23 April 2012
AFRICA/MALAWI - "The political turning point has taken place, now we are waiting for economic reforms," said Fr. Gamba
Lilongwe (Agenzia Fides) - " A moment that was very negative at a political and economical level comes to an end" says to Fides Fr. Piergiorgio Gamba, a Monfortan missionary who has been working in Malawi for 30 years, c ...
20 April 2012
AFRICA/GUINEA BISSAU - Agreement on the transition between the coup leaders and parties; international condemnation and the population’s adversity
Bissau (Agenzia Fides) – Since Tuesday, April 17 the Catholic radio station in Guinea Bissau, Radio Sol Mansi, was allowed to resume broadcasting. "The military junta authorized private radio stations, including ours, ...
20 April 2012
AFRICA/MALI-The humanitarian situation in northern Mali gets serious, the Bishops express appreciation for the transition
Bamako (Agenzia Fides) - "The humanitarian situation in northern Mali is worsening day by day. Food and medicine are increasingly rare, because grocery stores, hospitals and health centers were ransacked by the rebels" s ...
18 April 2012
AFRICA/MALI - Prime Minister of the transition has been appointed; the Bishops meet in Bamako concerned about the Christians in the north
Bamako (Agenzia Fides) - An astrophysicist who has worked for Nasa, Cheick Modibo Diarra, is the Prime Minister of the transition of Mali. Diarra was appointed yesterday, April 17, by the ad interim President, Dioncounda ...
18 April 2012
AFRICA/SOUTH SUDAN - Sudan and Southern Sudan mobilize the population, "Only an international intervention can stop the war" Church sources say
Juba (Agenzia Fides) - "The sound of war between South Sudan and Sudan. One is heading towards a war, unless there is a strong stance by the United Nations Security Council to stop the two contenders," says to Fides a so ...
17 April 2012
AFRICA/SOUTH SUDAN - Sudanese Parliament declares: "South Sudan is our enemy," while bombing continues
Juba (Agenzia Fides) - The tension between Sudan and South Sudan, whose troops continue to occupy the area of Heglig, claimed by both countries, remains high. A spokesman of South Sudanese army (SPLA) announced that on A ...
17 April 2012
AFRICA/MALI - In a few hours the appointment of the Premier of the transition
Bamako (Agenzia Fides) - "We are waiting for the appointment of the Prime Minister from one moment ot another," says Fr. Edmond Dembele, Secretary of the Episcopal Conference of Mali. In Ouagadougou (capital of Burkina ...
16 April 2012
AFRICA/GUINEA BISSAU - Even Sol Mansi, the Catholic radio station in Bissau, among the broadcasting stations blocked by the military junta
Bissau (Agenzia Fides) – Even Radio Sol Mansi, the Catholic radio station in Guinea Bissau, is among the broadcasting stations blocked by the military junta that took power with the coup on April 13. The is reported to ...
16 April 2012
AFRICA/MALI - The Archbishop of Bamako participates in negotiations on the crises
Bomako (Agenzia Fides) - There was Mgr. Jean Zerbo, Archbishop of Bamako, in the delegation of civil society who attended the talks held last weekend in Ouagadougou (Burkina Faso) with the military junta and political pa ...
16 April 2012
AFRICA/SWAZILAND - "Food for Peace": a hot meal at school for needy children
Manzini (Agenzia Fides) - Many children in Swaziland are in a precarious situation, they have difficulty following their studies and live in families with serious problems such as HIV/AIDS, unemployment and poverty. Than ...
14 April 2012
AFRICA/GUINEA BISSAU - Is there a former commander of the Navy behind the coup?
Bissau (Agenzia Fides) - "The situation remains uncertain and confused, between riddle of rumors circulating through the streets of the city, but that cannot be verified because the radios continue to remain closed, even ...
14 April 2012
AFRICA/TANZANIA - A Catholic priest killed while trying to stop a fight
Dar es Salaam (Agenzia Fides) - two young people were arrested by police in connection with the murder of Father Anastasius Nsherenguzi, a 43-year-old Catholic priest in the diocese of Kayanga (Tanzania), who was serious ...
13 April 2012
AFRICA/GUINEA BISSAU - Uncertain situation in Bissau after a coup attempt
Bissau (Agenzia Fides) - "This morning the situation is calm, even if the radios are closed and do not transmit. It is therefore difficult to obtain reliable information " say to Fides local sources from Bissau, capital ...
13 April 2012
AFRICA/SOUTH SUDAN - "The tension is favoringing speculators and the poorest are the first victims": missionary’s testimony from Malakal
Juba (Agenzia Fides) - "Panic is spreading, in our opinion, justified in part, that risks damaging the weak" refer to Fides missionary sources from Malakal, the capital of South Sudan Upper Nile, not far from the border ...
12 April 2012
AFRICA/MALI - Christians in danger in northern Mali
Bamako (Agenzia Fides) - "Christians feel threatened, scared and hide. In Gao a church was destroyed (see Fides 03/4/2012) as well as other property belonging to the local Church community. Even bars and hotels privately ...
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