15 February 2023
AFRICA/DR CONGO - Catholic parish and hospital in Birambizo looted: vaccination campaign against measles ruined
Kinshasa (Agenzia Fides) - Among the buildings looted on February 13 by the M23 rebels in Birambizo, in the Bukombo group, Rutshuru territory, in North Kivu (eastern Democratic Republic of Congo), there is also the local ...
14 February 2023
AFRICA/NIGER - Basic Christian communities, a simple tool for proclaiming the Gospel
Dosso (Agenzia Fides) - "I would like to tell you about our basic Christian communities which, it seems, normally operate in all the missions of the diocese except in Dosso", writes Father Rafael Casamayor from Niger. "W ...
14 February 2023
AFRICA/CENTRAL AFRICA - Foot amputation for wounded missionary
Bangui (Agenzia Fides) - "Unfortunately, the doctors have decided to amputate Father Norberto's foot", says to Fides Father Aurelio Gazzera, a confrere of Father Norberto Pozzi, the 71-year-old Carmelite missionary injur ...
14 February 2023
AFRICA/DR CONGO - New demonstrations in Goma while the EAC regional force finalizes a calendar for the withdrawal of the M23
Kinshasa (Agenzia Fides) - New demonstrations took place yesterday, February 13, in Goma to denounce the inaction of the force of the member countries of the East African Community (EAC) to stop the advance of the M23 re ...
13 February 2023
AFRICA/CENTRAL AFRICA - The condition of Father Norberto Pozzi injured in a mine explosion
Bangui (Agenzia Fides) - "Father Norberto Pozzi is better they have taken him off the ventilator and now he is breathing on his own. They have just called me from the hospital in Entebbe", says from Bozoum to Fides Fathe ...
13 February 2023
AFRICA/NIGERIA - Erection of the diocese of Aguleri and appointment of first bishop
Vatican City (Agenzia Fides) - On February 12, 2023, the Holy Father erected the new diocese of Aguleri, Nigeria, dismembering the archdiocese of Onitsha and making it a suffragan of the same metropolitan see.
The Holy ...
13 February 2023
AFRICA/SIERRA LEONE - The diocese of Makeni has a new bishop. “Happiness and gratitude on behalf of the people of God”
by Antonella Prenna
Vatican City (Agenzia Fides) - On February 11, 2023, the Holy Father appointed the Reverend Bob John Hassan Koroma, of the clergy of Makeni, until now vicar general and administrator of the Cathedral ...
10 February 2023
AFRICA/DR CONGO - North Kivu: Missionary warns of conflicting reports and media campaigns
Kinshasa (Agenzia Fides) - "As far as we know, the rebels are still advancing towards Goma. The M23 militias are currently 35 km from the capital of North Kivu," says Pierre Kabeza, a former trade unionist now representi ...
9 February 2023
AFRICA/TANZANIA - Celebrating the God of the Mission: centenary of the presence of the Consolata Missionaries
Iringa (Agenzia Fides) - "What is the point of celebrating the Centenary of the presence of the Consolata Missionaries in Tanzania? What are we celebrating? Who are we celebrating?" write Sister Simona Brambilla, Superi ...
9 February 2023
AFRICA/DR CONGO - The toll of the assault on a UN convoy worsens
Kinshasa (Agenzia Fides) - Tensions remain high in North Kivu province in eastern Democratic Republic of Congo. This morning, February 9, new clashes are reported between the Congolese Armed Forces (FARDC) and M23 rebels ...
8 February 2023
AFRICA/DR CONGO - The military parade through the streets of Goma to "reassure the population" and silence the protests
Kinshasa (Agenzia Fides) - In Goma, the protests against the East African Community Regional Force (EACRF) and the Blue Helmets of MONUSCO, accused of lack of action against the rebel advance towards the capital of North ...
7 February 2023
AFRICA/MOROCCO - Appointment of archbishop of Tanger, Emilio Rocha Grande, O.F.M.
Vatican City (Agenzia Fides) - The Holy Father has appointed the Reverend Fr. Emilio Rocha Grande, O.F.M., until now apostolic administrator Sede vacante et ad nutum Sanctae Sedis of the archdiocese of Tanger, Morocco, a ...
7 February 2023
AFRICA/SOUTH SUDAN - "Fundamental decisions on war and peace are now in the hands of the South Sudanese"
Juba (Agenzia Fides) - "Fundamental decisions on war or peace are now in the hands of the South Sudanese", says to Fides Herena Balatti, Comboni missionary in Malakal, the day after the apostolic visit of Pope Francis in ...
7 February 2023
AFRICA/ETHIOPIA - Apostolic Prefect inaugurates neuro-psychiatric clinic: In the footsteps of Mother Teresa of Calcutta
Robe (Agenzia Fides) - "Before the Father there are no first and second class children. Important children and those who are worthless. Honorable children and despicable children", said the Apostolic Prefect of Robe, Fat ...
6 February 2023
AFRICA/DR CONGO - New demonstrations in Goma as M23 rebels advance
Kinshasa (Agenzia Fides) - Also today, February 6th, protests broke out again in Goma, capital of North Kivu (eastern Democratic Republic of the Congo), Barricades in the streets, where demonstrations that began on Febru ...
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