ASIA/INDONESIA - Auxiliary Bishop of Amboina resigns
Vatican City (Agenzia Fides) - The Holy Father Pope Benedict XVI on 1 April 2009, accepted the renunciation of the pastoral government as Auxiliary Bishop of the Diocese of Amboina (Indonesia) presented by Bishop Josephu ...
ASIA/HOLY LAND - Interreligious solidarity with the people of Gaza
Jerusalem (Agenzia Fides) – A delegation comprised of Jewish rabbis, Catholic priests, and Muslim imams, in recent days visited the Gaza Strip, offering the people a message of peace and hope. Their goal was to bring w ...
1 April 2009
VATICAN - AVE MARIA: Mgr Luciano Alimandi - Standing firm in the faith
Vatican City (Agenzia Fides) - “But when the Son of man comes, will he find any faith on earth?' (Lk 18, 8) How often in the Gospel does the Lord Jesus underline the importance of faith! If faith fails, the Lord is un ...