19 January 2022
AMERICA/DOMINICAN REP. - The needs of the Dominican people and the world at the feet of the Mother of Altagracia; national blessing by air, sea and land
Higuei (Agenzia Fides) - Within the framework of the celebrations of the Jubilee Year of Altagracia, proclaimed by the Dominican Episcopal Conference - from August 15, 2021 to August 15, 2022 -, to commemorate the Centen ...
19 January 2022
ASIA/EAST TIMOR - Appointment of the National Director of the Pontifical Mission Societies, Fr. Bento Barros Pereira
Vatican City (Agenzia Fides) - On December 13, 2021 Cardinal Luis Antonio G. Tagle, Prefect of the Congregation for the Evangelization of Peoples, appointed Fr. Bento Barros Pereira, of the clergy of the archdiocese of D ...
19 January 2022
ASIA/LAOS - A new church dedicated to the first Laotian martyr catechist of the Hmong ethnic group
Vientiane (Agenzia Fides) - The small Catholic community in Laos rejoices at the opening of a new church dedicated to the first Laotian martyr of the Hmong ethnic group.
As Fides has learned, the inauguration of the fi ...
19 January 2022
AFRICA/CENTRAL AFRICA - The Bishops: "The wild exploitation of the country's resources is destroying the environment"
Bangui (Agenzia Fides) - "The degradation and destruction of our ecosystem are frightening", denounce the Bishops of the Central African Republic in the message published at the end of their first Plenary Assembly this y ...
19 January 2022
AFRICA/ETHIOPIA - Hundreds of innocent people lose their lives every day. An unprecedented crisis in Tigray
Adigrat (Agenzia Fides) - The humanitarian situation in Tigray is worsening day by day. Millions of children suffer from severe malnutrition, just as many people are starving, including internally displaced persons. Ever ...
19 January 2022
ASIA/LEBANON - Prayers for Christian unity from the Middle East
Beirut (Agenzia Fides) - "We saw the star in the East, and we came to worship him". This is the title of the booklet of texts proposed to Churches and ecclesial communities around the world to celebrate liturgies and mee ...
19 January 2022
AMERICA/PERU - "Walking towards the lay ministry of the Catechist": week of formation
Lima (Agenzia Fides) - The Episcopal Commission for Catechesis and Biblical Pastoral Care of the Peruvian Bishops' Conference is organizing the "Training Week for Catechists 2022" from February 7th to 11th. This new edit ...
18 January 2022
AFRICA/NIGER - Islamic-Christian dialogue: meeting to get to know each other in depth and respect and appreciate the values and spirituality of the other
Dosso (Agenzia Fides) - "It is only a beginning, but we will do everything possible to make it a reality", Fr. Rafael Marco Casamayor, from the Dosso mission in Niger, writes to Agenzia Fides. "In my opinion, this is a s ...
18 January 2022
AFRICA/CAMEROON - Kidnapped priest released
Yaoundé (Agenzia Fides) - Father Bekong Tobias, the Cameroonian priest captured by armed men in military uniform on January 12 (see Fides, 14/1/2022) near the parish of St. Charles Lwanga, Checkpoint-Molyko, Buea, in th ...
18 January 2022
AFRICA/ETHIOPIA - Joy for the release of the nuns, who "share the suffering of the people"
Addis Ababa (Agenzia Fides) - "I spoke to her directly and found her to be very calm and generally in good shape. She still does not know the reasons why she was arrested, nor why they released her. After so much fear an ...
18 January 2022
AMERICA/COLOMBIA - The Bishop of Arauca: "stop the growing whirlwind of murders, violent acts and threats"
Arauca (Agenzia Fides) - "We wish to reaffirm once again our closeness and our solidarity with all the most affected population, as well as inviting them not to be discouraged and, on the contrary, to grow in the hope th ...
18 January 2022
AFRICA/ETHIOPIA - "Food and medicine for the population! Humanitarian corridors must be opened": Tigray in the grip of heinous crimes
Adigrat (Agenzia Fides) - "Unfortunately it is all true, come and see for yourselves", a member of the local Church of Ethiopian Tigray tells Agenzia Fides, who for security reasons requests anonymity. The tragedy he ref ...
18 January 2022
ASIA/MYANMAR - Army bombs on Christian refugees
Loikaw (Agenzia Fides) - Three dead and seven wounded, all Catholics, so much terror and tears: this is the toll of the air raid that the Burmese army, "Tatmadaw", launched in the early hours of January 17, on refugee ca ...
18 January 2022
ASIA/SYRIA - Men and women consecrated together to bear witness to Christ in the midst of the tribulations of the Syrian people
Damascus (Agenzia Fides) – More than seventy consecrated Catholics, men and women, have gathered in Damascus in recent days to discuss and reflect together on the present and the future of their vocation lived in a Syr ...
18 January 2022
AMERICA/BRAZIL - "Solidarity is fundamental to follow Jesus Christ who stood alongside the most deprived": floods hit Marabà
Marabà (Agenzia Fides) - The city of Marabá, in the state of Pará, is going through difficult times due to the flooding of the Itacaiúnas and Tocantins rivers. Local authorities and organizations (government, civil p ...
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