12 April 2017
AFRICA/EGYPT - Egyptian Bishop Antonios Mina says Copts have no need of “defense” from abroad
AFRICA/EGYPT – Egyptian Bishop Antonios Mina says Copts have no need of “defense” from abroad
Cairo (Agenzia Fides) – After the massacres of Coptic Christians, disputes and arguments have resumed also in Egypt ...
12 April 2017
AFRICA/SOUTH SUDAN - Wau is calm again although thousands are still sheltering in a church
AFRICA/SOUTH SUDAN - Wau is calm again although thousands are still sheltering in a church
Juba (Agenzia Fides) - South Sudan authorities have imposed a curfew throughout the State of Wau (north-west South Sudan) aft ...
12 April 2017
AFRICA/EGYPT - Following Palm Sunday massacre Easter for Coptic Christians in Egypt will be quiet prayer remembering the victims
Cairo (Agenzia Fides) – Easter for the Copt community here will be celebrated quietly in a spirit of prayer and in remembrance of those killed in the Palm Sunday attack last week. Traditional Copt meetings with state, ...
11 April 2017
AFRICA/EGYPT - Copt Catholic Patriarch: let us look to the new martyrs and ask more insistently for Christ to protect us in hope
Cairo (Agenzia Fides) – The massacres on Palm Sunday “were a test for the faith of Egypt’s Christians. Pope Tawadros is sorrowful and deeply saddened, it is not easy to speak with him. We, seeing what is happening, ...
11 April 2017
AFRICA/SOUTH SUDAN - Three thousand take refuge in church to escape violence after two SPLA generals were killed in an ambush
Juba (Agenzia Fides)- Two generals of the Southern Peoples Liberation Army (SPLA) were killed on Sunday 9 April near the city of Wau, in north western South Sudan on the western bank of the Jur River, in Wau County, Wa ...
11 April 2017
AFRICA - “The problem of youth unemployment must be tackled”: Catholic Bishops of West Africa tell politicians in the region
Abidjan (Agenzia Fides)-“Our youth accounts for 65% of the continent’s entire population. Unfortunately the majority are unemployed and exposed to trafficking of people and drugs, to violence and forced migration ...
11 April 2017
AFRICA/MOZAMBIQUE - new Archbishop of Nampula and Apostolico Administrator of Tete appointed
Città del Vaticano (Agenzia Fides) – The Holy Father Francis, 11 April 2017 has appointed as Archbishop of
Nampula (Mozambique) Bishop Inácio Saúre, I.M.C., until now Bishop of Tete. The Holy Father has appointed ...
11 April 2017
AFRICA/ETHIOPIA - Winner of the recent Rome female Marathon hails from Catholic Mission in Kofale
Kofale (Agenzia Fides) – Rahma Chota Tusa has won the Rome female Marathon for two years running. Rahma was born in Kofale, Ethiopia, where she grew up and trained at the Catholic Mission Sports Centre in Kofale (see ...
10 April 2017
AFRICA/EGYPT - Funerals of martyrs held in Tanta. Pope Tawadros: they have passed from sorrow to the joy of being embraced by Christ
Tanta (Agenzia Fides) – The funerals of the 29 Copt Christians murdered yesterday, Palm Sunday, in a kamikaze attack in Tanta, north of Cairo, inside a Coptic church dedicated to Saint George, were held late last night ...
10 April 2017
AFRICA/DR CONGO - “Not only politicians but also civil society to blame for the chaos in Congo”
Kinshasa (Agenzia Fides)-The responsibility of the political chaos into which the Democratic Republic of Congo has fallen belongs to the country’s politicians and to its civil society, Fides reads in a report sent from ...
10 April 2017
AFRICA/GHANA - More than 2000 young Ghanaians send message of hope to their peers in difficulty
Accra (Agenzia Fides)-The youth of Ghana must continue to hope despite the many present difficulties. This was the message sent out by two some thousand young Ghanaian Catholics who took part in a two day evangelisation ...
10 April 2017
AFRICA/NIGERIA - New Bishop of Ogoja appointed
Città del Vaticano (Agenzia Fides) – The Holy Father Francis, on 9 April 2017, appointed
Bishop of the diocese of Ogoja, in Nigeria, Rev. Donatus Edet Akpan of the clergy of Ikot Ekpene, presently parish priest in th ...
10 April 2017
AFRICA/ETHIOPIA - Vicar apostolic of Hosanna resigns, successor appointed
Città del Vaticano (Agenzia Fides) – The Holy Father Francis, on 8 April 2017, accepted the resignation of the pastoral government of the Apostolic Vicariate of Hosanna (Ethiopia), presented by Bishop Woldeghiorghis ...
7 April 2017
AFRICA/MALI - No news of Sister Cecilia two months after her kidnapping, despite the indictment of 4 people
Bamako (Agenzia Fides) - "Where's our Sister Gloria? Who are her kidnappers? And who are those who still hold her?" These are the questions of the Diocese of Karangasso, two months after the kidnapping of Sister Gloria C ...
7 April 2017
AFRICA/SOMALIA - Malnutrition, cholera and diarrhea among children: cases increase
Mogadishu (Agenzia Fides) - Thousands of children in Somalia suffer from acute malnutrition, cholera or diarrhea, and the figure is increasing rapidly. According to UNICEF, therapeutic food was given in the months of Jan ...
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