2 July 2018
ASIA/BANGLADESH - Caritas: the return of the Rohingya in Myanmar "is unlikely"
Dhaka (Agenzia Fides) - The return of Rohingya refugees from Bangladesh to Myanmar "is very unlikely for now", says Caritas Bangladesh to Agenzia Fides. "Bangladesh continues to handle a massive humanitarian crisis: Sinc ...
28 June 2018
ASIA/UZBEKISTAN - Shortage of priests, but enthusiasm and participation in the life of the Church increases
Tashkent (Agenzia Fides) - "The month of June was very intense, but at the same time exciting for the Uzbek Catholic community: in this period we celebrated the feast of St. Anthony and, in the same days, nine faithful r ...
28 June 2018
ASIA/ISRAEL - Israeli Parliament cancels the vote on the Armenian Genocide
Jerusalem (Agenzia Fides) - An Israeli parliamentary vote on Tuesday 26 June for recognising the killings of Armenians as genocide was cancelled because of government opposition. Last month the Knesset had approved a mot ...
28 June 2018
ASIA/SOUTH KOREA - "The Church in North Korea is in my heart": prayer campaign in the archdiocese of Seoul
Seoul (Agenzia Fides) - "For true reconciliation, what we must do is pray. Let us invoke Mary, Queen of Peace, so that through her intercession sincere reconciliation can be achieved, overcoming the horrible pains and me ...
28 June 2018
AFRICA/SENEGAL - For the first time the World Water Forum in Sub-Saharan Africa
Dakar (Agenzia Fides) - The next World Water Forum, the biggest water event in the world, will be held for the first time in Sub-Saharan Africa. The ninth World Water Forum, organized by the World Water Council and the G ...
28 June 2018
AMERICA/VENEZUELA - Journalist's Day: "Journalism is urgently needed to serve truth and human dignity, with hope"
Caracas (Agenzia Fides) - "We greatly appreciate the work of the journalist, his mission is not only to inform, but to highlight the human and transcendent values that in the field of journalism should be highlighted, in ...
28 June 2018
AFRICA/DR CONGO - Kivu, an area of indirect confrontation between Rwanda and Burundi
Kinshasa (Agenzia Fides) - Kivu, a province in the north-east of the Democratic Republic of Congo, is turning into a battlefield for allied foreign forces with some local armed groups. This is stated in a note sent to Ag ...
27 June 2018
EUROPE/SPAIN - The volume "La misión, futuro de la Iglesia, Missio ad-inter gentes" has been published
Madrid (Agenzia Fides) - Until today when "mission" was discussed, reflections focused on aspects related to animation and missionary cooperation. But it was necessary for theologians and missionologists to share opinion ...
27 June 2018
AMERICA/BRAZIL - Individualism and loss of community sense: the difficulties of an indigenous catechist in Amazonia
São Francisco (Agenzia Fides) - One of the most important figures in the work of evangelization in the Amazonia communities is the catechist, responsible of accompanying daily life, given the small number of priests. As ...
27 June 2018
ASIA/SOUTH KOREA - Korean WYD, Cardinal Yeom: "In the heart of young people I see the presence of Christ"
Seoul (Agenzia Fides) - The Archdiocese of Seoul will host the Korea Youth Day (KYD) next August. The great feast of young Catholics in the country, the so-called "Korean WYD", will have as its main theme the evangelical ...
27 June 2018
ASIA/TAIWAN - The Camillians in Asia, to re-motivate the missionary spirit
Taipei (Agenzia Fides) - "Together in Asia to learn about the past, to celebrate the present, to scrutinize the future and to re-motivate the Camillian missionary spirit": this is the theme of the meeting that saw the Ma ...
27 June 2018
AMERICA/BOLIVIA - The contribution of the University regarding the preparation of the 5th American Missionary Congress
Santa Cruz (Agenzia Fides) - Guided by the theme "The mission of the Catholic University today", about forty university delegates met yesterday, 26 June, for the Pre-Congress of Catholic Universities in view of the V Ame ...
27 June 2018
AFRICA/DR CONGO - The Bishops: 770,000 children under 5 years of age risk hunger in Kasai
Kinshasa (Agenzia Fides) - More than 770,000 children under the age of five suffer from severe malnutrition in the center of the Democratic Republic of Congo. This is what the Bishops of Kasai denounce on the basis of st ...
26 June 2018
ASIA/CHINA - Feast of Saints Peter and Paul: Chinese Catholics on pilgrimage to the martyrs' shrine, to invoke the unity of the Church
Beijing (Agenzia Fides) - The pilgrims reached the shrine of the martyrs of Zhu Jia He, in the Chinese province of He Bei, to ask with the prayer to the Holy Apostles Peter and Paul - whose feast falls on June 29th - the ...
26 June 2018
AMERICA/NICARAGUA - Violence does not stop, Cardinal Brenes in audience with the Pope to inform him of the painful situation
Managua (Agenzia Fides) - On Saturday 30 June Pope Francis will receive Cardinal Leopoldo José Brenes Solorzano, Archbishop of Managua, President of the Episcopal Conference of Nicaragua and of the Commission for Nation ...
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