17 July 2021
ASIA/INDIA - Solidarity of Catholic organizations around the world to support the nation in the second wave of Covid-19
New Delhi (Agenzia Fides) - While Southwest India, in the Kerala region, records a high number of coronavirus infections (more than 13 thousand cases per day) both in rural and urban areas, and while the mortality rate i ...
17 July 2021
AMERICA/ARGENTINA - "The most excruciating poverty coexists with the most inconceivable wealth": Social Week 2021
Buenos Aires (Agenzia Fides) - Social Week 2021 has ended in Argentina, an event that traditionally involves the main protagonists of the country's business world along with the realities of the Catholic world, particula ...
17 July 2021
ASIA/INDONESIA - National prayer for the end of the pandemic
Jakarta (Agenzia Fides) - "We behave in the best possible way, respecting the protocols, and for the rest we entrust ourselves to God who always has His unfathomable plans, which human beings do not understand. We believ ...
17 July 2021
EUROPE/ITALY - The mission of the Friars Minor in the world: "Living the Gospel in fraternal communion, building bridges of dialogue among all peoples"
Rome (Agenzia Fides) - "It is necessary to identify concrete ways ways of 'going out' on mission, responding with joy to the Lord who calls us to conversion, bearing witness to the Gospel according to the authentic Franc ...
17 July 2021
AFRICA/eSWATINI - The Bishop of Manzini: "it is the most serious crisis that can be remembered, no one should expect quick responses"
Manzini (Agenzia Fides) - The small African state of eSwatini, known until 2018 as Swaziland, is located in southern Africa, on the eastern flank of the Dragons Mountains, and borders Mozambique to the east and South Afr ...
17 July 2021
ASIA/IRAQ - Patriarch Sako: elections at risk of boycott, even Christians could desert the polls
Baghdad (Agenzia Fides) - The risk of fraud and the experience of having been "robbed" of the quota of parliamentary seats reserved by the electoral system for candidates from Christian communities will push many Christi ...
16 July 2021
AMERICA/BRAZIL - Witnesses of hope, faith, solidarity, service: Brazilian nuns in Haiti since 2010
Brasilia (Agenzia Fides) - To thank all the missionaries sent to Haiti, as part of the Nazaré intercongregational solidarity missionary project that unites the Church of Brazil with that of Haiti, a Eucharist will be ce ...
16 July 2021
EUROPE/ITALY - Puerto Rican Briseida Cotto Ayala is the new president of the Missionary Community of Villaregia
Rome (Agenzia Fides) - Briseida Cotto Ayala, Puerto Rican, 52, is the third president elected to lead the Missionary Community of Villaregia, a community made up of consecrated laity, priests, married couples and individ ...
16 July 2021
AFRICA/SOUTH SUDAN - Stop the conflict and pave the way for dialogue and reconciliation: joint appeal by religious leaders
Tombura Yambio (Agenzia Fides) - "It is urgent to bring to light what has happened over the years between the communities of Zande and Balanda which has created inequality, fear, interest, injustice and lack of the rule ...
16 July 2021
ASIA/MYANMAR - Demonstrations of the Burmese diaspora around the world: recognition of the Government of national unity is being asked
Venice (Agenzia Fides) - The Burmese diaspora and those who support civil resistance to the military junta met in various places on the planet on the weekend of July 17 and 18 to honor the many generations who died in M ...
16 July 2021
ASIA/SOUTH KOREA - A YouTube channel for the Church in Korea
Seoul (Agenzia Fides) - A Youtube channel for the Catholic Church in Korea: this is the initiative launched by the "Catholic Peace Broadcasting Corporation" (CPBC) in order to be present on the network and offer the fait ...
16 July 2021
ASIA/INDIA - Appointment of Auxiliary Bishop of the Archdiocese of Delhi
Vatican City (Agenzia Fides) - The Holy Father Francis has appointed rev. Deepak Valerian Tauro, of the clergy of Muzaffarpur, former Rector of St. Albert's College in Ranchi as auxiliary bishop of the Metropolitan Archd ...
16 July 2021
ASIA/LEBANON - Prime Minister-designate Hariri resigns from office. Father Zgheib: crisis with uncertain outcome
Beirut (Agenzia Fides) - With Prime Minister-designate Saad Hariri's renunciation to form a new government "a new stage of the Lebanese crisis opens. The outcome appears uncertain: new ways out may be opened, or the coun ...
15 July 2021
AFRICA/MALI - The priest who was kidnapped on June 21 has been released
Bamako (Agenzia Fides) – Fr. Léon Dougnon, the priest who was kidnapped on June 21 along with four lay people from Ségué, was released on the afternoon of July 13, in Bandiagara, where he is still recovering from th ...
15 July 2021
ASIA/INDONESIA - Flores Island: Despite initial restrictions, the Camillians continue their initiatives
Maumere (Agenzia Fides) - "Churches and schools will remain closed while air and sea travel have been suspended until at least July 21st. The virus now seems to have penetrated our island, where the restrictions are beg ...
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