AFRICA/CENTRAL AFRICAN REPUBLIC- Appointment of the Archbishop of Bangui
Vatican City (Agenzia Fides) - The Holy Father Benedict XVI on May 14, 2012 appointed Rev. Fr. Dieudonné Nzapalainga, C.S.S.p., Apostolic Administrator of the same Archdiocese as Archbishop of Bangui (Central African Re ...
15 May 2012
AFRICA/CENTRAL AFRICAN REPUBLIC - Appointment of the Bishop of Berberati
Vatican City (Agenzia Fides) - The Holy Father Benedict XVI on May 14, 2012 appointed Rev. Fr. Dennis Kofi Agbenyadzi, S.M.A., Regional Superior of the Fathers of the Society of African Missions in the Central African Re ...
15 May 2012
AFRICA/CENTRAL AFRICAN REPUBLIC - Appointment of the Bishop of Bossangoa
Vatican City (Agenzia Fides) - The Holy Father Benedict XVI on May 14, 2012 appointed Rev. Fr. Nestor-Désiré-Nongo Aziagbia, S.M.A., Superior of the Community of Haguenau in Strasbourg, France, and Superior of the same ...
ASIA/BANGLADESH - Appointment of the Bishop of Khulna
Vatican City (Agenzia Fides) - The Holy Father Benedict XVI on May 4, 2012 appointed Rev. James Romen Boiragi, former Vicar General of Khulna as Bishop of the Diocese of Khulna (Bangladesh), .
Rev. James Romen Boiragi w ...
ASIA/PAKISTAN - Appointment of Apostolic Administrator of Faisalabad
Vatican City (Agenzia Fides) - The Holy Father Benedict XVI on March 17, 2012
appointed His Exc. Mgr. Rufin Anthony, Bishop of Islamabad-Rawalpindi (Pakistan) as Apostolic Administrator of the vacant et nutum Sanctae S ...
24 February 2012
ASIA/INDIA - Resignation of the Archbishop of Calcutta and succession
Vatican City (Agenzia Fides) - Holy Father Benedict XVI on February 23, 2012 accepted the resignation from the pastoral governance of the Archdiocese of Calcutta (India) presented by His Exc. Mgr. Lucas Sirkar, S.D.B., i ...
AMERICA/BELIZE - Appointment of the Auxiliary of Belize City-Belmopan
Vatican City (Agenzia Fides) - The Holy Father Benedict XVI on February 18, 2012 appointed Rev. Fr. Christopher Glancy, Auxiliary Bishop of the Diocese of Belize City-Belmopan, Belize, assigning him the titular ...
AFRICA/BURKINA FASO - Appointment of the Bishop of Fada-N'Gourma
Vatican City (Agenzia Fides) - The Holy Father Benedict XVI on February 11, 2012 appointed Rev. Pierre Claver do Malgo of the clergy of Koupéla, already Rector of Inter-diocesan Seminary Saint-Jean Baptiste in Ouagadoug ...