7 November 2019
ASIA/INDONESIA - Bishops: to actualize the Abu Dhabi Document to improve dialogue with Islam
Bandung (Agenzia Fides) - "Human fraternity for a peaceful Indonesia" is the theme of the Assembly of Indonesian Bishops, underway in Bandung (4-11 November), with the aim of "understanding the Abu Dhabi Document on huma ...
6 November 2019
ASIA/BANGLADESH - Theatrical work and music to announce the Christian message
Barisal (Agenzia Fides) - "In the district of Barisal, in central-southern Bangladesh, people traditionally love singing and music. In this area there are various theatrical works of religious nature and theme. The theat ...
6 November 2019
ASIA/SINGAPORE - The nun who walks death row inmates to the gallow
Singapore (Agenzia Fides) - Bringing mercy and compassion and the love of Christ among the prisoners on death row: this is the mission of Sister Gerarda Fernandez, 81, who worked with the prisons in Singapore as a death- ...
5 November 2019
ASIA/PHILIPPINES - Peace, dignity and justice for victims of extrajudicial killings: appeal by three priests
Manila (Agenzia Fides) - Restoring peace, human dignity and justice for the victims of extrajudicial killings in the Philippines: is the appeal launched by three Catholic priests who recently led a demonstration and cele ...
29 October 2019
ASIA/INDONESIA - Cardinal Suharyo: "The Pope appreciates the Pancasila"
Jakarta (Agenzia Fides) - "The Pope appreciates the values of the Pancasila (the Charter of the five principles, ed) at the base of the Indonesian nation, which strives to contribute to building peace in the world, devel ...
29 October 2019
ASIA/INDIA - In the extraordinary missionary Month, biblical convention in Madhya Pradesh
Indore (Agenzia Fides) - The nine dioceses of Madhya Pradesh, in central India, organized a three-day "biblical convention" in Indore, from 25 to 27 October, bringing together over 6,000 faithful, including bishops, prie ...
28 October 2019
ASIA/UZBEKISTAN - The Catholic community restarts from the extraordinary missionary Month
Tashkent (Agenzia Fides) - "In the extraordinary Month that the Church wanted to dedicate to missions, we decided to meet every day to recite the prayer of the Rosary. For this reason, we meet with the faithful in the pa ...
28 October 2019
ASIA/SRI LANKA - Vote with conscience and attention to the common good: the Church indicates the criteria for the presidential elections
Colombo (Agenzia Fides) - Participate in the vote with conscience and enthusiasm, choosing candidates who care about the common good of the country, considering challenges such as economic and social development, reconci ...
25 October 2019
ASIA/TURKEY - US Parliament puts the vote on the recognition of the Armenian Genocide on the agenda
Washington (Agenzia Fides) - The US House of Representatives, a branch of the United States Congress, is preparing to put to the vote a resolution that would entail the official recognition by the US of the Armenian Geno ...
25 October 2019
ASIA/TURKMENISTAN - Extraordinary Missionary Month: towards a new era, with the mission in Turkmen language
Ashgabat (Agenzia Fides) - The whole pontificate of Pope Francis is at the service of marginalized margins, missions and suburbs. This missionary awakening is positive and necessary for the whole Church", says Fr. Andrze ...
24 October 2019
ASIA/LEBANON - Church Leaders "embrace" the anti-system revolt
Beirut (Agenzia Fides) - The Heads of Churches and Christian communities present in Lebanon pay homage "to the people who expressed their unity" and ask to "embrace and protect the legitimate revolt of our children", str ...
23 October 2019
ASIA/EAST TIMOR - Extraordinary Missionary Month: the Word of God is at the center of the mission
Dili (Agenzia Fides) - The Word of God is at the heart of the Church's mission, which Christians announce and give to the whole world, as a message of salvation for humanity: it is with this spirit that the Catholics of ...
23 October 2019
NEWS ANALYSIS/OMNIS TERRA - Missionaries in Taiwan: "Like dwarfs on the shoulders of giants"
In Taiwan, more than the "mission of the Church", it is better to refer to it as "Church of the mission". In fact, in a place that is so "ignorant" to Christ, it is nearly impossible to consider the mission as something ...
18 October 2019
ASIA/MYANMAR - Appointment of Coadjutor Bishop of Lashio
Vatican City (Agenzia Fides) - The Holy Father has appointed as Coadjutor Bishop of the diocese of Lashio, Myanmar, the Reverend Father Lucas Dau Ze Jeimphaung, S.D.B., currently provincial counsellor and Rector of the S ...
18 October 2019
ASIA/TURKEY - Turkish media: the military offensive in Syria is not against Christians
Istanbul (Agenzia Fides) - The Turkish military intervention in the north-east of Syria does not aim to hit or penalize the Christian communities present in that area, and the alarms launched in this regard by the media ...
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