10 May 2017
ASIA/SOUTH KOREA - Bishops: "May the new president work for the peace and reconciliation of the Koreas"
Seoul (Agenzia Fides) - "Over the past year we went through the difficult moments of impeachment and anticipated presidential elections. Now the Korean people have elected a new president. We need a leader who paves the ...
9 May 2017
AFRICA/ETHIOPIA - Testimony of a fidei donum missionary: "One can learn and receive so much from missio ad gentes"
Adaba (Agenzia Fides) - "This is my house, rather my two parish houses: the first one in Adaba, where I live, the other in Dodola, where I go during the week and on Sunday", says to Fides Don Giuseppe Ghirelli, a fidei d ...
9 May 2017
AMERICA/VENEZUELA - "They want to impose a dictatorship disguised as democracy", warns Mgr. Lückert
Coro (Agenzia Fides) – Mgr. Roberto Lückert, Archbishop Emeritus of the Archdiocese of Coro (Venezuela), believes that the country can find peace if there are elections for governors and mayors. This could decrease th ...
9 May 2017
AFRICA/MALI - Confirmation of the National Director of the PMS, Fr. Hervé Tienou
Vatican City (Agenzia Fides) - On February 17, 2017 Cardinal Fernando Filoni, Prefect of the Congregation for the Evangelization of Peoples, confirmed the appointment of rev. Fr. Hervé Tienou of the diocese of San, as N ...
9 May 2017
AFRICA/ANGOLA - Confirmation of the National Director of the PMS, Fr. Fausto De Carvalho Rosado
Vatican City (Agenzia Fides) - On March 24, 2017 Cardinal Fernando Filoni, Prefect of the Congregation for the Evangelization of Peoples, confirmed the appointment of rev. Fr. Fausto De Carvalho Rosado, CMF, as National ...
9 May 2017
ASIA/INDONESIA - Former Christian governor of Jakarta condemned for blasphemy: Christians appeal to the Pancasila
Jakarta (Agenzia Fides) - Basuki Tjahaja Purnama, known as "Ahok", a Christian of Chinese ethnicity, former governor of Jakarta was found guilty and sentenced to two years in prison for blasphemy by a court in Jakarta. I ...
9 May 2017
AMERICA/MEXICO - Mgr. Torres condemns the blue Whale "game" on the internet that leads young people to suicide
Ciudad Juarez (Agenzia Fides) - "The Blue Whale game is to be condemned, it is a terrible epidemic, it is reprehensible", said the Bishop of Ciudad Juarez, Jose Guadalupe Torres Campos, asking parents to be careful when ...
9 May 2017
ASIA/IRAQ - Chaldean Patriarchate: "incendiary rhetoric" against Christians fuels Islamophobia
Baghdad (Agenzia Fides) - Cases of preachers and self-proclaimed Muslim leaders, who from mosques and social media entrusted to them, define Christians, Jews and Gentiles as "infidels" and instigate their followers to tr ...
9 May 2017
AFRICA/SOUTH SUDAN - South Sudan is on the brink of collapse; people and students protest in Juba
Juba (Agenzia Fides) - Yesterday students and citizens took to the streets in Juba, the capital of South Sudan, to protest the collapse of the country's economy. The protest had been convened by students and saw the part ...
9 May 2017
AMERICA/PERU - An award for the Campaign against Child Labor: One and a half million child workers
Lima (Agenzia Fides) - La Fundación Telefónica del Perú (see Fides 2/4/2014) received the Caracol de Plata Award for the campaign against child labor entitled "An appeal to indifference" launched on June 12, 2016 with ...
8 May 2017
ASIA/VIETNAM - Resignation of the Bishop of Bà Ria and appointment of successor
Vatican City (Agenzia Fides) - On May 6, 2017, the Holy Father accepted the resignation from the pastoral care of the diocese of Bà Ria, Viêt Nam, presented by His Excellency Msgr. Thomas Nguyen Van Tram.
He is succe ...
8 May 2017
VATICAN - Pope's appeal to Venezuelans: "Do not fall into mistrust and despair"
Vatican City (Agenzia Fides) - Pope Francis urged Venezuelan Bishops to build bridges between the government and the opposition to resolve the country's current problems of uncertainty and violence. In a letter dated May ...
8 May 2017
AFRICA/NIGERIA - In 3 years Boko Haram has killed over 4,000 children
Abuja (Agenzia Fides) - The terrorist attacks of Boko Haram has since 2014 affected mainly children. Many of them are used for suicide attacks. The first study carried out by the United Nations Secretary-General on Child ...
8 May 2017
ASIA/JORDAN - The first network of Islamic and Christian university institutes in the Arab world
Amman (Agenzia Fides) - The first permanent liaison network between Islamic and Christian university institutions and centers in the Arab countries has just been inaugurated in Amman. The initiative took place during th ...
8 May 2017
AMERICA/GUATEMALA - The Road Film Festival to give voice to the missing family members
Quiché (Agenzia Fides) - The Quiché department in Guatemala was one of the areas most affected by a 36-year-long armed conflict (1960-1996) that resulted in the deaths of 200,000 people across the Country and the disap ...
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