14 November 2013
AMERICA/HAITI - More than 170 murders and violence continues, we need a plan for disarmament
Port au Prince (Agenzia Fides) - The recent political tensions and the lack of a plan for disarmament in Haiti have facilitated the growth of violence and insecurity (see Fides 09/11/2013 ), facilitating the manipulation ...
14 November 2013
AMERICA/COSTA RICA - Appeal rejected: the Bishops' document on the election does not favor any party
San José (Agenzia Fides) - The decision of the Supreme Electoral Tribunal (TSE), which rejected the appeal against the document of the Episcopal Conference of Costa Rica (Cecor) on next year's election , in which it ask ...
13 November 2013
AMERICA/HAITI - " The rebuilding begins to bear fruit", the U.S. Bishops’ report on the aid to the Church in Haiti
Washington (Agenzia Fides) - The U.S. Bishops attended the screening of a video report on the work of reconstruction carried out in Haiti during the Plenary Assembly of the Bishops' Conference of the United States of Ame ...
13 November 2013
AMERICA/NICARAGUA - Year of Faith: "We must all work for conversion"
Granada (Agenzia Fides) - "We want to re-awaken as a Catholic Church and continue to work in the coming years to become a community that transforms reality, we must stop evil, injustice and sin, in order to reign in the ...
12 November 2013
AMERICA/NICARAGUA - The Catholic Church invited to the consultations on the constitutional reform
Managua (Agenzia Fides) - The Episcopal Conference of Nicaragua (CEN) will participate in the consultations on the constitutional reform, announced yesterday, 11 November, by the Secretary General of CEN, Auxiliary Bisho ...
12 November 2013
AMERICA/MEXICO - "Evangelization in a context of violence" at the center of the reflection of the Bishops’ Assembly
Mexico City (Agenzia Fides) - "We are doing our work of evangelization in a more violent context compared to other States and Monsignor Miguel (Mgr. Miguel Patiño Velazquez, Bishop of Apatzingán) is perhaps in the most ...
11 November 2013
AMERICA/MEXICO - Three commitments on behalf of the authorities for migrants, after the intervention of Mgr. Vera López
Coahuila (Agenzia Fides) - The governor of the state of Coahuila, Rubén Moreira, has publicly asked to assist and support the demands of the Bishop of Saltillo (Coahuila, Mexico), His Exc. Mgr. José Raúl Vera López, ...
11 November 2013
AMERICA/BOLIVIA - Bishops' message at the end of the Year of Faith: "Faith is a treasure to live as children of God"
Cochabamba (Agenzia Fides) – On Sunday, 10 November, the Bishops of Bolivia, gathered for their Annual 96th Ordinary Meeting, concelebrated Mass in the Cathedral of Cochabamba to mark the end of the Year of Faith. The ...
9 November 2013
AMERICA/HAITI - Tension in the capital: the protest against President Martelly increases
Port au Prince (Agenzia Fides) - A part of the Haitian population is crying out for the resignation of President Michel Martelly: this is what the protesters who recently took to the streets in Delmas and in the Haitian ...
9 November 2013
AMERICA/BRAZIL - The Bishops: Catholic communities in the front line against human trafficking
Brasilia (Agenzia Fides) - Pastoral workers, social animators, teachers and researchers are called to be in the "front line" for the serious phenomenon of human trafficking: With this goal, the Episcopal Commission for " ...
8 November 2013
AMERICA/COLOMBIA - A second agreement has been reached, the Church proposes "a policy of reconciliation for definitive peace"
Bogota (Agenzia Fides) - The Catholic Church believes that in order to achieve true reconciliation and authentic peace in Colombia "one must go forward on issues such as the equitable distribution of land and achieve aut ...
8 November 2013
AMERICA/CHILE – Mgr. Ezzati re-elected President of the CECh; waiting for the final message of the Assembly
Santiago (Agenzia Fides) - The 106th Plenary Assembly of the Chilean Episcopal Conference (CECh) has re-elected the Archbishop of Santiago, His Exc. Mgr. Ricardo Ezzati Andrello as President for a further period of three ...
7 November 2013
AMERICA/NICARAGUA - Archbishop of Managua’s appeal to prevent dengue
Managua (Agenzia Fides) - "It is really sad to read news that a person, especially a young person, a child dies due to dengue hemorrhagic fever", said the Archbishop of Managua, Msgr. Leopoldo Brenes, in a statement sent ...
7 November 2013
AMERICA - The Meeting of Guadalupe closes the Year of Faith in the continent
Mexico City (Agenzia Fides) - The meeting of "Our Lady of Guadalupe, Star of the New Evangelization in the Americas will open on November 16 at the premises of the Basilica of Our Lady of Guadalupe in Mexico City, with a ...
7 November 2013
AMERICA/DOMINICAN REPUBLIC - The Church in defense of creation and against the destruction of natural heritage
La Vega (Agenzia Fides) - The Bishop of La Vega, His Exc. Mgr. Antonio Camilo Gonzalez, has launched an appeal to priests, deacons, and representatives of various sectors of pastoral care in defense and the preservation ...
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