3 April 2012
ASIA/PAKISTAN-Education without hatred or prejudice: Commission's appeal "Justice and Peace"
Lahore (Agenzia Fides) - No to bigotry in schools, no to the imposition of Islamic studies to non-Muslim students: is the appeal launched by the Commission "Justice and Peace" of the Episcopal Conference of Pakstan focus ...
3 April 2012
ASIA/NORTH KOREA-Christians and NGOs to the UN: Stop to the gulag in North Korea
Seoul (Agenzia Fides) - The United Nations are asked to help North Korea to close forever the vast gulag system in the country: is what is asked, in a petition today to the UN Council for Human Rights, on behalf of over ...
3 April 2012
ASIA - Over 50 million people in Muslim countries suffered serious damage in 2011
Dubai (Agenzia Fides) - At the International Humanitarian Aid & Development Conference & Exhibition, the recent meeting held in Dubai, sources of the Organization for Islamic Cooperation (OIC) said that disasters and cri ...
2 April 2012
ASIA/LAOS - To celebrate Easter, Christians occupy a requisitioned church
Savannakhet (Agenzia Fides) – It is an act of extreme and risky protest, because the faithful might soon be arrested: yesterday, April 1, Palm Sunday, a group of Laotian Christians in the village of Kengweng in the pro ...
2 April 2012
ASIA/SYRIA - Minorities and civilian victims of armed Salafist gangs: No to "religious war"
Kusayr (Agenzia Fides) - In Kusayr, a large village near Homs, on the border with Lebanon the ethnic minorities and religious such as Alawites, Christians, Shiites have been subjected to violence and atrocities perpetrat ...
2 April 2012
ASIA/MYANMAR - The Bishops: elections and pluralism, "beginning of a new era of peace"
Yangon (Agenzia Fides) - The result of the elections, although not yet official, "is a new beginning for the country, the beginning of an era of great hope for us all. The opposition will be present in Parliament, a fact ...
30 March 2012
ASIA/HONG KONG - The lay missionaries share their experience with younger students
Hong Kong (Agenzia Fides) - The experience of the lay missionaries of the Commission for the Diocesan Youth Pastoral helps the young of Hong Kong to live more in a Christian spirit, especially in the Year of the Laity. A ...
30 March 2012
ASIA/INDIA - Hindu Fanatics beat Christians in Karnataka
Mundargi (Karnataka) - Allegations of conversions and then violent beatings: is what the Hindu extremists of the movement RSS ("Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh", "National Volunteer Organization") did against the Christian P ...
30 March 2012
ASIA/SYRIA - Christians being targeted by armed Islamist gangs
Damascus (Agenzia Fides) - Armed Islamist gangs, that pollute the Syrian Liberation Army, have targeted some believers in the ongoing conflict in Syria: is what several sources say to Fides in the Christian community in ...
29 March 2012
ASIA/TAIWAN - The diocesan Eucharistic Congress of Kao Hsiung to awaken the love for the Eucharist
Kao Hsiung (Agenzia Fides) - The Eucharistic Congress of the Diocese of Kao Hsiung will be held on April 21 on the theme "Mystery of Faith", in view of the 50th International Eucharistic Congress in Dublin (Ireland from ...
29 March 2012
ASIA/INDONESIA - Childhood tabagism: in Indonesia children start smoking even before the age of 4
Jakarta (Agenzia Fides) - Approximately 10 years ago, the WHO (World Health Organization) estimated that, every day, between 80 and 100 000 children smoked their first cigarette. The figure has not been updated but the s ...
29 March 2012
ASIA/INDIA- A message of hope and resurrection among the detainees in Orissa
Phulbani (Agenzia Fides) - Bringing a message of hope and resurrection to the inmates of Orissa, also and especially to those who are unjustly in prison: is what a Christian community did in Kandhamal, district of the st ...
29 March 2012
ASIA/SYRIA - The fears of the minorities in Syria: the Armenians and plans for a "new exodus"
Aleppo (Agenzia Fides) - Prayer and expectation, fears and hopes: with this attitude, the small Armenian community in Syria, almost entirely Christian, live the present historical phase, marked by violence, conflict, asp ...
29 March 2012
ASIA/MYANMAR - The young and the Word of God: the future of the mission in Myanmar
Loikaw (Agenzia Fides) - The Word of God "gift that gives courage and hope for the lives of young people; as a "point of reference for an authentically Christian life"; as a "valuable tool" in the hands of young people w ...
28 March 2012
ASIA/SYRIA - Pope’s Holy Thursday Mass collection to refugees: from Cor Unum to Caritas Syria
Damascus (Agenzia Fides) - Giving the donations collected during the evening Mass on Holy Thursday, which will be celebrated by the Pope in St. John’s basilica in favor of humanitarian assistance to Syrian refugees "is ...
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