AFRICA/ZIMBABWE - Catholics pray and fast for national peace
Harare (Agenzia Fides)- “We are here to pray for peace and to denounce oppression” said the Catholic Archbishop of Bulawayo Pius Ncube during one of two prayer meetings organised last week by the Catholic community o ...
VATICAN - AVE MARIA “It is the Lord!”
by Rev. Luciano Alimandi
Vatican City (Agenzia Fides) - “When it was already light, there stood Jesus on the shore, though the disciples did not realise that it was Jesus. 5Jesus called out, 'Haven't you caught anything, friends?' And when th ...
ASIA/VIETNAM - The Pope accepts resignation of Bishop of Phát Diêm
Vatican City (Agenzia Fides) - The Holy Father, Pope Benedict XVI on 14 April accepted the resignation of the pastoral government of the diocese of Phát Diêm (Viêt Nam), presented by Bishop Joseph Nguyên Vãn Yên, ...
17 April 2007
ASIA/INDONESIA - The Pope appoints new Archbishop of Ende
Vatican City (Agenzia Fides) - The Holy Father Benedict XVI on 14 April 2007 appointed Mgr Vincentius Sensi Potokota Archbishop of Ende (Indonesia) until now he was Bishop of Maumere (Indonesia). (S.L.) (Agenzia Fides 17 ...