28 March 2012
AMERICA/CHILE - Jesús TV: the first virtual channel launched by the Archbishopric of Concepción
Concepción (Agenzia Fides) - Birth of the first virtual channel of the Archdiocese of Concepción. His Exc. Mgr. Archbishop Fernando Chomali, will inaugurate Jesús TV on Thursday, March 29. It is a tool for informatio ...
28 March 2012
AMERICA/ECUADOR - Thirty victims and thousands displaced because of heavy rains, severe damage to crops
Quito (Agenzia Fides) - Since the beginning of the year, the torrential rains that are hitting Ecuador has devastated 84 000 people, causing the death of 30 people so far, in addition to 4,700 displaced. The statistics o ...
27 March 2012
AMERICA/CHILE - Sadness for the death of 6 volunteers of the Catholic foundation "A Roof for Chile"
Los Alamos (Agenzia Fides) - The Archbishop of Concepcion, his Exc. Mgr. Fernando Chomali, expressed his condolences for the terrible loss of 6 young volunteers of the group "A Roof for Chile" who died in a car accident ...
26 March 2012
AMERICA/CUBA - Cuban Catholics are ready to welcome Pope Benedict, "Pilgrim of Love"
Havana (Agenzia Fides) – We have received the testimony of the preparation of Pope Benedict’s arrival to Cuba for his pastoral visit from several parishes. Father Raul tells Fides how they have prepared the Christian ...
24 March 2012
AMERICA/MEXICO-The Pope in Mexico: a German who "does the sums" on migrants
Guanajuato (Agenzia Fides) - "I already know I am in a Country proud of its hospitality and anxious that no one feels a stranger in its land. I know, I already knew, but now I see and feel it very deep in the heart. I ho ...
24 March 2012
AMERICA/MEXICO - The Pope’s visit live on the PMS website
Mexico City (Agenzia Fides) - The Pontifical Mission Societies (PMS) in Mexico, on the occasion of Pope Benedict XVI’s first apostolic visit in Mexico, are technically prepared to be able to follow step by step the Hol ...
23 March 2012
AMERICA/MEXICO - Guanajuato, land with a long history of struggle and faith, welcomes Benedict XVI
Guanajuato (Agenzia Fides) - Pope Benedict XVI will be the first pontiff to set foot in Guanajuato, a state which is protagonist for the movement for Mexican independence and imbued with mysticism, because in its territo ...
23 March 2012
AMERICA - Water is a human right that many still fail to conquer
Quito (Agenzia Fides) - The World Water Day was celebrated yesterday, March 22, also in Latin America with several demonstrations in defense of this natural asset. In South America for the indigenous water is a sacred, f ...
22 March 2012
AMERICA/UNITED STATES-The Episcopal Conference has posted a website and through the website one can connect to Facebook with details on the Pope’s trip
New York City (Agenzia Fides) - Benedict XVI’s visit in Mexico and Cuba will also be posted by the American Episcopate website and social networks. In a note sent to Fides, the United States Conference of Catholic Bish ...
22 March 2012
AMERICA/BOLIVIA-Dominican Sisters of Maryknoll: 100 years of foundation, and 70 in Bolivia
Riberalta (Agenzia Fides) - The community of the Dominican Sisters of Maryknoll celebrate 100 years since the founding of the congregation and 70 years of their presence in Bolivia. The missionaries are in the poorest ar ...
22 March 2012
AMERICA/CUBA - "The expectation that I hear in all the Christian communities for the arrival of Benedict XVI is the same as 14 years ago, for John Paul II’s visit," says Fr. Raul Rodriguez
Havana (Agenzia Fides) - "Hopefully it is a time of blessing of the Lord for these people, who need the saving and liberating message of Jesus. Let us hope it is a moment of unity among all Cubans, wherever they are, whe ...
21 March 2012
AMERICA/CHILE - The ecclesial community of Calama supports the requests on behalf of the population for greater attention of the central government
Calama (Agenzia Fides) – His Exc. Mgr. Guillermo Vera Soto, Bishop of San Juan Bautista de Calama, gave his support to the 5,000 people who attended the march yesterday to ask the central government the realization of ...
21 March 2012
AMERICA/ECUADOR-The march of the indigenous reaches Quito: to protest the use of water and mineral resources
Quito (Agenzia Fides) - More than 500 participants in the march that tomorrow will reach the capital of Ecuador, Quito, to protest against the law on the use of water and against large-scale mining operations, as reporte ...
20 March 2012
AMERICA/PERU - A documentary traces the 100 years of the Claretian Missionaries in Peru
Lima (Agenzia Fides) - The Peruvian Catholic television network JN 19, will present tomorrow to the media operators and representatives of the community, a documentary on 100 years of the presence in the country of the C ...
20 March 2012
AMERICA/ECUADOR-"If I do not work dad punishes me": 15 000 children working in the streets of Quito
Quito (Agenzia Fides) - "If I do not work dad punishes me": this is the reality for over 15 000 children in the capital of Ecuador, Quito, working as peddlers in the streets of the city. According to the Instituto de la ...
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