28 May 2021
ASIA/MYANMAR - Intense fighting in Kayah State: two young Catholic volunteers who assisted the displaced people were killed
Loikaw (Agenzia Fides) - Intense fighting continues in eastern Myanmar's Kayah state between the Burmese regular army (Tatmadaw), which continues to bomb cities and villages, and the Popular Defense Forces, spontaneously ...
28 May 2021
ASIA/BANGLADESH - Harmony Day: a culture of "taking care" as a way to peace
Dhaka (Agenzia Fides) - Today, May 28, the Catholic Church in Bangladesh is celebrating of Harmony Day across the country under the motto "Harmony in Brotherhood". The President of the Episcopal Commission for Christian ...
28 May 2021
AMERICA/CHILE - Catholic Radio Stations: Still serving community and evangelization despite economic difficulties
Santiago (Agenzia Fides) - Representatives of radio stations from all over the country took part in a virtual meeting of the Catholic Broadcasting Association (ARCA) in Chile on May 24th. The focus was on the current sit ...
28 May 2021
AFRICA/MALI - Military coup: Bishops condemn “illegal” takeover of power
Bamako (Agenzia Fides) - "The bishops of Mali are aware of the need for a strong executive and a reconciled and strengthened army and strongly condemn the recent seizure of power outside the rule of law", said the Cathol ...
28 May 2021
ASIA/SYRIA - Archbishop Tobji of Aleppo after the presidential election: "Sanctions cause hunger and do not lead to more democracy"
Aleppo (Agenzia Fides) - While the European Union has extended the economic sanctions against Syria by one year, Western politicians and the media have described the presidential election on Wednesday, May 26th, from whi ...
28 May 2021
AMERICA/URUGUAY - Month of Spiritual Professions: "God had a dream for St. Joseph ..."
Montevideo (Agenzia Fides) - Under the motto "God had a dream for St. Joseph ... what dream do you have for yourself?" the Church in Uruguay celebrates the Month of the Spiritual Professions in June. The President of the ...
28 May 2021
AFRICA/KENYA - Laudato Sì Week: Environmental protection requires a change of heart
Kisumu (Agenzia Fides) - "It is not enough to plant trees if there is no change in mentality", said Archbishop Philip Arnold Anyolo, Archbishop of the diocese of Kisumu and president of the Catholic Bishops' Conference o ...
27 May 2021
AMERICA/PARAGUAY - Vaccines are lacking, unemployment increases: the Apostolic Vicar of Chaco calls on the government and politicians "to do their job well"
Chaco (Agenzia Fides) - "If in the first year of the pandemic we had fewer deaths and more unemployed, in this second year we have more deaths and more unemployed, because it is difficult for us to do our job well and th ...
27 May 2021
ASIA/SYRIA - Aleppo, Archbishop Boutros Marayati appointed Patriarchal Administrator of the Armenian Catholic Church
Aleppo (Agenzia Fides) - Armenian Catholic Archbishop Boutros Marayati, at the head of the Armenian Catholic community of Aleppo, was appointed Interim Apostolic Administrator of the Armenian Catholic Church, after the d ...
27 May 2021
ASIA/MYANMAR - Urban warfare and another church hit in Kayah: resistance is being prepared
Loikaw (Agenzia Fides) - Some rockets fired by the soldiers of the Burmese regular army hit the Catholic church of St. Joseph in the city of Demoso, in the Kayah state, in the eastern part of Myanmar, where intense fight ...
27 May 2021
AFRICA/D.R. CONGO - Burundian government and opposition armed groups are fighting each other on Congolese soil, denounces a local NGO
Kinshasa (Agenzia Fides) - Burundian armed groups of opposite tendency are fighting in the plain of Ruzizi, in South Kivu, in the east of the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC). This was stated in a note sent to Agenzia ...
27 May 2021
EUROPE/SLOVENIA - Confirmation of the National Director of the Pontifical Mission Societies, Fr. Matjaz Kriznar
Vatican City (Agenzia Fides) - On May 5, 2021 Cardinal Luis Antonio G. Tagle, Prefect of the Congregation for the Evangelization of Peoples, confirmed Fr. Matjaz Kriznar, of the archdiocesan clergy of Ljubljana as Nation ...
27 May 2021
AFRICA/SOUTH SUDAN - Escalation of violence by young rebels, despite appeals for peace
Pibor (Agenzia Fides) - Approximately 1,736 homes have been attacked, of which about 700 have ended up reduced to ashes, nearly 44,962 head of cattle looted, 112 women and 84 children kidnapped, 128 men and 28 women kill ...
27 May 2021
AMERICA/MEXICO - The responsibility of Christians to build a truly democratic and participatory society
Guadalajara (Agenzia Fides) - "In the current context, we are all invited to become aware of the responsibility of citizens to build a truly democratic and participatory society. Christians in particular have the mandate ...
27 May 2021
VATICAN - A life for the mission: Fr. Miguel Angel San Roman Perez, O.P.
Rome (Agenzia Fides) - Fr. Miguel Angel San Roman Perez, O.P. died in Rome on May 7 after a long illness. He was a missionary in Taiwan and Hong Kong, where he exercised for forty years an intense pastoral and educationa ...
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