AFRICA/RWANDA - Important step towards abolition of death penalty
Kigali (Agenzia Fides)- After comprehensive consultation with the different social and political realities in the country, the Rwandan government approved a proposed Bill to abolish capital punishment. The decision was r ...
AFRICA/UGANDA - Inspirer of Lord’s Resistance Army dies in exile
Kampala (Agenzia Fides)- Alice Lakwena, the woman who inspired the Lord’s Resistance Army LRA, has died in a refugee camp at Dadaad, in northern Kenya, close to the Ugandan border where she lived in exile for 18 Years ...
AFRICA - Africans interested in application of nuclear energy
Roma (Agenzia Fides)- African countries are showing growing interest for nuclear technology as a means for meeting their needs for energy and development. This emerged from a Conference on Nuclear Energy in Africa in Alg ...