4 November 2010
ASIA/IRAQ - Bishops meet with Prime Minister: priority given to security
Baghdad (Agenzia Fides) – Security, solidarity, and commitment to building a country where prosperity and peace reign are the themes being discussed in an emergency meeting taking place in Baghdad this morning, Novembe ...
4 November 2010
ASIA/IRAQ - Political vacuum leaves room for violence towards Christians
Baghdad (Agenzia Fides) – "As Christians of Iraq, we have to be very careful and cautious in the coming months to see if the violence against Christians will end and how the problems of our security and the terrorism w ...
4 November 2010
ASIA/CHINA - Retreat for priests and ordination of two priests in Archdiocese of Beijing
Beijing (Agenzia Fides) – The encyclical "Deus Caritas Est" of Pope Benedict XVI was the theme of spiritual retreat for priests of the Archdiocese of Beijing, which took place October 18 to 21 at the diocesan seminary. ...
4 November 2010
ASIA/IRAQ - Christian politicians ask faithful to stay
Baghdad (Agenzia Fides) – "There are already 4 million Iraqis living abroad. They have left a country that does not guarantee prosperity, jobs, education, a country where there is no peace. Among them there are many Ch ...
3 November 2010
ASIA/IRAQ - After the massacre, the "dilemma" of Iraqi Christians
Baghdad (Agenzia Fides) – "Iraqi Christians are now terrified and in shock. They are faced with a terrible dilemma: emigrate and save the lives of their loved ones, or stay in the country and witness to the faith, risk ...
3 November 2010
ASIA/HONG KONG - Reinforce lay formation during diocesan Year for the Laity
Hong Kong (Agenzia Fides) – Enhancing the formation of the laity during the diocesan Year for the Laity so they can better contribute to the life of the Church: this is the invitation launched by Msgr. Dominic Chang, v ...
3 November 2010
ASIA/SRI LANKA - Human rights and reconciliation: civil society at odds with the government
Colombo (Agenzia Fides) – A group of international NGOs and civil society sectors in Sri Lanka have refused to form part of the National Reconciliation Commission, established by the Government of President Rajapaksa ( ...
30 October 2010
ASIA/TAIWAN - Catechetical radio program marks 500th episode on World Mission Sunday
Tai Pei (Agenzia Fides) – It is considered the symbol of evangelization through mass media in Taiwan: Catholic catechetical radio program titled "Life is Beautiful," which celebrated its 500th episode on World Mission ...
29 October 2010
ASIA/PAKISTAN - Funds dried up, refugees at risk say Oxfam and “Justice and Peace”
Islamabad (Agenzia Fides) – The funds are about to end and assistance to refugees is at stake: this is the alarm raised by Oxfam in Pakistan, which recalled how, three months after the floods, only 35% of the 2 billio ...
29 October 2010
ASIA/PAKISTAN - 3,000 dengue cases, 29 resulting in death: testimony of a Camillian working on site
Islamabad (Agenzia Fides) – More than cholera (99 cases detected) it's the dengue fever that is worrying health professionals engaged in Pakistan among the displaced: "There are more than 3,000 reported cases with 29 d ...
29 October 2010
ASIA/HONG KONG - Christians invite everyone to live All Hallows' Eve in faith, thanksgiving, and holiness
Hong Kong (Agenzia Fides) – Christians in Hong Kong invite everyone, especially young people, to live an experience of faith, a sense of thanksgiving, and of striving for holiness of life in the night preceding the fea ...
29 October 2010
ASIA/ISRAEL - Catholic women across the world meet for 100th anniversary of the World Union of Organizations of Catholic Women
Jerusalem (Agenzia Fides) – Catholic women from all over the world gathered in Jerusalem to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the World Union of Organizations of Catholic Women (WUCWO), founded in 1910 to coordinate " ...
28 October 2010
ASIA/INDONESIA - Tsunami in Sumatra, Bishop says “Catholic villages are the hardest hit”
Padang (Agenzia Fides) – The most seriously affected population in the tsunami that hit the islands of Metawai (opposite the island of Sumatra) are the Catholic towns, Fides learns from Bishop Martinus Situmorang, Bish ...
28 October 2010
ASIA/HONG KONG - “Be witnesses of Christ's love”: theme of the Choice Asian Conference
Hong Kong (Agenzia Fides) – "Be witnesses of Christ's love" was the theme of the Choice Asian Conference held in Singapore October 7 to 10, with 140 delegates' of Choice Asian, including those of "Choice Weekend Hong K ...
28 October 2010
ASIA/INDONESIA - Volcanic eruption leaves over 5,000 refugees at risk from extreme cold
Semarang (Agenzia Fides) – “Following the eruption of Mount Merapi, the priority is now the over 5,000 children who now risk their lives out in the cold. The cold is biting and the accommodation of IDPs is in itself ...
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