15 April 2020
ASIA - Appeal for global ceasefire for Covid-19 does not breach in Southeast Asia
Yangon (Agenzia Fides) - The internal conflicts in Southeast Asia do not stop. Eight civilians were killed on April 13 in clashes between government forces and the Arakan Army in a village in the Burmese State of Rakhine ...
15 April 2020
ASIA/INDIA - Easter lived by Christians and non-Christians
Shillong (Agenzia Fides) - "Easter 2020 was significantly different from previous years, especially in northeastern India, where four of the seven states have a considerable Christian population. While the lockdown at a ...
14 April 2020
AMERICA/ARGENTINA - Covid 19: "the word of God is carried out by concrete gestures of solidarity", underlines Mgr. Garcia
San Justo (Agenzia Fides) - The Bishop of San Justo, Mgr. Eduardo García, underlined the role of the Church in the context of the health crisis caused by the coronavirus pandemic, through work in canteens and in assisti ...
14 April 2020
AFRICA/TOGO - Prevention, prayer and sharing: the Church in the face of Covid-19
Lomè (Agenzia Fides) - "Our pastoral behavior in this pandemic period can be summed up in four words: pevention, prayer, pastoral life, sharing": this is what Mgr. Barrigah-Bènissan, Archbishop of Lomè says to Agenzia ...
14 April 2020
ASIA/BAHRAIN - Apostolic Vicar of Northern Arabia, Bishop Camillo Ballin passes away, missionary in the lands of Islam
Rome (Agenzia Fides) - "Beloved Bishop Camillo Ballin passed away in Rome". This is how the Bahraini media reported the death of Combonian Camillo Ballin, Apostolic Vicar of northern Arabia, who died of cancer at almost ...
14 April 2020
ASIA/SRI LANKA - Easter during the coronavirus emergency, in the name of forgiveness and martyrs
Colombo (Agenzia Fides) - "The lockdown in which we live today is a test but also an opportunity to rediscover and strengthen our faith in God. We miss the faithful very much, while we celebrated Easter Mass in the absen ...
13 April 2020
AMERICA - At Easter the supplication to the Virgin of Guadalupe to grant the world health and the end of the pandemic
Mexico City (Agenzia Fides) - On Easter Sunday, April 12, in the Shrine dedicated to Our Lady of Guadalupe, "Empress of America", the "Act of consecration to the Most Holy Virgin Mary took place, under the title of Our L ...
13 April 2020
AMERICA/MEXICO - In the face of the pandemic, migrants "continue to be invisible in social and humanitarian policies"
Mexico City (Agenzia Fides) - The Pastoral Care of Human Mobility of the Episcopal Conferences of Mexico, Guatemala and Honduras, published a document on the migration situation in these times of coronavirus, sent to Fid ...
11 April 2020
AMERICA/BOLIVIA - Holy Thursday: Eucharistic blessing by helicopter for Cochabamba
Cochabamba (Agenzia Fides) - Holy Thursday is the day when all over the world the Church solemnly remembers the institution of the sacrament of the Eucharist by Jesus. This year it was not possible to celebrate because o ...
11 April 2020
AMERICA/BRAZIL - From Easter the joint action of emergency begins, promoted by Bishops and Caritas
Brasilia (Agenzia Fides) - From Easter Sunday, April 12, the National Conference of Bishops of Brazil (CNBB) and Caritas Brazil launch the initiative called "Emergency solidarity action" at a national level, with the mot ...
11 April 2020
AMERICA/COLOMBIA - Solidarity and prayer, a site prepared for the Covid 19 emergency
Bogota (Agenzia Fides) - In consideration of the emergency health situation due to the coronavirus pandemic (Covid-19), the Permanent Secretariat of the Colombian Episcopate (SPEC) has created the web microsite https://i ...
10 April 2020
AMERICA/PARAGUAY - Bishops to priests: "More than ever this Easter must help us deepen the mystery of Christ"
Asuncion (Agenzia Fides) - The Bishops of Paraguay addressed a message to the "brother priests" on Holy Thursday, on the solemn day "when the Lord jointly instituted the sacrament of priesthood and that of the Most Holy ...
10 April 2020
VATICAN - The Good Friday Holy Land Collection postponed to 13 September
Vatican City (Agenzia Fides) - Pope Francis postponed the traditional Good Friday collection for the Holy Land to Sunday 13 September, 2020, on the eve of the feast of the Exaltation of the Cross.
As the statement from ...
9 April 2020
NEWS ANALYSIS/OMNIS TERRA - Easter in Africa, between Covid-19 and radio liturgies
Nairobi (Agenzia Fides) - The Church is not the building, but is communion and community: the baptized in the various African countries do not lose their sense of faith in the difficulties of "broadcast Masses", due to t ...
9 April 2020
ASIA/BANGLADESH - Easter Triduum online does not discourage the participation of the faithful
Dhaka (Agenzia Fides) - Masses and liturgies of the Easter Triduum are online for the Catholic community in Bangladesh, given the Covid-19 emergency: this is what the Catholic bishops of the nation reiterated, inviting t ...
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