20 March 2018
ASIA/KAZAKHSTAN - Transition from the Cyrillic alphabet to the Latin, also for sacred texts
Astana (Agenzia Fides) - "You can try to declare a general rule, which applies in many historical periods and in many linguistic situations: the more the creators of a new alphabet are flexible and intelligent, the more ...
20 March 2018
ASIA/VIETNAM - In Hue special attention and pastoral accompaniment to divided families
Hue (Agenzia Fides) - The Archdiocese of Hue, in central Vietnam, is dealing with a specific pastoral plan regarding the needs of divided families. As Agenzia Fides learns, many young Vietnamese marry at a young age or w ...
20 March 2018
AFRICA - An Easter of life and freedom, for a reconciled Africa
Kara (Agenzia Fides) - Easter, the central mystery of Christian faith, has a meaning and brings special auspices on the African continent: "In essence, Easter is the transition from death to life", explains to Agenzia Fi ...
20 March 2018
ASIA/LEBANON - The alarm of the Maronite Patriarch: free Catholic schools begin to close
Bkerké (Agenzia Fides) - The crisis of private schools triggered by the government's provision of new "salary grids" for public sector workers is beginning to have difficult reversible effects: Maronite Patriarch Bechar ...
20 March 2018
AMERICA/VENEZUELA - The Bishops: Venezuela has become a sort of "foreign land" for everyone
Caracas (Agenzia Fides) - Yesterday, March 19, feast of St. Joseph, the Venezuelan Bishops' Conference sent a message to the people of God and to people of good will in which he reminds "all political, social and economi ...
20 March 2018
NEWS ANALYSIS/OMNIS TERRA - Egypt to vote: "the strong man" al Sisi between radical Islam and religious freedom
"It is better to choose a person I know rather than a stranger. Thus says an Egyptian proverb. I am not a political scientist but, knowing the Egyptians a bit, I believe they will eventually choose Abdel Fattah al Sisi". ...
17 March 2018
AFRICA/CONGO - Seven religious and spread of Islamic extremism: challenges for the Church's mission
Brazzaville (Agenzia Fides) - "The Church in the Republic of Congo was founded 135 years ago by the French missionaries of the Congregation of the Holy Spirit who arrived in Brazzaville in 1880. Since then the Church has ...
17 March 2018
AMERICA - Transforming reality in the light of the Gospel: young people towards the Synod
San Jose (Agenzia Fides) - "Young people are a treasure for our people, a wealth that generates joy, hope, the ability to dream, to show sensitivity and solidarity for those who suffer. In these difficult times, God call ...
17 March 2018
AFRICA/BURKINA FASO - Making waves: Radio Sahel, the Gospel reaches the poor and illiterate
Ouagadougou (Agenzia Fides) - For many communities in Burkina Faso, radio broadcasts are often the only effective way to proclaim the Gospel. In a country where oral culture is still very strong and most of the people ar ...
17 March 2018
ASIA/PAKISTAN - Young people, hope of the Church in Pakistan: the key is education
Vatican City (Agenzia Fides) - "Young people are 60% of the Pakistani population. This data is very important for us Catholics. For our young Catholics, the priority is to make sure that they can grow in faith in Christ ...
17 March 2018
ASIA/PHILIPPINES - Resignation of the Apostolic Vicar of San Jose in Mindoro
Vatican City (Agenzia Fides) - Today the Holy Father has accepted the resignation from the pastoral care of the Apostolic Vicariate of San Jose in Mindoro (Philippines), presented by His Exc. Msgr. Antonio P. Palang, S.V ...
17 March 2018
ASIA/LEBANON - First monument dedicated to Pope Francis inaugurated in the Middle East
Hadath (Agenzia Fides) - The first statue dedicated to Pope Francis in Lebanon and throughout the Middle East was inaugurated in Hadath, municipality of the district of Baabda, considered part of the southern suburbs of ...
16 March 2018
AFRICA/EGYPT - Coptic Orthodox Church clarifies: in the elections we do not give indications of vote in favor of individual candidates
Cairo (Agenzia Fides) - The Coptic Orthodox Church invites its faithful and all Egyptian citizens to participate in the upcoming presidential elections, to be held in Egypt from 26 to 28 March, but does not express prefe ...
16 March 2018
AMERICA/NICARAGUA - The Church: "No" to the censorship of social media
Managua (Agenzia Fides) - "The state should not control or censor social media because it would limit freedom of expression, nor should it stand as a moral arbiter of people": this is what Mgr. Silvio José Báez, auxili ...
16 March 2018
AMERICA/BOLIVIA - State-Church convention violated: Catholic education "in a state of emergency"
Riberalta (Agenzia Fides) - The Bolivian Bishops raise their voices and with concern they address the parents of the pupils of the 1,523 Catholic educational institutions of the country: schools "cannot guarantee teachin ...
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