20 October 2020
AFRICA/DR CONGO - About 300 detainees of the prison in Kangbayi on the run: "The people are afraid"
Kinshasa (Agenzia Fides) - More than 300 detainees escaped today, when a group of armed men attacked Kangbayi Central Prison in Beni, north of Kivu, in eastern DRC at 4 a.m.
As a representative of the Center for Studies ...
19 October 2020
AFRICA/GUINEA - Tense presidential election results
Conakry (Agenzia Fides) - The results of the first round of the presidential election on October 18th is expected, in an atmosphere of tension. The two main candidates are outgoing President Alpha Condé, and Cellou Dale ...
19 October 2020
AFRICA/ALGERIA - The Church in Algeria: "a jug full of fresh water", a mission of proximity
Oran (Agenzia Fides) - "I symbolize the mission in Algeria which I have been experiencing for more than 10 years, like a jug full of fresh water representing the love of God with which we are filled and the way in which ...
17 October 2020
NEWS ANALYSIS - Challenges to the evangelizing mission in Africa, at the time of Covid-19
Lagos (Agenzia Fides) - The fundamental dynamic of the mission, which is to announce the Good News of salvation: starting from this awareness, the Catholic communities in Africa will have to rethink some great perspectiv ...
17 October 2020
AFRICA/SOUTH SUDAN - Missionaries: give hope amid conflicts, pandemics, poverty, natural disasters
Juba (Agenzia Fides) - "The peace process continues, but very slowly. The appointment of the regional governors, after the formation of the national transitional government, was a very significant step forward that can b ...
16 October 2020
AFRICA/IVORY COAST - Archbishop Kouadio launches an appeal for evangelization, on the eve of Mission Sunday
Abidjan (Agenzia Fides) - "The Church exists to evangelize and this mission is of a Divine nature; By virtue of this precept, the whole Church in all its components, priests, men and women religious and lay faithful, are ...
16 October 2020
AFRICA/EGYPT - Churches present their proposal concerning the bill on the family to the Egyptian government
Cairo (Agenzia Fides) - The representatives in charge of the Churches and ecclesial communities present in Egypt have presented to the Egyptian political authorities a unitary proposal concerning the bill on personal sta ...
15 October 2020
AFRICA - Father Maccalli free: "I have no other offer than the offer of my life"
Madignano (Agenzia Fides) - The desert of the kidnapping "was a time of great silence, of purification, of returning to the origins and the essential. An opportunity to review the film of my life. Every day, especially ...
15 October 2020
AFRICA/MALI - "Sister Cecilia is alive, but in need of care. Everything must be done to free her", says former French hostage who spent her captivity with her
Bamako (Agenzia Fides) - Sister Gloria Cecilia Narváez, Colombian missionary kidnapped in Mali on February 7, 2017, is alive but needs care. This is what was reported by Sophie Petronin, released in the company of other ...
15 October 2020
AFRICA/MALI - Towards Mission Sunday: "For a peaceful Mali, here I am, send me Lord"
Bamako (Agenzia Fides) - "We have drawn from the theme of World Mission Day a theme adapted to the current situation in Mali and which will remain valid not only for the missionary month of October 2020 but also for all ...
14 October 2020
AFRICA/KENYA - A Church program to tackle teenage pregnancies in one of the poorest areas of Kenya
Nairobi (Agenzia Fides) - There were 100 girls from the villages of Kipanga-ajeni, Burangi, Pokea Mwana and Masheheni, mobilized by teachers in the area, for the launch of the program to tackle teenage pregnancies in the ...
14 October 2020
AFRICA - The Superior of the SMA: "Fr. Maccalli, man of faith, forgiveness and fraternity"
Rome (Agenzia Fides) - After two years of silence and solitude, Father Gigi Maccalli needed to feel at home, to feel welcomed and listened to. "He talked for an hour, without ever getting tired", said to Agenzia Fides Fr ...
14 October 2020
AFRICA/MALAWI - Towards Mission Day: "Responding generously to the call of the Lord"
Blantyre (Agenzia Fides) - "The theme of this year's World Mission Day: Here I am, send me, at first made me think that Pope Francis wanted to address young people in particular", writes to Agenzia Fides Anna Tomasi, of ...
13 October 2020
AFRICA/NIGERIA - Police brutality: Archbishop of Lagos calls for clarification
Lagos (Agenzia Fides) - "Recently there have been reports and videos documenting that members of the Nigerian police, in particular SARS operatives, have been involved in various acts of brutality and extortion against i ...
13 October 2020
AFRICA/DR CONGO - Archbishop of Bukavu: "People want to know the truth"
Bukavu (Agenzia Fides) - Ten years have passed since the publication of the Mapping Report, recalls the Archbishop of Bukavu, Mgr. François-Xavier Maroy Rusengo, but also "20 years since the death of Mgr. Emmanuel Katal ...
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