26 October 2022
AFRICA/ESWATINI - Bishop of Manzini fears new wave of violence
Manzini (Agenzia Fides) - "We fear a second strong wave of political violence", warns Bishop José Luis Ponce de León IMC of Manzini in eSwatini (former Swaziland), where on October 18, 2022 in Manzini two police office ...
26 October 2022
ASIA/INDONESIA - Camillians on the island of Flores for 13 years
Maumere (Agenzia Fides) - The number thirteen is described as a "lucky number" and this also seems to apply to the Camillians in Indonesia who, on July 3, 2009, that is 13 years ago, arrivved in Maumere, on the island of ...
26 October 2022
EUROPE/RUSSIA - "Ecumenism of blood". In Moscow the memory of martyrs unites Christians of different confessions
Moscow (Agenzia Fides) - "What has helped the faithful to remain firm in the faith in times of persecution? And can the common memory of the martyrs help to overcome confessional barriers and help one another?". These ar ...
25 October 2022
AFRICA/UGANDA - Resignation and Appointment of bishop of Kotido
Vatican City (Agenzia Fides) - The Holy Father has accepted the resignation from the pastoral care of the diocese of Kotido, Uganda, presented by Bishop Giuseppe Filippi, M.C.C.J.
The Holy Father has appointed the Rever ...
25 October 2022
AFRICA/CENTRAL AFRICA - At the mission of Monassao, the pride of possessing the 'Card of the Baptized'
Monassao (Agenzia Fides) - "Many lives speak to me and bear witness to their faith every day here in Monassao, in the midst of many problems, difficulties, suffering, but at the same time they speak to me of joy, courage ...
25 October 2022
AFRICA/CHAD - The Bishops: "unjustified violence" against peaceful demonstrators
N'Djamena (Agenzia Fides) - "We express our regret and our indignation" for the "unjustified violence" against peaceful demonstrators, says the Bishops' Conference of Chad, in the aftermath of the violent repression of t ...
25 October 2022
AMERICA/BRAZIL - Women and children also victims of violence in land conflicts, homicides increase by 150%, "slave labor" decreases
Brasilia (Agenzia Fides) - In the first half of 2022, 759 episodes of “no-camp” conflicts were recorded in Brazil, involving 113,654 families. These episodes correspond to 601 cases of land conflicts, 105 cases of co ...
25 October 2022
ASIA - With heart and mind open to God's will: the Bishops of Asia "before the burning bush"
Bangkok (Agenzi Fides) - In a continent that suffers three "divides": the social divide, the spiritual divide between oneself and others; the ecological divide between man and creation, the Bishops of Asia allow themselv ...
25 October 2022
EUROPE/SPAIN - The "Pauline Jaricot" Prize to Sister Narváez and Father Maccalli, witnesses of the Gospel
Madrid (Agenzia Fides) - "I want to thank God, who has given me the opportunity to be born again and to return to my mission". These are the words of Sr. Gloria Cecilia Narváez, a Colombian missionary nun who was awarde ...
24 October 2022
AMERICA/PARAGUAY - Social Week 2022: The focus is on land rights and agricultural reform
Asuncion (Agenzia Fides) - "Land ownership in Paraguay" is the theme of the "Social Week 2022" to be held from 25 to 27 October in the capital Asuncion, organized by the Episcopal Commission for Social Pastoral Care. The ...
24 October 2022
AFRICA/DR CONGO - Appointment of the Bishop of Doruma-Dungu
Vatican City (Agenzia Fides) - The Holy Father has appointed the Reverend Msgr. Emile Mushosho Matabaro, of the clergy of Bukavu, currently apostolic administrator of the diocese of Doruma-Dungu, as bishop of the same di ...
24 October 2022
AFRICA/ETHIOPIA - Pope Francis: "violence does not resolve discord". The region awaits peace talks
Addis Abeba (Agenzia Fides) - The Eritrean troops advancing alongside the Ethiopians have taken control of Adua, the historic city in the Tigray region, a symbol for the Ethiopians of the victory against Italian colonial ...
24 October 2022
AFRICA/CAMEROON - 9 hostages captured in the attack on the church of Nchang have been released
Yaoundé (Agenzia Fides) - "We want to thank the Freedom Fighters of Ambazonia for having released us without paying any ransom", says one of the nine hostages captured on September 16th in the attack on the Church of St ...
24 October 2022
AFRICA/NIGERIA - The floods are real, but they do not stop us from worshiping the Lord
Minna (Agenzia Fides) - "The floods are real, but they cannot prevent us from worshiping our God", the bishop of the diocese of Minna, Nigeria, Luka Sylvester Gopep, writes to Agenzia Fides. The occasion was the celebrat ...
24 October 2022
ASIA/VIETNAM - New Catholic church in the north-east of the country, among the "hill tribes": state media reports
Bac Kan (Agenzia Fides) - In the missionary month, on the eve of World Mission Day, a new Catholic church was consecrated and opened for worship in the Northeast of Vietnam, in an area populated by the "hill tribes" (or ...
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