AFRICA/GUINEA BISSAU - Draught alert for the “granary of Guinea Bissau"
Bissau (Fides Agency) - “A tragic crisis”: were the words the government of Guinea Bissau used to describe the food crisis in the south of the country. The local authorities launched a powerful appeal to the internat ...
AFRICA/ DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC CONGO - Archbishop of Katanga resigns
Vatican City (Fides Service) - The Holy Father, Pope Benedict XVI, on 3 May 2006, accepted the renunciation of the pastoral government of the Archdiocese of Kananga (Democratic Republic of Congo), presented by Archbishop ...
3 May 2006
ASIA/TAIWAN - Woman embraces Catholic faith thanks to catechesis “on line”
Tai Pei (Fides Service) - According to Christian Life Weekly, the bulletin of Tai Pei archdiocese d di Tai Pei, the Internet is proving an effective help for evangelisation. The experience of Mrs Jiang is an eloquent de ...