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14 July 2005
EUROPE/ITALY - Make religious communities places of hospitality and listening, interpret situations with a spirit of the Gospel, undertake new commitments to help exploited women: objectives and prospects for new general government of the Consolata Missionary Sisters
Rome (Fides Service) - The point of departure for the 9th general chapter of the Consolata Missionary sisters held in São Paulo in Brasile in May (see Fides 24/5/2005) was to define the characteristics of “the Consecr ...
13 July 2005
EUROPE/GERMANY - 2004 Aid to the Church in Need funds almost 6000 pastoral projects all over the world: "The first task of the Church is to spread the Word of God" says outgoing secretary general who worked with ACN Founder for over 40 years
Königstein (Agenzia Fides) - In 2004 Aid to the Church in Need (ACN) supported 5,900 pastoral projects in 137 countries according to a 2004 report sent to Fides. Donations sent to the International head offices in Köni ...
13 July 2005
EUROPE/GREAT BRITAIN - This time last week: National Director of the Pontifical Mission Societies reflects on July 7 terrorist attacks on London: “Even though at that time we didn’t quite know what we felt, for us it was vital to know that at that time Jesus was there - suffering with all his people”
London (Fides Service) - It was a dreadful day for the country and for London especially. After the elation of winning the Olympic bid and the high hopes for the G8 meeting particularly after the huge protest march for ...
12 July 2005
EUROPE/SPAIN - “Families and Catholics in Spain have taken to the streets and there is talk of a world campaign to protect the family” President of the Spanish Institute for Family Policies tells Fides
Madrid (Fides Service) - “We can say that there are positive and negative aspects” Eduardo Hertfelder, President of the Spanish Institute for Family Policies IPF with regard to the present situation in Spain since am ...
12 July 2005
EUROPE/GERMANY - “Mission goes to WYD”: for the first time the Pontifical Mission Societies will be officially represented at World Youth Day celebrations to be held this year in Cologne: the Pope’s very own mission societies will be present with group of young PMS members from different countries
Rome (Fides Service) - At the now imminent celebrations for the 20th World Youth Day in August, which will take place this year in Cologne Germany, for the very first time the Pope’s own mission societies the Pontific ...
11 July 2005
EUROPE/ITALY - Oasis magazine in Arabic and Urdu, with English, French and Italian, started by Cardinal Angelo Scola and published by Christians for Christians living in a Muslim world is one year old: Fides spoke to editor Roberto Fontolan
Rome (Fides Service) - Oasis Magazine published in Arabic and Urdu, with English, French and Italian, distributed in Europe, Africa and Asia.was started one year ago by Cardinal Angelo Scola, Patriarch of Venice. This si ...
8 July 2005
EUROPE/ITALY - Don Orione parishes all over the world pray for the innocent victims of violence in London
Rome (Agenzia Fides) - “Our immediate reaction when we heard of the tragedy which had struck the people of Britain was to contact our London centre. The ordinary people who collaborate with our Don Orione Centre in Lon ...
7 July 2005
EUROPE/ITALY - Missionary Sisters of Our Lady of Africa start 23rd general chapter in Rome
Rome (Fides Service)- Today, July 7, the Missionary Sisters of Our Lady of Africa also known as White Sisters, start their 23rd general chapter in Rome Until 30th July some 42 chapter members from 15 different countrie ...
7 July 2005
EUROPE/BOSNIA HERZEGOVINA - The challenge of a new cultural dialogue in the context of globalisation: International Meeting of Catholic Cultural Centres in the Mediterranean and Balkan regions
Rome (Fides Service) - Representatives of at least 25 countries of Europe, Africa and Asia have gathered in Sarajevo for an International Meeting of Catholic Cultural Centres in the Mediterranean and Balkan regions which ...
6 July 2005
EUROPE/GERMANY - “Thank you John Paul II !” In Cologne photos sent by 10,000 people from 100 different countries form a giant mosaic of photograph pixels producing an enormous portrait of John Paul II in memory of the “father” of World Youth Days
Cologne (Fides Service) - On the occasion of the 20th World Youth Day in Cologne 11-21 August, one major attraction will be a giant portrait of the late Pope John Paul II with Cologne cathedral in the background. The por ...
4 July 2005
EUROPE/GERMANY - WYD Count down: from 8 July with 40 days to go Youth Day Cross starts final pilgrimage from Dresden to Cologne for 20th World Youth Day in August
Cologne (Fides Service) - Friday 8 July will mark the last forty days to the 20th World Youth Day event in Cologne 11-21 August with the start of the final lap of pilgrimage of the Youth Day Cross “Kreuzspuren” (in t ...
28 June 2005
EUROPE/SPAIN - “Reasons why marriage and adoption should remain unchanged”: Hazteoir sends paper to Congress members in view of June 30 vote. “We trust that the fact that so many countries have not undertaken this sort of reform may provoke serious reflection”
Madrid (Fides Service) - A paper with the title “Reasons why marriage and adoption cannot be changed” prepared by Hazteoir team of experts has been sent to members of Spain’s parliament in view of a second and fina ...
28 June 2005
EUROPE/ITALY - “All the Churches for the whole Church”: national meeting of regional and diocesan directors of the Pontifical Mission Societies will discuss identity and service of the PMS Delegate
Rome (Fides Service) - “All the Churches for the whole Church” is the theme chosen for a national meeting of regional and diocesan directors of the Pontifical Mission Societies 1 - 3 July at Fraterna Domus in Sacrofa ...
27 June 2005
EUROPE/SPAIN - Thursday June 30 another massive protest in favour of family rights: June 18 Pro-Family demonstrators will take to the streets again after the Premier refused their request to meet him
Madrid (Fides Service ) - When on Thursday June 30 the Spanish Congress will take a second vote on the proposed law to give homosexual unions the same status as marriage, pro-family demonstrators who oppose the law will ...
23 June 2005
EUROPE/SPAIN - Diocesan delegates for missions and directors of Pontifical Mission Societies discuss ‘Prospects for mission in Asia and greater attention for youth’
Madrid (Fides Service) - A meeting in Madrid of those responsible for Spain’s missionary activity closed today. On Tuesday 21 at the invitation of the Bishops’ Commission for Missions there was a National Day for Dio ...
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