26 February 2019
AFRICA/SOUTH AFRICA - "No to the discrimination of migrants. If some of them commit a crime, this should not lead to the condemnation of the entire community of migrants and refugees", says the Archbishop of Johannesburg
Johannesburg (Agenzia Fides) - "Too many migrants are exploited, especially those migrants and refugees who do not have proper documents", said His Exc. Mgr. Buti Tlhagale, Archbishop of Johannesburg, in his speech for t ...
26 February 2019
AMERICA/NICARAGUA - Confidence and hope in the resumption of National Dialogue to get out of the crisis
Managua (Fides) - Tomorrow, February 27, dialogue between the government and representatives of the opposition will resume in Nicaragua. Representatives of the Episcopal Conference will sit at the negotiating table, as w ...
25 February 2019
ASIA/UZBEKISTAN - The small Uzbek community walks "in synodality with the universal Church"
Vatican City (Agenzia Fides) - "We are here too, a small community of about 3.000 faithful in Central Asia". In the meeting of these days on the protection of minors in the Church, I was able to touch the beauty of colle ...
25 February 2019
AMERICA/UNITED STATES - Emergency meeting of border Bishops on recent migration developments in the region
Texas (Agenzia Fides) - Border Bishops from the U.S. and Mexico, along with representatives from various Catholic social justice groups, will gather in El Paso, Texas, February 25-27 for an emergency meeting on recent im ...
25 February 2019
AFRICA NIGERIA - The African Union: "The vote took place in a total peaceful atmosphere"; but 39 people were killed in the electoral violence
Abuja (Agenzia Fides) - As many as 39 people have been killed following the presidential election held on February 23, in Nigeria. This is stated by the independent organization SBM intelligence, which collected and ana ...
25 February 2019
AFRICA/EGYPT - Court refers 2 monks to Mufti for death penalty over Bishop's murder
Damanhur (Agenzia Fides) - A death sentence handed down by Egyptian justice against a monk and a former monk accused of the killing of Bishop Epiphanius, Abbot of St. Macarius Monastery, represents "a catastrophe" and a ...
25 February 2019
AFRICA/MOROCCO - The Archbishop of Rabat: "Let's get ready to welcome the Pope"
Rabat (Agenzia Fides) - The Pope’s visit Francis to Morocco on March 30 and 31 will be "a great event for our Church", says the Archbishop of Rabat, Mgr. Cristòbal Lòpez. As reported in a note by the Archdiocese of R ...
23 February 2019
AFRICA/ERITREA - After the peace agreement, expectations for the freedom to citizens and the Church
Asmara (Agenzia Fides) - The Catholic Church in Eritrea is experiencing a phase of waiting. After the peace agreement with Ethiopia, the situation has crystallized. On behalf of the authorities there were no particular r ...
23 February 2019
ASIA/SOUTH KOREA - Cardinal Yeom to missionary priests: "Proclaim the Good News of God"
Seoul (Agenzia Fides) - "As Archbishop of Seoul I send you as witnesses of the love of God to places where love is really necessary. Be priests who proclaim the Good News of God": with these words Cardinal Andrew Yeom So ...
23 February 2019
AFRICA/UGANDA - Health services in the diocese of Ankole to treat and save children's lives
Mbarara (Agenzia Fides) - Every year in the world there are 9 thousand new cases of retinoblastoma, eye cancer. The incidence on young children is high and while in high-income countries over 90% of children with retinob ...
23 February 2019
AFRICA/DR CONGO - Kinshasa celebrates the diocesan week of the family
Kinshasa (Agenzia Fides) - Promoting Christian marriage and making families aware of their responsibility as Christians. These are the objectives of the diocesan week of the family, promoted by the Archdiocese of Kinshas ...
23 February 2019
EUROPE/POLAND - Missionary animation: a look back at the past and one at the future, towards the Extraordinary Missionary Month
Opole (Agenzia Fides) - The summary of the activities carried out last year by the Pontifical Mission Societies (PMS) of the individual dioceses and the initiatives for the next Extraordinary Missionary Month were the ma ...
23 February 2019
AMERICA/BRAZIL - Quality of life and care for creation: the "Nascer Sustentável" project
Araguaína (Agenzia Fides) - The Don Orione Hospital of Araguaína, a municipality in the Brazilian state of Tocantins, has launched the project "Nascer Sustentável", thanks to which a tree will be planted for each chil ...
23 February 2019
ASIA/LEBANON - Maronite Patriarch intervenes in the debate on the recognition of civil marriage
Beirut (Agenzia Fides) The Maronite Patriarch Boutros Bechara Rai intervened in the debate which reopened in Lebanese society on the legal recognition of civil marriage, and the interlocutory expressions used by him are ...
23 February 2019
ASIA/VIETNAM - Resignation of the Bishop of Long Xuyên and successor
Vatican City (Agenzia Fides) - The Holy Father Francis has accepted the resignation from the pastoral care of the diocese of Long Xuyên (Viêt Nam), presented by H.E. Msgr. Joseph Trân Xuân Tiéu.
He is succeeded by ...
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