4 December 2021
ASIA/INDIA - The Indian faithful honor Francesco Xavier, Patron of the missions
Goa (Agenzia Fides) - The celebration of the feast of St. Francis Xavier in ancient Goa, where his relics are kept, was held yesterday, December 3, after a solemn novena started on November 25.
The feast is normally ce ...
4 December 2021
AFRICA - Appeal of the Bishops of East Africa: "Stop violence and promote coexistence"
Nairobi (Agenzia Fides) - We are saddened by the conflicts and violence taking place in some of our countries, especially Ethiopia. Many people have died and property is being destroyed in the affected areas; peace, whic ...
4 December 2021
ASIA/HOLY LAND - Nazareth, thousands of people in the square for the lighting of the Christmas tree
Nazareth (Agenzia Fides) - In Nazareth, Galilee, thousands of people took part in the tree lighting ceremony, an event organized by the Christmas March Association of in collaboration with the scout associations and the ...
4 December 2021
ASIA/CAMBODIA - A new deacon in Kampong Cham, "servant of the community, fisher of men"
Kampong Cham (Agenzia Fides) - He chose the name of John the Baptist, to be like him, herald and prophet. John Baptist Prak Hong is the first deacon from the bunong (also called phnong) ethnicity. As reported to Fides by ...
4 December 2021
EUROPE/GREECE - The Pope in Athens: Jesus prefers the little ones and the poor"
Athens (Agenzia Fides) - Christ's salvation spreads throughout the world always starting from a "small remnant". Jesus himself "loves to work in our smallness", he prefers "the little ones and the poor" to preach his Gos ...
3 December 2021
EUROPE/CYPRUS - The Pope in the footsteps of St. Barnabas: patience and fraternity are the "characteristics" of every apostolic mission
Nicosia (Agenzia Fides) - The mission of proclaiming the salvation given by Christ becomes fruitful if it manifests the face of a "patient Church", which "does not allow itself to be upset and disturbed by changes, but s ...
3 December 2021
AMERICA/VENEZUELA - "Church, your name is mission": new Venezuelan edition of the CELAM Missiology Manual
Caracas (Agenzia Fides) - The new "CELAM Missiology Manual, Church your name is mission", which is in its third edition, is intended for priests, religious and lay people. Created by experts in missiology from the contin ...
3 December 2021
AFRICA/ETHIOPIA - "War is to be avoided: we need small signs that nourish peace in the world"
Gode (Agenzia Fides) - "War should be avoided, because then the consequences are always deleterious for everyone. Angelo Antolini, Apostolic Prefect of Robe, writes to Agenzia Fides from his mission in Gode, in the Somal ...
3 December 2021
AFRICA/ETHIOPIA - Arrest of religious men and women engaged in education and charity
Adigrat (Agenzia Fides) - "We are in constant contact with Sister Abrehhet Cahasai, Superior of our communities who are in Ethiopia to have news of our arrested sister, together with five other religious and some deacons ...
3 December 2021
ASIA/MALAYSIA - The Archbishop of Kuching: living Advent alongside the poor
Kuching (Agenzia Fides) - To live the liturgical season of "Advent", in preparation for Christmas, to help and console the poor and the needy: this is the appeal launched by Mgr Simon Poh, Archbishop of Kuching, capital ...
3 December 2021
AMERICA/CHILE - The new authorities must conceive migration "as a human reality which demands protection and not exclusion"
Santiago (Agenzia Fides) - "In this election period, and in the face of the implementation of new immigration legislation, we are concerned that the person is not seen as the axis of the law, but that the migration is as ...
3 December 2021
EUROPE/CYPRUS - Pope Francis to his Orthodox brothers: Christian unity is a testimony to Christ
Nicosia (Agenzia Fides) - The path towards the full visible unity of Christians is not only of interest to theologians and "experts" in ecumenism. It has to do with the mission of salvation entrusted by Christ to his Chu ...
2 December 2021
AFRICA/SUDAN - The commitment of Comboni missionaries: helping refugee minors from South Sudan to return to school
Kosti (Agenzia Fides) - "Political instability and social insecurity in South Sudan have caused a massive movement of people to cities and villages on the border with Sudan: our goal is to help boys and girls who come fr ...
2 December 2021
EUROPE/FRANCE - Launch of the Missionary Reportage contest "Prix Pauline Jaricot" aimed at young people
Paris (Agenzia Fides) - The day after Missionary October and with a view to the beatification of Pauline Jaricot, scheduled for May 2022, the Direction of the Pontifical Mission Societies of France has launched this week ...
2 December 2021
AFRICA/BENIN - "It is a serious mistake to think that the missionary work of the Church is over": 160 years of evangelization celebrated
Ouidah (Agenzia Fides) - "Our Church today commemorates a double event: the Church that welcomed the missionaries of the Society of African Missions (SMA) one hundred and sixty years ago and the memory, which dates back ...
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