28 April 2012
EUROPE - Christians in the Middle East, a year after the "Arab spring"
Brussels (Agenzia Fides) – Have the expectations originated from the "Arab spring", on democracy, respect for human rights and religious minorities, been respected and carried out? This is the central question of a con ...
25 April 2012
EUROPE/SPAIN - The global economic and political failure is determined by the lack of evangelization in these fields
Santander (Agenzia Fides) - Many governments worldwide have eliminated aid to the poor in this time of economic crisis, when it should be "the only thing not to be touched": the complaint was made by the President of Car ...
25 April 2012
EUROPE/SPAIN - Native Vocations Day: no vocation born in mission territories is lost
Madrid (Agenzia Fides) - On Sunday, April 29, the Pontifical Mission Societies (PMS) in Spain will promote the celebration of Native Vocations Day 2012, which has the slogan: "Mary encourages vocations in the mission." T ...
20 April 2012
EUROPE/SPAIN-Every year fewer children die, about 4 thousand, than in 1990, but much still remains to be done
Madrid (Agenzia Fides) - Despite the alarming figures that one hears every day on the precarious living conditions of many children around the world, it seems that the last 20 years have been crucial to their improvement ...
16 April 2012
EUROPE/SPAIN - 400 million children around the world live in conditions of slavery: the denunciation of the religious
Rome (Agenzia Fides) - On the occasion of World Day against Child Slavery, which is celebrated today, April 16, missionary organizations and international NGOs denounce the presence worldwide of about 400 million childre ...
12 April 2012
EUROPE/POLAND - The Polish parliament is hosting an exhibition dedicated to Cardinal Kozlowiecki, a missionary in Zambia for 50 years
Warsaw (Agenzia Fides) - "In search of reconciliation - with open hands" is the title of the exhibition dedicated to the figure of Cardinal Adam Kozlowiecki (1911-2007), missionary in Africa for half a century, inaugurat ...
21 March 2012
EUROPE/ITALY - At least 1,000 missionaries killed from 1980 to 2011
Rome (Agenzia Fides) - According to information in our possession, during the decade 1980-1989, 115 missionaries were violently killed. This figure, however, is undoubtedly at fault because it refers only to confirmed ca ...
21 March 2012
EUROPE/SPAIN - The first radio station online dedicated exclusively to children
Seville (Agenzia Fides) - "Babyradio ", the first radio station online designed exclusively for children was born. The objective is to accompany young children 24-hours a day, through a programming which is unique in the ...
21 March 2012
EUROPE/ITALY - 24 March-XX Day of Prayer and Fasting for Missionary Martyrs
Rome (Agenzia Fides) - Founded in 1993 by the Missionary Youth Movement of the Italian Pontifical Mission Societies, on the anniversary of the assassination of Archbishop Oscar A. Romero, Archbishop of San Salvador (Marc ...
16 March 2012
EUROPE/SPAIN-African and Latin America crafts for the promotion of women in India
Santander (Agenzia Fides) - The Spanish Catholic Association Manos Unidas of Cantabria has just opened its traditional bazaars of solidarity that, for 28 years, has aimed to raise funds for development projects and the e ...
13 March 2012
EUROPE/ITALY - The ability of reading in the growing numbers of immigration, "a new Exodus of people who seek peace, claiming rights, fleeing from hunger and thirst"
Rome (Agenzia Fides) - The Bishops of the IECM (Italian Episcopal Commission for Migration), at the end of their meeting on March 12, wanted to remember, after a year, the journey of hope that led, through the revolution ...
12 March 2012
EUROPE/SPAIN - A million people suffer from hunger, a soup kitchen for children from poorer families has been opened
Madrid (Agenzia Fides) - One million people in Spain suffer from hunger, and the phenomenon seems to be even more severe among children. To cope with this emergency, the Association Mensajeros de la Paz, founded and dire ...
9 March 2012
EUROPE/ITALY - Child slavery in the world continues to increase: 800 000 children exploited in illegal labor
Rome (Agenzia Fides) - Eight hundred thousand children around the world work for days, undergoing all kinds of risks and unbearable hardships for their young age. According to the Camino Juvenil Solidario in Madrid, howe ...
7 March 2012
EUROPE/SPAIN - Worldwide over 40 million children do not attend school and 500 million women are illiterate
Madrid (Agenzia Fides) – On the occasion of the forthcoming International Women's Day, the Salesian missionaries wanted to highlight the importance of schooling for women, claiming that "educating a woman is equivalent ...
24 February 2012
EUROPE/ITALY - Oblates of St. Joseph: to have the courage of evangelical poverty to evangelize the poor
Rome (Agenzia Fides) - Pastoral service in missions and parishes, youth education, spreading the devotion to St. Joseph: these are the objectives of the Oblates of St. Joseph, a congregation founded in 1878 by St. Joseph ...
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