28 March 2011
ASIA/JAPAN - A Korean missionary, “hand from the Pope” to help fishermen hit by the tsunami
Sendai (Agenzia Fides) – The Holy See hopes to help the fishermen hit by the tsunami to rebuild their livelihoods: the person responsible for realising this intention in Japan is Soon-Ho Kim, a St Columban lay missiona ...
28 March 2011
ASIA/JAPAN - Auxiliary Bishop of Osaka: “We will help the fishermen who don't receive government aid”
Osaka (Agenzia Fides) – The Japanese Bishops and the Apostolate of the Sea are concentrating on helping the fishermen and those people, who, for diverse reasons do not qualify for government aid: so says Bishop Michael ...
28 March 2011
ASIA/INDIA - Hindu and militant extremists united to sow terror among Christians, denounces an NGO
Mumbai (Agenzia Fides) –There is a criminal alliance - between various leaders of the army and the Hindu extremist militia - behind the anti-Christian violence which has occurred in recent years in the States of Orissa ...
28 March 2011
ASIA/PAKISTAN - Asia Bibi's appeal: “I dream of meeting the Pope”
Lahore (Agenzia Fides) – From her isolation cell in Sheikupura, Asia Bibi, the Christian woman condemned to death for blasphemy, issues her appeal to the world to meet the Pope. Asia, confides her husband Ashiq to Fide ...
28 March 2011
ASIA/HONG KONG - New President of the Association for Chinese priests in Hong Kong: “the priesthood should be a testimony to the vocation”
Hong Kong (Agenzia Fides) – That “the priesthood should be a testimony to the vocation” is the hope expressed by Fr John B. Kwan Kit Tong, new President of the HK Diocesan Chinese Priests Association, straight aft ...
26 March 2011
ASIA/PAKISTAN - Bishops write to Pope: “Shahbaz Bhatti is a martyr and patron of religious freedom”
Multan (Agenzia Fides) – The Catholic Bishops Conference of Pakistan, meeting for their Assembly from March 20 to 25 in Multan, decided to formally make a request to the Holy See to proclaim murdered Catholic Minister ...
26 March 2011
ASIA/PAKISTAN - Bhutto's murderers found: more work needed to flush out killers of Minister Bhatti
Islamabad (Agenzia Fides) – The Minister of the Interior Rehman Malik announced with satisfaction the Pakistani Government's success in identifying the perpetrators and instigators of the murder of Benazir Bhutto, the ...
26 March 2011
ASIA/PAKISTAN - Christian lawyer threatened with death for calling for the abolition of the blasphemy law
Lahore (Agenzia Fides) – New threats to Christian leaders who go against the blasphemy law: under threat now is Joseph Francis, lawyer and director of the Centre for Legal Aid Assistance and Settlement (CLAAS) in Pakis ...
26 March 2011
ASIA/HONG KONG - Lay missionaries of St Columban: evangelising in foreign lands changes your life, enriches faith
Hong Kong (Agenzia Fides) – “Evangelising in foreign lands has changed our lives, enriched our faith and our view of the world,” says Filipino Gracia Kibad - one of the 60 lay Columban missionaries (of the Society ...
25 March 2011
ASIA/CHINA - Prayer vigil for the Annunciation: for peace, the victims of natural disasters and all people who suffer
Beijing (Agenzia Fides) – For the peace of the world created by God but destroyed by man-made wars and natural disasters, and the Lord's blessing on all those who suffer: these prayers were addressed to the Lord by the ...
25 March 2011
ASIA/PAKISTAN - Contempt of religion and blasphemy: at the UN, Pakistan changes course
Geneva (Agenzia Fides) – With a sharp change of course, Pakistan has stopped its campaign at the United Nations concerning the contempt of religion, accepting the need to reconcile freedom of religion and freedom of ex ...
25 March 2011
ASIA/VIETNAM - Caritas and Justice and Peace Commission: more commitment by Church to social work
Hanoi (Agenzia Fides) – The Church of Vietnam intends to strengthen its presence in society, serving the poor and marginalised, in development projects and peace. Taking this direction of greater consolidation and more ...
25 March 2011
ASIA/MALAYSIA - Bishops: The Bible is a call to all, those who write “Christian publications” seized on
Kuala Lumpur (Agenzia Fides) – “The Bible is an authentic announcement of Salvation directed to all those who wish to hear it”: with these words the Catholic Bishops of Malaysia express their opinion on the vexing ...
24 March 2011
ASIA/MACAO - Youth ministers in Eastern Asia promoting exchange and formation
Macao (Agenzia Fides) – To intensify the exchange of experiences and initiatives in the work of youth ministry and to develop a program of training for youth ministry: these were the two main themes discussed during th ...
24 March 2011
ASIA/PAKISTAN - Paul Bhatti appointed “Special Advisor” for Religious Minorities
Islamabad (Agenzi Fides) – Paul Bhatti, brother of murdered Minister Shahbaz Bhatti, was today appointed “Special Advisor” for Religious Minorities by the Prime Minister of Pakistan, to manage the affairs of religi ...
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