30 December 2019
Vatican City (Agenzia Fides) – In the wake of the Extraordinary Missionary Month of October 2019 lived by Catholic communities at all latitudes, which was also an opportunity to rediscover the figures of many witnesse ...
23 December 2019
AFRICA/ZAMBIA - Education and professional opportunities for the disabled: the commitment of missionaries
Lusaka (Agenzia Fides) - Assisting disabled people in Zambia means offering them physical and psychological support but, above all, it means helping them to overcome the social stigma that surrounds them. These are the o ...
23 December 2019
OCEANIA/PAPUA NEW GUINEA - Christmas is the feast of the gift of the Christ Child
Port Moresby (Agenzia Fides) - "Christmas is that wonderful time of the year, when we go home and get together with family and friends. It is a moment in which we give thanks to the Lord for the gift of his Son as Savior ...
23 December 2019
ASIA/HOLY LAND - Israel opens the granting of permits to Christians in Gaza to celebrate Christmas in Bethlehem and Jerusalem
Gaza (Agenzia Fides) - The coordination unit for the activities of the Israeli government in the Palestinian territories (COGAT) on Sunday 22 December released via Twitter the information that the Israeli authorities are ...
23 December 2019
ASIA/PAKISTAN - Interreligious meeting in view of Christmas
Lahore (Agenzia Fides) - Advent and Christian Christmas holidays are a fruitful occasion for interreligious dialogue and exchange in Pakistan: as Agenzia Fides learns, the National Commission on Interreligious Dialogue a ...
23 December 2019
AMERICA/HONDURAS - Bishops' appeal against violence and corruption: a truce for Christmas
Tegucigalpa (Agenzia Fides) - "To those who want to kill, we ask at least a truce for Christmas": said Cardinal Óscar Andrés Rodríguez Maradiaga, in a mass celebrated yesterday, December 22, in which he launched a hea ...
23 December 2019
ASIA/PHILIPPINES - Terrorist violence on Christmas eve: attack in front of the Cathedral
Cotabato (Agenzia Fides) - Terrorist violence has bloodied the Southern Philippines on Christmas eve: yesterday, on the evening of December 22, during Sunday Mass, a bomb exploded outside Cotabato Cathedral, a city on th ...
21 December 2019
ASIA/CAMBODIA - A missionary: "Communicating the Gospel and accompanying the population towards a path of fullness"
Phnom Penh (Agenzia Fides) - "With a spirit of service, we must communicate the message of salvation of the Gospel and accompany the population towards a path of fullness of life". This is what Father Mario Ghezzi, missi ...
21 December 2019
AFRICA/MOZAMBIQUE - White Fathers' appeal:"hunger emergency" after the cyclone
Beira (Agenzia Fides) - The population is on the verge of famine and the humanitarian emergency does not cease: this is the alarm launched by the White Fathers, nine months after cyclone Idai hit Mozambique causing serio ...
21 December 2019
AMERICA/VENEZUELA - Christmas, an opportunity to "rekindle hope in a country that suffers"
Caracas (Agenzia Fides) - "Christmas is an opportunity to strengthen hope", given the "critical situation that worsens every day in Venezuela": said Cardinal Jorge Urosa Savino, Archbishop emeritus of Caracas, noting tha ...
21 December 2019
AFRICA/ETHIOPIA - "Development assistance is a sign of God's love because the Church's mission is evangelization"
Addis Ababa (Agenzia Fides) - "The Church should not be identical to the other development agents but rather serve with the spirit of Christ. Its main mission is evangelization", said His Excellency Mgr. Roberto Bergamas ...
21 December 2019
ASIA/INDIA - Advent marked by intolerance towards religious minorities
New Delhi (Agenzia Fides) - Several episodes of religious intolerance have marked the period of Advent and preparation for Christmas in India. While the nation is shaken by the protest for the adoption of the Citizenship ...
20 December 2019
AFRICA/NIGER - "Threats against Christians in the area of Bomoanga and targeted killings for others", reports a missionary
Niamey (Agenzia Fides) - How are things in Bomoanga? "Bad. Things get worse". "As Christmas approaches, the question is obvious, but the response of the community animator is not", reports to Agenzia Fides Fr. Mauro Arma ...
20 December 2019
EUROPE/GERMANY - The Star Singers' Campaign 2020 begins: "Bring blessing, be blessing. Peace! In Lebanon and throughout the world"
Aachen (Agenzia Fides) - "Bring blessing, be blessing. Peace! In Lebanon and around the world", is the motto of the next 2020 Star Singers (Sternsinger) campaign that has chosen Lebanon as its symbol country this year. T ...
19 December 2019
ASIA/BANGLADESH - A new Catholic hospital wins patients' hearts
Dhaka (Agenzia Fides) - A new Catholic hospital has opened its doors in Dhaka, offering quality health care and services: we are talking about the St. John Vianney Hospital, recently built in the archdiocese of Dhaka and ...
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