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9 May 2005
VATICAN - During his midday Regina Cæli on Sunday 8 May, Communications Day the Pope says: “each one must play his part to guarantee in every form of communication, objectivity, respect for human dignity and concern for the common good”
Vatican City (Fides Service) - From his study window overlooking St Peter’s Square on Sunday 8 May, Pope Benedict XVI recalled that it since it was the feast of the Ascension (in Italy) and elsewhere the Sunday neares ...
4 May 2005
VATICAN - At the general Wednesday Audience Pope Benedict XVI continues the series of catechesis on the psalms and canticles prepared by John Paul II: “God emerges as a «custodian» ever awake, attentive and caring, like a «sentinel» who keeps watch over his people”
Vatican City (Fides Service) - “As I said last Wednesday, I have decided to continue the teaching on the Psalms and Canticles prayed at Vespers started by my predecessor John Paul II using the texts prepared by him”, ...
2 May 2005
VATICAN - “Same sex ‘marriage’ is another step towards the total destruction of the institution of the family, the most valuable heritage of all peoples and all humanity”: Fides interviewed Cardinal Alfonso López Trujillo, President of the Pontifical Council for the Family
Vatican City (Fides Service) - In view of the serious situation in Spain where the family is under systematic attack with a serious of measures imposed by the government to change the Spanish Code of Civil Code to allow ...
2 May 2005
VATICAN - Pope Benedict XVI focuses Regina Cæli reflection on Sunday May 1 on work: “may work, especially for young people, never be lacking and may working conditions always be respectful of the dignity of the human person”. Appeal for people of Togo “suffering because of painful civil strife”
Vatican City (Fides Service) - At noon on Sunday 1 May for the first time since his election, Pope Benedict XVI gave the traditional blessing from the study of the papal apartment overlooking St Peter’s Square where m ...
27 April 2005
VATICAN - At the first general Wednesday audience of his pontificate the Pope explains why he chose to be called Benedict XVI: “ideally as a link to the venerated Pontiff, Benedict XV… the extraordinary figure of the great 'patriarch of western monasticism,' St. Benedict of Norcia”
Vatican City (Fides Service) - The traditional Wednesday audiences resumed this morning. In his first general audience, which was held this morning in St. Peter's Square in the presence of 15,000 people, Pope Benedict XV ...
26 April 2005
VATICAN - At the tomb of St Paul the Apostle Pope Benedict XVI re-launches the urgency of mission: “At the beginning of the third millennium, the Church senses with new vividness that the missionary mandate of Christ is more timely than ever”
Vatican City (Fides Service) - “The Church is by nature missionary, her principal task is evangelisation...At the beginning of the third millennium, the Church senses with new vividness that the missionary mandate of C ...
26 April 2005
VATICAN - At the beginning of his pontificate Benedict XVI urges believers of all religious traditions and all who are searching for the truth, “to come together to build peace through reciprocal commitment of understanding, respect and love”
Vatican City (Fides Service) - “At the beginning of my pontificate I encourage you and all the believers of the religious traditions which you represent and also all who seek the truth with a sincere heart to become to ...
25 April 2005
VATICAN - Message to the Holy Father Benedict XVI from the Prefect of the Congregation for the Evangelisation of Peoples Cardinal Crescenzio Sepe.
Vatican City (Fides) - Here is the official message addressed to Pope Benedict XVI by Cardinal Crescenzio Sepe, Prefect of the Congregation for the Evangelisation of Peoples . MOST HOLY FATHER "Blessed is he who co ...
25 April 2005
VATICAN - “The world is saved by the Crucified One, not by those who crucify. The world is redeemed by the patience of God. It is destroyed by the impatience of man” Missionary world comments Pope Benedict XVI inauguration Mass homily
Vatican City (Fides Service) - Fides will soon publish testimonials from the missionary world with regard to the homily given by His Holiness Pope Benedict XVI on Sunday 24 April, during the Mass to inaugurate his minist ...
25 April 2005
VATICAN - Benedict XVI inaugurates his ministry as Successor of Peter: “The world is saved by the Crucified One, not by those who crucify. The world is redeemed by the patience of God. It is destroyed by the impatience of man.”
Vatican City (Fides Service) - “The shepherd must be inspired by Christ’s holy zeal: for him it is not a matter of indifference that so many people are living in the desert. And there are so many kinds of desert. The ...
25 April 2005
VATICAN - Pope Benedict XVI presides solemn Mass to mark the beginning of his ministry
Vatican City (Fides Service) - On Sunday 24 April at 10am in St Peter’s Square Pope Benedict XVI presided a solemn celebration of Mass which marked the beginning of his ministry as Successor of St Peter. Some 155 cardi ...
22 April 2005
VATICAN - Pope Benedict XVI addresses the college of Cardinals: “the intense emotions experienced are followed by a deep desire for silence and two complementary feelings: an ardent desire of the heart to express gratitude and a sense of human inadequacy in the face of the lofty task awaiting me”
Vatican City (Fides Service) - This morning in the Sala Clementina in the Apostolic Building the Holy Father Pope Benedict XVI received in audience all the Cardinal present in Rome. “The intense emotions experienced on ...
20 April 2005
VATICAN - Pope Benedict XVI addresses message to Christians and all men and women of goodwill at the end of his first Mass with Cardinals in the Sistine Chapel: “From God I invoke unity and peace for the human family and declare the willingness of all Catholics to co-operate for true social development, one that respects the dignity of all human beings”
Vatican City (Fides Service) - This morning, 20 April at 9am the Holy Father Pope Benedict XVI celebrated Mass with the Cardinals in the Sistine Chapel. At the end of the Mass the Pope read his message in Latin of whic ...
19 April 2005
VATICAN - One of the thousands in St Peter’s square waiting for the new Pope
Vatican City (Fides Service)- Here in St Peter’s square people are waiting patiently, their eyes riveted on the chimney which will tell the world that a new Pope has been elected. A few say they are only here out of cu ...
19 April 2005
VATICAN - Missionary world rejoices for election of new Shepherd, Benedict XVI
Vatican City (Fides Service) - At 5.50pm white smoke poured from the chimney on the roof of the Sistine Chapel and the bells of St Peter’s rang out to announce the news of the election of the new Pope to thousands gath ...
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