays in refugees camps – in the latest phases of civil conflict, which ended in ...
20 January 2011
AFRICA/MADAGASCAR - “I followed my conscience which impelled me alleviate the suffering I saw”: testimony of medical volunteer in Africa
Rome (Agenzia Fides) - “There can be no limit to understanding the causes of poverty in Africa, action is needed,” Fides was told by Dr Luigi Bellini, founder of the “Le Samaritain” diagnostic medical centre in A ...
20 January 2011
ASIA/Philippines - Rising crime, Bishops appeal to respect the law and guarantee security
Manila (Agenzia Fides) – Crime is increasing and prospering; murders, kidnappings and episodes of violence make the headlines every day; and the widespread fear of all citizens are all elements of serious concern to ...
19 January 2011
AMERICA/VENEZUELA - Towards the IV American Missionary Congress: Missiology Symposium on secularism as a challenge to the mission
Caracas (Agenzia Fides) – The international Missiology Symposium's theme will be: “Secularization today and in the future, challenge to the mission”, to be held from 24 to 27 January in Caracas (Venezuela) and whic ...
19 January 2011
ASIA/CHINA - Evangelisation continues to be the absolute priority for the mainland community
Beijing (Agenzia Fides) – At the beginning of the new year evangelisation continues to be the priority in the life of the Catholic mainland community in China, who are being asked what has been done in this area during ...
19 January 2011
AFRICA/KENYA - Appointment of Rector of “Cristo Re” National Major Seminary in Nyeri
Vatican City (Agenzia Fides) – Cardinal Ivan Dias, Prefect of the Congregation for the Evangelisation of Peoples, on 8 November 2010, appointed as Rector of inter-diocesan “Cristo Re” Major Seminary, in the Archdio ...
19 January 2011
ASIA/SOUTH KOREA - A Glossary to learn the Catholic faith for people engaged in mass media
Seoul (Agenzia Fides) – The Church in Korea has published a Glossary for use by workers in communications or mass media, to clarify the meaning of important terms within the Catholic faith. As Fides has been advised by ...
19 January 2011
AFRICA/CÔTE D'IVOIRE - Failed mediation by Kenyan Premier, new attempts at a peaceful conclusion to the crisis
Abidjan (Agenzia Fides)- “Time is up”, said the Kenyan Prime Minister, Raila Odinga, mediator for the African Union in the crisis in Côte d'Ivoire, in an announcement on 19 January about the failed attempt to come t ...
19 January 2011
AMERICA/BRAZIL - An “ecumenical” commitment to help the flood victims
Rio de Janeiro (Agenzia Fides) – Church and ecumenical groups in Brazil are working side by side to help the thousands of people affected by the devastating floods and mudslides near Rio de Janeiro (see Fides 15/1/2011 ...
19 January 2011
AFRICA/SENEGAL - IV continental FIAC Meeting for Western Africa opens today
Dakar (Agenzia Fides) – The West African Continental Meeting of the International Forum for Catholic Action (FIAC) opens today, on the theme: “Life, bread, peace and liberty. For a prosperous, peaceful, reconciled Af ...
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