6 May 2021
AMERICA/CHILE - Appointment of the interim National Director of the Pontifical Mission Societies, Mgr. Jorge Patricio Vega Velasco
Vatican City (Agenzia Fides) - On February 27, 2021 Cardinal Luis Antonio G. Tagle, Prefect of the Congregation for the Evangelization of Peoples, appointed His Exc Mgr. Jorge Patricio Vega Velasco, SVD, Bishop Prelate o ...
5 May 2021
AMERICA/COLOMBIA - A Humanitarian Commission to follow the people, the proposal of the Archbishop of Cali
Bogota (Agenzia Fides) - Archbishop Darío de Jesús Monsalve Mejía of Cali, in view of the recent clashes with the police, in which 19 people died and hundreds were injured, suggests the creation of a "Humanitarian Com ...
5 May 2021
ASIA/INDONESIA - Good and concrete missionaries of the Gospel: the Camillians in aid of the population hit by typhoon Seroja
Maumere (Agenzia Fides) - "After the difficult moments of the tropical cyclone Seroja which hit several islands near ours in Flores (see Agenzia Fides 9/4/2021), aid is now being organized for those populations by many o ...
5 May 2021
ASIA/PAKISTAN - The legacy of the last Dominican missionary in Pakistan, "Good Samaritan"
Faisalabad (Agenzia Fides) - Father Aldino Amato OP, in almost 60 years of his pastoral service in Pakistan, carried out in various cities such as Khushpur, Sahiwal, Warispura Faisalabad, Chichawatni, Okara City and othe ...
5 May 2021
AFRICA/MOZAMBIQUE - The population continues to flee from Pemba, the town attacked by jihadists at the end of March
Maputo (Agenzia Fides) - The exodus of inhabitants from Pemba continues, the small town in northern Mozambique attacked on March 24 by a jihadist group that claims to be affiliated with ISIS (see Fides, 27/3/2021). Accor ...
5 May 2021
AMERICA/HAITI - The Bishops on kidnappings: "The fight against this phenomenon must continue"
Port au Prince (Agenzia Fides) - "The fight against the phenomenon of kidnappings and against evil must continue", said the Episcopal Conference of Haiti in a text sent to Agenzia Fides and published last night where the ...
5 May 2021
VATICAN - The "true jewels" at the College of St. Peter, where "one evangelizes by forming"
Vatican City (Agenzia Fides) - "Formation for a priest today, is integral. We are interested not only in intellectual formation, but also in human formation, spiritual formation and missionary and pastoral formation". Th ...
5 May 2021
ASIA/IRAQ - Initiatives to relaunch pilgrimages to Ur of the Chaldeans, after the visit of Pope Francis
Ur (Agenzia Fides) - The arrival of a dozen representatives of different Christian Churches from around the world is expected in the coming days in Ur of the Chaldeans, the Iraqi city from where, according to tradition, ...
5 May 2021
AFRICA/CENTRAL AFRICA - Missionaries' car blows up on a mine; at least one victim
Bangui (Agenzia Fides) - A car of the Catholic Mission of Niem exploded on a mine this morning, May 5, 2021. "We are waiting to know the exact details of the sad episode", His Exc. Mgr Mirosław Gucwa, Bishop of the dioc ...
4 May 2021
AMERICA/HAITI - Kidnappers in Haiti release hostages
Port-au-Prince (Agenzia Fides) - Kidnappers have released five priests, two nuns and two other people who had been held for nearly three weeks. The kidnapping took place on Sunday 11 April, and all the hostages are safe ...
4 May 2021
AFRICA/SOUTH SUDAN - Bangasu Christians in the footsteps of the Patron Saint George for a church that is supportive and evangelized
Tombura-Yambio (Agenzia Fides) - The Parishioners of St. George, Bangasu in the Catholic Diocese of Tombura-Yambio on Friday, 23rd April 2021 celebrated their Parish’s Patron Saint Day for the first time since the crea ...
4 May 2021
AMERICA/CUBA - The religious of Camaguey denounce: "people are tired and stressed, they cannot take it any longer, it is an unsustainable situation"
Camaguey (Agenzia Fides) - "We turn to you with respect and concern to portray the painful situations that we experience as a people ... We listen carefully to the people and with our pastoral work we want to help and ac ...
4 May 2021
AMERICA/BOLIVIA - Archbishop Centellas calls for election promises to be kept: "Hopes must not be disappointed"
Cochabamba (Agenzia Fides) - Following the recent local elections, the chairman of the Bolivian Bishops' Conference, Archbishop Ricardo Centellas, asked the elected candidates "not to disappoint the trust that people hav ...
4 May 2021
ASIA/INDIA - Young Catholics volunteer to assist Covid patients
Bangalore (Agenzia Fides) - A group of young Catholic volunteers, nuns and priests in the Archdiocese of Bangalore, in the state of Karnataka, in southern India, has begun to assist patients affected by Covid-19 while In ...
4 May 2021
AFRICA/DR CONGO - Imam victim of an attack in North Kivu: "He was a lover of peace and tolerance"
Kinshasa (Agenzia Fides) - "We regret the death of this unifying and moderate imam, a lover of peace and tolerance in the context of radical Islamism", said the local non-governmental organization CEPADHO (Center for Stu ...
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