1 March 2010
AMERICA/CHILE - Fr. Roberto Simionato testifies to heroic generosity in providing assistance to sick and elderly
Concepcion (Agenzia Fides) – "The earthquake occurred at 3:34 am on February 27. There has long aftershock right away. I thought 'this will pass' - in Chile we are accustomed to some shocks now and then - but after 30 ...
27 February 2010
AMERICA/MEXICO - Personal conversion and missionary decision, in light of Aparecida
Mazatlan (Agenzia Fides) – "Conversion is nothing other than simply adhering oneself to a person, to Jesus Christ, to His Gospel, to the values of the Kingdom of God, and using the Gospel as the reference point in view ...
27 February 2010
AMERICA/PERU - National Assembly of PMS Diocesan Directors reflects on Caritas in Veritate and plans for year dedicated to Pauline Jaricot
Lima (Agenzia Fides) – The Pontifical Mission Societies (PMS) of Peru celebrated the National Assembly of Diocesan Directors of the PMS, which was attended by 65 delegates, along with the President of the Commission fo ...
26 February 2010
AMERICA/MEXICO - Basilica of Guadalupe receives largest pilgrimage in history: 100,000 pilgrims
Toluca (Agenzia Fides) – The largest pilgrimage in history, nearly 100,000 pilgrims, has made its way to the Hill of Tepeyac. After three intense days of walking, at dawn on Wednesday, February 24, a pilgrimage from th ...
26 February 2010
AMERICA/BRAZIL - Formation, spirituality, and missionary animation: themes of the meeting for Regional Coordinators of the Youth Missionary Organization
Brasilia (Agenzia Fides) – "Assessing the work that has taken place over the course of these four years as the Youth Missionary Organization of the country and the work materials, selecting the songs for the compilatio ...
25 February 2010
AMERICA/UNITED STATES - HCA focuses on Senegal for Lent, holds National Prayer Week
New York (Agenzia Fides) – The Holy Childhood Association (HCA) in the United States is spotlighting the country of Senegal in its “It’s Our World” newsletter for Lent, emphasizing how the Church in that African ...
25 February 2010
AMERICA - Debate over homosexual unions and their adoption of children reignited
Lima (Agenzia Fides) – The debate over so-called "marriage" between homosexuals is has re-emerged recently in several Latin American countries. Bishop Emeritus of Chimbote, His Excellency Luis Bambaren, also former pre ...
25 February 2010
AMERICA/ARGENTINA - “Mary is the great missionary and the missionaries' teacher”
Buenos Aires (Agenzia Fides) – For the whole Church, "Mary is the great missionary who continues the mission of the Son and is the missionaries' teacher,” which is why on February 23 the Parish of St. Mary of Bethany ...
25 February 2010
AMERICA/BRAZIL - Brazilian Bishops launch blog
Brasilia (Agenzia Fides) – Since February 23, the blog of the Brazilian Bishops' Conference (CNBB) has been up and running on the Internet. Encouraged by Pope Benedict XVI in his Message for the 44th World Communicatio ...
24 February 2010
AMERICA/HAITI - Appeal from Nuncio in Haiti: “The seminaries and the seminarians lost everything...putting them back to "normal" life is a priority.”
Port-au-Prince (Agenzia Fides) – The Apostolic Nuncio to Haiti, Archbishop Bernardito Auza, has sent a report on the present situation of the seminarians and an appeal made to the Pontifical Mission Societies of Englan ...
24 February 2010
AMERICA/HAITI - Claretians in Haiti rebuilding Parish of St. Anthony Maria Claret in Nazon
Jimani (Agenzia Fides) – Monday, February 15th an "historic" meeting took place, which was attended by the Claretian Missionaries in Haiti (Fathers Joachim, Beauplan, and Anistus), those in Jimaní in the Dominican Rep ...
23 February 2010
AMERICA/ARGENTINA - Bishops call for dialogue in resolving health emergency in Santiago del Estero
Santiago del Estero (Agenzia Fides) - Bishop Francisco Polti, Bishop of Santiago del Estero, his Auxiliary Bishop Ariel Torrado Mosconi, and Bishop Adolfo Uriona of Añatuya, have prepared a joint message to express thei ...
23 February 2010
AMERICA/BOLIVIA - Car accident leads kills Cleric of Saint Viator, wounds two others
Reyes (Agenzia Fides) – On the morning of Saturday, February 20, on the provincial highway Rurrenabaque-Yucumo, two priests and a religious of the Parish of Popoy, who were returning from the funeral of Bishop Roger Au ...
23 February 2010
AMERICA/BOLIVIA - Bishop Aubry remembered: the mission was the most important part of his life
Cochabamba (Agenzia Fides) – A few days after the death of Bishop Roger Emile Aubry, Redemptorist (see Fides 19/02/2010) Fides has received a very significant testimony entitled: "The Gift of Fidelity,” in thanksgivi ...
22 February 2010
AMERICA/HAITI - Steps forward for Jesuit reconstruction effort
Port-au-Prince (Agenzia Fides) – Soon after the first emergency situations were caused by the earthquake that devastated Haiti on 12 January, the Jesuits, along with other collaborators, established a Haitian-Dominican ...
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