19 May 2020
AMERICA/BRAZIL - The "Amazon needs you" campaign begins
Brasilia (Agenzia Fides) - "The Amazon needs you" is the campaign launched yesterday, May 18, on the social networks of the Pan-Amazonian Ecclesial Network in Brazil (Repam-Brazil) and of the Pontifical Mission Societies ...
19 May 2020
AMERICA/MEXICO - Active in prayer and on social networks: the PMS during the Covid-19 period
Mexico City (Agenzia Fides) - "The pandemic has questioned the mission in its very nature: the mission in fact involves sending, going out to meet your neighbor. However, right now, faced with this situation of isolation ...
19 May 2020
AFRICA - Covid-19 and the re-opening of churches in Africa: hope at the center of the mission
Kara (Agenzia Fides) - "The reality of closed churches has immersed many African Christians in the sad and painful experience of the sealed tomb, a symbol of despair and failure", writes Fr. Donald Zagore, SMA to Agenzia ...
19 May 2020
ASIA/PAKISTAN - The government announces the re-opening of Churches in Punjab: joy among the faithful
Faisalabad (Agenzia Fides) - "We are very happy for the announcement of the government of Punjab, which will allow the churches to reopen; however, we need some time to prepare everything: we must educate and sensitize t ...
19 May 2020
ASIA/KAZAKHSTAN - Agriculture and tailoring projects during confinement at Ark Village
Almaty (Agenzia Fides) - "We inhabitants of Ark Village could consider ourselves almost privileged, because we live in a six-hectare territory and we do not feel the weight of the restrictions imposed for Covid-19. Due t ...
19 May 2020
AFRICA/KENYA - Covid-19: poverty bites in slums, but "the social and pastoral lifeline of small communities is extraordinary"
Nairobi (Agenzia Fides) - "Social distancing remains a difficult goal to achieve, in some cases absolutely unrealistic. We just have to hope that the contagion does not progress", says Father Andrew Bwalya, director of t ...
19 May 2020
AFRICA/BOTSWANA - The "Sisters of Calvary" committed to helping the population: from face masks to spiritual support
Gabarone (Agenzia Fides) - "The COVID-19 pandemic has resulted in a drastic change in the life of the local Church of Botswana. Amidst the crisis, most parishes have adjusted to the cultural change" say, in a reflection ...
18 May 2020
VATICAN - The missionary anxiety of Saint John Paul II, "Pastor close to the people"
Vatican City (Agenzia Fides) - While World Mission Day was celebrated around the world, on Sunday 22 October 1978, the new Pope, John Paul II, began his ministry as universal Pastor in St. Peter's Square with a vigorous ...
18 May 2020
ASIA/VIETNAM - Pastoral activities resume, with attention to interreligious solidarity
Hanoi (Agenzia Fides) - Public religious activities blocked for at least six weeks due to the Covid-19 emergency have resumed, albeit with due caution. The green light from the authorities was given on May 8 when Vu Chie ...
18 May 2020
AMERICA/CUBA - "Dignity and freedom are worth our prayers with all our strength": the Archdiocese of Havana in the face of a health emergency
Havana (Agenzia Fides) - Cuba is experiencing moments of discouragement in the face of the health emergency. The population, although informed of the need to follow the measures to maintain social distance to avoid the c ...
18 May 2020
AFRICA/IVORY COAST - The commitment of the PMS in the time of Covid-19: the means of social communication, a missionary resource
Abidjan (Agenzia Fides) - "The period we are going through is a difficult period in all aspects of human life and the Church also pays the consequences; but the mission continues to be carried out", says Fr. Jean Noel Go ...
18 May 2020
ASIA/BANGLADESH - Covid-19 among Rohingya refugees: "Prevention and awareness measures are urgently needed"
Cox's Bazar (Agenzia Fides) - "It is a difficult job, but now the priority is to stop the infection. In these settlements, where it is almost impossible to keep social distancing, Rohingya refugees are at high risk for t ...
18 May 2020
ASIA/INDIA - The "Laudato Sì Week", for a better tomorrow
Mumbai (Agenzia Fides) - "As a Catholic community in India we want to reflect, pray, discuss and act for a more just and sustainable tomorrow": says to Agenzia Fides Fr. Joseph Gonsalves, at the head of the Archdiocesan ...
18 May 2020
OCEANIA/PAPUA NEW GUINEA - Catholics do not believe in magic: the commitment to eradicate the violent practices of superstition
Bereina (Agenzia Fides) - "The police rescued two women while a crowd of five hundred people watched them being tortured, stabbed and burned with iron bars. A few weeks ago this news was on the front page of the national ...
18 May 2020
AFRICA/MALAWI - "No to political violence": religious leaders condemn the massacre in Lilongwe
Lilongwe (Agenzia Fides) - "Every human life is sacred", said the Public Affairs Committee (PAC), a mother body of all religions in Malawi in a statement, after an alleged report on petrol bombing of a family in Lilongwe ...
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