AFRICA/CAMEROON - Bishop of Batouri appointed
Città del Vaticano (Agenzia Fides) – The Holy Father Pope Francis 25 April 2018 appointed as Bishop of Batouri (Cameroon), Rev. Marcellin-Marie Ndabnyemb of the clergy of Douala presently rector of Notre Dame des Nati ...
26 April 2018
AFRICA/COTE D'IVOIRE - The Bishop of Daloa resigns, successor appointed
Città del Vaticano (Agenzia Fides) – The Holy Father, Pope Francis accepted 25 April 2018 the renunciation of the pastoral government of the diocese of Daloa (Cote d’Ivoire), presented by Bishop Maurice Konan Kou ...
26 April 2018
AFRICA/MOZAMBIQUE - The Bishop of Nacala resigns, successor appointed
Città del Vaticano (Agenzia Fides) – The Holy Father, Pope Francis on 25 April 2018 accepted the renunciation of the pastoral government of the Diocese of Nacala (Mozambique), presented by Bishop Germano Grachane, C ...
26 April 2018
ASIA/VIETNAM - Bishop of Thanh Hóa appointed
Città del Vaticano (Agenzia Fides) – The Holy Father, Pope Francis on 25 April 2018 appointed Bishop of Thanh Hóa (Viêt Nam) Rev. Joseph Nguyen Duc Cuong of the clergy of Ðà Lat, until now Parish Priest and Dea ...
AFRICA/COTE D’IVORE - Priest killed in road robbery
Abidjan (Agenzia Fides)- A Catholic priest was killed in a road robbery 23 April in Cote d’Ivoire. Fr Bernardin Brou Aka Daniel was assistant parish priest at Sacred Heart Parish Koun-Abronso diocese of Abengourou, in ...
25 April 2018
AFRICA - The African Church and the challenge of the safety of her clergy
Kara (Agenzia Fides) – The pastoral activity of the Church is increasingly undermined in Africa by a lack of security. From Cote D’Ivoire to Nigeria, to Congo Kinshasa, etc. priests are assassinated by armed gangs ( ...