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27 October 2008
VATICAN - Synod Propositions presented to the Holy Father: “Seeing the example of Saint Paul, the apostles, and of so many missionaries who over the course of the Church's history have brought the Gospel to peoples and nations, this Synod reaffirms the urgency of the mission 'ad gentes' in our time.”
Vatican City (Agenzia Fides) – At the end of the sessions held during the Ordinary Assembly of the Synod of Bishops, a list of 55 Propositions was presented to the Holy Father, after having been approved during the XXI ...
27 October 2008
VATICAN - “The Church's priority, at the beginning of this new millenium, is above all to nourish itself with the Word of God, so as to promote the new evangelization, the preaching of the Gospel in our times,” Benedict XVI said in the Closing Mass for the Synod, where he also announced his first trip to Africa
Vatican City (Agenzia Fides) - “All of us who have taken part in the Synod sessions, come away with a renewed awareness of the fact that the Church's priority, at the beginning of this new millenium, is above all to no ...
27 October 2008
VATICAN - Pope at the Angelus mentions the “strong experience of ecclesial communion” lived in the Synod and launches an appeal “to the tragedy that is being lived in the countries of the East, where Christians are victims of intolerance and cruel violence.”
Vatican City (Agenzia Fides) - “Every synodal assembly is a strong experience of ecclesial communion, but this one even more so because at the center of the attention was placed that which enlightens and guides the Chu ...
24 October 2008
VATICAN - “You heard it said, But I say to you…” - intervention by Prof. Michele Loconsole - What is the connection between the Old and New Testament?
Vatican City (Agenzia Fides) - An important issue for relations between Jews and Christians is without a doubt the understanding of the correct connection between the sacred texts of the Israelites or Jews, and the texts ...
23 October 2008
VATICAN - THE WORDS OF DOCTRINE by Rev Nicola Bux and Rev Salvatore Vitiello - Wisdom and pastorality. Even in homilies.
Vatican City (Agenzia Fides) - The Synod on “The Word of God in the Life and the Mission of the Church", now at the final words, raised, even at the level of the media not only in the Fathers' discussions and study gr ...
23 October 2008
VATICAN - For Saint Paul, Christ is “the standard to evaluate events and things, the purpose of every effort that he makes to announce the Gospel, the great passion that sustains his steps along the paths of the world.”
Vatican City (Agenzia Fides) - “Today I would like to speak of the teaching St. Paul left us about the centrality of the risen Christ in the mystery of salvation, about his Christology...Christ is for the Apostle the s ...
22 October 2008
VATICAN - AVE MARIA by Mgr. Luciano Alimandi - Give to God what belongs to God
Vatican City (Agenzia Fides) - “Give to God what belongs to God” (Mk 12, 17). When the Lord says “ Give to God what belongs to God ”, He is making no little request! In fact it is only in “giving that we receiv ...
21 October 2008
VATICAN - Benedict XVI in Pompeii recalls the “apostolic dimension” of the Rosary and that “in order to be apostles of the Rosary, it is necessary to gain a personal experience of the beauty and profundity of this prayer”
Vatican City (Agenzia Fides) – On the afternoon of Sunday, October 19, after having venerated the remains of Blessed Bartolo Longo, the Holy Father Benedict XVI went to the Pontifical Shrine of Pompeii, where he led th ...
21 October 2008
VATICAN - The Pope tells the Italian Surgical Society: “Every patient, even those without hope for a cure, hold an unconditional value, a dignity which must be honored, and which constitutes the necessary foundation of all medical activity.”
Vatican City (Agenzia Fides) - “The specific mission that characterizes your medical and surgical profession holds three facets: curing the sick person, or at least trying to treat them in an efficient manner as their ...
21 October 2008
VATICAN - Pope entrusts the Synod of Bishops and “all those in the Church who exert their energies in service of the proclamation of the Gospel to all nations” to the care of the Virgin Mary
Pompeii (Agenzia Fides) - “I have come, especially, to entrust the Mother of God, in whose womb to Word was made flesh, the Assembly of the Synod of Bishops taking place in the Vatican on the Word of God in the life an ...
20 October 2008
VATICAN - Benedict XVI's reaction to the film “Testimony”: “the film shows the human simplicity, the firm courage and, finally, the suffering of John Paul II, which he faced to the end with his inborn hardiness and the patience of a humble servant of the Gospel”
Vatican City (Agenzia Fides) - “We could say that the pontificate of John Paul II is enclosed between two expressions. The first was: 'Open the doors to Christ! Do not be afraid,' and it was dynamic, impressive to the ...
20 October 2008
VATICAN - The Holy Father's address to the Synod: “for the life and the mission of the Church, for the future of faith, this dualism between exegesis and theology must be overcome. Biblical theology and systematic theology are two dimensions of the one reality.”
Vatican City (Agenzia Fides) - “The historical fact is a constitutive dimension of Christian faith. The history of salvation is not a myth, but a true story and therefore to be studied with the same methods as serious ...
20 October 2008
VATICAN - Pope at the Angelus on World Mission Sunday mentions that “prayer is the first missionary duty of each one of us,” and in recalling the beatification of the parents of Saint Therese of the Child Jesus, highlights the fundamental role of the family.
Pompeii (Agenzia Fides) – At the end of the Holy Mass celebrated in the Square at the Shrine of Pompeii, on October 19, the Holy Father led the recitation of the Angelus with the faithful present. In his introduction t ...
17 October 2008
VATICAN - “Ten years later, an attentive reading of the encyclical Fides et Ratio allows us to admire its constant relevance”: Pope Benedict XVI addresses the International Congress celebrating its 10th anniversary
Vatican City (Agenzia Fides) - “Ten years later, an attentive reading of the encyclical Fides et Ratio allows us to admire its constant relevance: it reveals the profound and long-sightedness of my unforgettable Predec ...
17 October 2008
VATICAN - Pope's Message: “an effective campaign against hunger, in order to confront climate change or to allocate agricultural production primarily to food, calls for much more than mere scientific studies. It is necessary, above all, to rediscover the significance of human beings in their individual and community dimensions, from the basis of family life, from which come the sense of solidarity and sharing.”
Vatican City (Agenzia Fides) – In the message sent to the Director General of the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), Jacques Diouf, for the occasion of World Food Day, whose theme this year is: “ ...
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