24 June 2011
EUROPE/ITALY - The first priest in the Latin American section of the seminary of the Missionaries of St. Charles
Rome (Fides Service) - Patricio Hacin, 36 years of age, originally from Chiloé Island in Patagonia, who will be ordained a priest on Saturday, June 25 in the Basilica of Santa Maria Maggiore in Rome, is the first semina ...
22 June 2011
EUROPE-The New Evangelization "is not a magic potion ... it is an act of faith in Christ who makes all things new"
Vilnius (Agenzia Fides) - At the heart of the mission of the Church there are the human persons and their relationship with Jesus Christ, because only this relationship can transform life and fill it with a joy that witn ...
17 June 2011
EUROPE/SPAIN-Despite the economic crisis the number of people assisted by the Church has increased, especially in the healthcare field
Madrid (Agenzia Fides) - The Vice President for Economic Affairs of the Spanish Episcopal Conference, Fernando Giménez Barriocanal, said that "despite the economic crisis", the number of people assisted by the Catholic ...
16 June 2011
EUROPE/SPAIN-The prizes of communication have been awarded between journalistic works from around the world
Madrid (Agenzia Fides) - The International Communication Awards "Centinelas of mañana" (Morning Sentinel) have been awarded, promoted by the Spanish Foundation "White Report" on the occasion of World Youth Day (WYD), to ...
15 June 2011
EUROPE/ITALY-Prayer vigil for victims of the trips to Europe: in 2011 more than 1820
Rome (Fides Service) - Since 1990 at least 17,597 people have died on the journey along the borders of Europe. The change that is affecting the geopolitical organization which is affecting Countries of North Africa and i ...
15 June 2011
EUROPE/POLAND-Over 2 million children at the Childhood Congress in Czestochowa
Czestochowa (Agenzia Fides) - "Do not be afraid to be saints": this expression of Blessed John Paul II was the theme of the Second Congress of Missionary Childhood of the Archdiocese in Czestochowa, which was held on Jun ...
13 June 2011
EUROPE/SPAIN-16 volunteers are about to leave for Haiti and Peru from the diocese of Merida-Badajoz
Merida-Badajoz (Agenzia Fides) - In the next few days a group of volunteers of the diocese of Merida Badajoz (Spain) will leave for a mission in America. There are 14 volunteers who will be destined to Haiti, led by Sist ...
11 June 2011
EUROPE/ITALY-Together with "Heroes of Health " for the right of health for all
Padova (Agenzia Fides) - Every three seconds a child dies from easily preventable causes; every day 1,000 women die from complications related to pregnancy and childbirth; each year HIV / AIDS, tuberculosis and malaria k ...
10 June 2011
EUROPE/ITALY-At Pentecost "mandate" to young people participating in the WYD in Madrid
Rome (Agenzia Fides) - On Saturday 11 and Sunday, June 12, on the occasion of the Pentecost solemnity, in many dioceses Italian Bishops will give the "mandate" to the Italian youth who will participate in the World You ...
9 June 2011
EUROPE/ITALY-Consolata Missionaries(male and female): general Superiors have been elected
Rome (Agenzia Fides) - The Consolata (male) Missionaries (ICM) and the Sisters of the Consolata Missionaries (ISCM), held a general Chapter meeting on May 9, respectively, in Rome and Nepi (VT), and elected the new gene ...
7 June 2011
EUROPE/SPAIN-Today the funeral of the murdered priest in Cartagena
Murcia (Agenzia Fides) – Today the Bishop of the diocese of Cartagena, Spain, His Exc Mgr.José Manuel Lorca Planes will celebrate the funeral of Father Ricardo Muñoz Juárez, retired priest who carried out his pasto ...
6 June 2011
EUROPE/SPAIN-Act of brotherhood between Mexico and Spain in the name of the Blessed Juan de Palafox
Burgo de Osma (Agenzia Fides) - A new and lasting sign of brotherhood among the people of Mexico and Spain was established thanks to Blessed Juan de Palafox y Mendoza, a native from Fitero in Navarra (Spain), and illust ...
4 June 2011
EUROPE/ITALY-One earthquake child victim out of six still feels the earthquake within them, a feeling of helplessness and horror
L'Aquila (Agenzia Fides) - After two years of work, between data collection, screening and in-depth health examination including neuropsychiatric visits to children and adolescents from Abruzzo who lived the experience o ...
3 June 2011
EUROPE/SPAIN-"To promote the New Evangelization in the digital age
Madrid (Agenzia Fides) - On the occasion of the World Day for Social Communications in Spain, as in many other countries around the world, the Episcopal Commission for the means of Social Communication of the Spanish Ep ...
3 June 2011
EUROPE/ENGLAND-Millions of people at risk of hunger due to high food prices
London (Agenzia Fides) - A report by British NGO Oxfam, by 2030, food will double its price. Corn could increase by 180% and in the world there will always be more riots and "wars of bread. " The warning from Oxfam, whic ...
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