9 March 2021
ASIA/MYANMAR - The religious stop the military: "Every life is precious. Do not kill"
Myitkyina (Agenzia Fides) - "We ask not to kill. This is why we have turned to the military. We fear that police officers will kill more young demonstrators. Our presence as people of faith, peacemakers, may help them st ...
9 March 2021
ASIA/TURKEY - Turkish media comment on Pope's visit to Iraq
Ankara (Agenzia Fides) - The media in Turkey did not ignore Pope Francis' visit to neighboring Iraq. Very different comments and analyzes were published. In addition to reports on the possible contribution of the papal t ...
9 March 2021
AFRICA/EQUATORIAL GUINEA - Explosions in military barracks: the number of victims rises to 98
Malabo (Agenzia Fides) - The official number of deaths in the explosions that occurred on Sunday, March 7th, in the military barracks in Bata, the most populous city and economic capital of Equatorial Guinea, rises to a ...
9 March 2021
EUROPE/ITALY - No school meals during the pandemic: Millions of children at risk of hunger all over the world
Genoa (Agenzia Fides) - The protraction of the Coronavirus pandemic continues to hit the most vulnerable groups. According to a report published by the World Food Program (WFP), there are around 370 million children worl ...
8 March 2021
AMERICA/ARGENTINA - Call for dialogue by the Church after the violent demonstrations in Formosa against the return to lockdown in the fight against Covid-19
Formosa (Agenzia Fides) - Tension and violence continue in Formosa, both in the city and in this Argentine province on the border with Paraguay after provincial authorities ordered a total lockdown as part of the fight a ...
8 March 2021
EUROPE/ITALY - Testimony of the women of Doctors with Africa CUAMM
Padua (Agenzia Fides) - Women are at the center of Doctors with Africa CUAMM's commitment to health. To pay homage and witness their great and constant commitment, on the occasion of March 8, the organization shared the ...
8 March 2021
AMERICA/BRAZIL - "Women on mission": women at the forefront of the Church's mission
Brasilia (Agenzia Fides) - "This is its mission: to be an instrument of love in a polarized world permeated by hatred! Women are at the forefront of the mission". This is what the Counselor of the Episcopal Pastoral Comm ...
8 March 2021
AFRICA/SOUTH SUDAN - Appointment of bishop of Rumbek
Vatican City (Agenzia Fides) - The Holy Father has appointed as bishop of the diocese of Rumbek, South Sudan, the Reverend Fr. Christian Carlassare, M.C.C.J., until now vicar general of the diocese of Malakal.
Msgr. Chr ...
8 March 2021
AFRICA/IVORY COAST - Protection of minors and vulnerable people: a challenge for the Church
Abidjan (Agenzia Fides) - "Protection of minors and vulnerable people in the Church in Ivory Coast" is the central theme of a training session organized by the Bishops' Conference of Ivory Coast in collaboration with the ...
8 March 2021
ASIA/PAKISTAN - Call of Catholics for the independence of the Commission for Minorities from the government
Karachi (Agenzia Fides) - “The working style of the National Commission for Minorities has so far been unsatisfactory. The themes of the meetings have not been made public so far and there are members of the Committee ...
8 March 2021
ASIA/MYANMAR - Two young people killed in the compound of the Catholic Cathedral surrounded by the military
Myitkyina (Agenzia Fides) - "The day of 8 March was marked by a harsh repression by the security forces against young demonstrators across the country. The agents open fire and claim more victims than in recent days", a ...
8 March 2021
AFRICA/EQUATORIAL GUINEA - A series of explosions shocks the economic capital
Malabo (Agenzia Fides) - At least 17 people died and 420 were injured yesterday, Sunday 7 March, in a series of 4/5 explosions in a barrack in Bata, the most populous city and also the economic capital of Equatorial Guin ...
7 March 2021
ASIA/IRAQ - Pope Francis in Mosul, Qaraqosh and Erbil: "Christ is alive and at work in his holy and faithful people"
Mosul (Agenzia Fides) - "Today, I can see at first hand that the Church in Iraq is alive, that Christ is alive and at work in this, his holy and faithful people", said Pope Francis at the end of his homily in Italian at ...
6 March 2021
EUROPE/SPAIN - Spanish-American Day: "Not all of our brothers and sisters in Latin America can receive the sacraments regularly"
Madrid (Agenzia Fides) - On the first Sunday in March, this year on March 7th, the Spanish-American Day, which focuses on relations with the local churches in Latin America. The day, organized by the Spanish Bishops' Con ...
6 March 2021
ASIA/MYANMAR - Buddhist monastic order to the military: call for an end to violence, it is urgent to start negotiations
Yangon (Agenzia Fides) - Sitagu Sayadaw of Shwe Kyin - the second most important Buddhist monastic order in Myanmar - took a stand alongside other elderly Buddhist monks in the country to call on the military junta to en ...
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