Area 65,630 sq km; Population 19,287,000; Density pop/sq km 281,9; Urban Pop. 22,5%; population growth 1.4%; life expectancy 70 anni (men), 76 (women); literacy 92%; Languages Sinhalese, Tamil, English; Ethnic groups Sin ...
10 July 2004
ASIA/SRI LANKA Links to background stories from Fides Archives
Vatican City (Fides Service) - On the occasion of today’s study on Sri Lanka - with a domestic debate on the peace process and religious we suggest you use the following list of links from Fides Archives as background ...
10 July 2004
ASIA/SRI LANKA - A STUDY - Harmony and religious freedom (contents)
ASIA/SRI LANKA - Harmony and religious freedom: the paths of peace for civil development and the progress of peoples SRI LANKA (society and religion)
ASIA/SRI LANKA - Political, social and religious forces must unite ...