AFRICA/CONGO DR - July tank explosion victims left without support
Kinshasa (Agenzia Fides) – “The people have not received practically any of the money raised to help them," Fides has been told by local church sources (which for security reasons asked not to be cited) in Sange, a t ...
AFRICA/BURKINA FASO - Water and education: Jesuits “braving the desert”
Kaya (Agenzia Fides) – Initiate growth and social and economic autonomy of the province around Kaya, situated between desert and savannah: this is the goal of a large project of human, cultural, health, socio-economic, ...
26 October 2010
AFRICA/CONGO DR - Is another war brewing in North Kivu?
Kinshasa (Agenzia Fides) – Is the eastern Democratic Republic of Congo on the verge of another war? This is what the missionaries of the “Network for Peace in Congo” are wondering. They tell Fides of some indicatio ...
AFRICA/KENYA - “A new culture of transparency and accountability”
Nairobi (Agenzia Fides) - “We acknowledge the democratic decision exercised by the majority of Kenyans in passing the new Constitution,” says Archbishop Zacchaeus Okoth of Kisimu, President of the Bishops' Commission ...
22 October 2010
AFRICA/GHANA - SECAM/SCEAM Permanent Committee Meeting
Accra (Agenzia Fides) – A meeting of the thirteen-member Standing Committee of the Symposium of Episcopal Conferences of Africa and Madagascar (SECAM) will take place in Accra, Ghana from October 24- 27, 2010.
Acco ...
AFRICA/CONGO DR - Women used as targets in DRC's 20 year-long war
Bukavu (Agenzia Fides) - “Congolese women are tired of conferences on the violence they suffer and they want to get to the root causes of these acts,” says Sister Teresina Caffi, of the Missionaries of Mary, Xaverian ...
AFRICA/GUINEA - Mali delegate appointed President of Electoral Commission
Conakry (Agenzia Fides) - “The decision to appoint a Malian as President of the National Electoral Commission (INEC) will help overcome the impasse that had arisen,” Fides learned from a source from the local Church ...